Part 5: Zumu is in love!?

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All: Can't believe that Dumbo! Our dummy, Tahi has fallen in love with our Jin oppa! She always says that she will never fall for a boy nor for a guy! Now see who's arguing over a boy!😌😏😏😏😏
Zumu: I'm so done! 😵😳

~After school ~

Zumu's pov:
Oh Allah! What am I going to do now!? Did I really fall in love with him (Jin)!? No no! I can't be in love! (Friends:"Tahi~u've fallen for Jin! You're in love with our Jin oppa!" - it's still floating in her mind) Aaah!! What is he doing to me?! 😳😵 I have to find out my feelings! I guess it's be in love with....Jjj..Jin..🙈... aaaaahhhhh!

[Ammo (Mom): "Zumu, never dare to fall for a boy nor for a guy! They are not good for u okay! Also if I find out that u have a boyfriend then u know how the consequences will be!"😤
Zumu: "No Ammo! I'll never fall for a boy and I hate those girls who have boyfriends!"😅
Ammo (Mom): "Good! Now promise me that you'll never have any boyfriend!"
Zumu: "Hmm.... promise!"😥😅]

-End of Zumu's flashback-

Zumu: OMG! No I just can't fall in love with him (Jin)! Wait Zumu! You've said that you're not in love with him (Jin). Then why do u care!? Aaah! What should I do?😔 I guess I have to find out my feelings! Let's take a help from Google! 😉
{A/N:Guys sometimes it's (Google) dumb! So don't trust Google all the time!😤😣}
[Then she'd started searching in Google]
Zumu's typing : "How to know that I'm in love!?"
The results: "When u see him/her, your heart beats so fast!, U smile, blushes, jealous, u always have dreams of her/him, think of her/him!..blah blah blah..."
Zumu: Oh! I see! Okay next time I'll see that if these things happens with me or not when I see him!

-End of Zumu's pov-

~Few hours later~

Zumu's pov:
Aaah! I've finished my assignments now I'm bored! What should I do?...Hmm...umm..Idea! Let me listen to some BTS songs!😁 Also...😳😖🙈 I have to find out my feelings for him!😶

Zumu: Let me start with DNA!

*She'd played it (DNA) again and when JIN's part had begun she........~*

Zumu's pov: Yeah JK! Then Suga ...Zumu be careful! 😳😖🙈 Your heart can't beat so fast when u see him (Jin)! U can't smile, blushing is prohibited! ..balh balh balh [She's making promises with her own dumb self not to fall in love with JIN which has already madly fallen for him! She's praying not to be in love with Seokjin! Where he's already stolen her poor heart!] Here I go 3,2,1!

balh balh balh [She's making promises with her own dumb self not to fall in love with JIN which has already madly fallen for him! She's praying not to be in love with Seokjin! Where he's already stolen her poor heart!] Here I go 3,2,1!

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[A/N: Guess what! Poor Zumu and her heart! Yeah JIN has played with it!😝 She couldn't decrease her heart beating rate! It's too fast, right after her 'Worldwide beautiful' eyes have seen 'Mr.Worldwide Handsome!'😉(JIN)😌]

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