Part 9: Why do I keep running from the truth? All I ever think about is u!

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Jin pov*
It's been a whole week since I've met with my 'Little girl' but I just keep thinking about her all the time! She ain't going out from my mind! We have our fan-meeting tomorrow but again I'm feeling nervous! I'm just wishing to God that she'll come! Just for once again I badly want to see her face again! I've never been this crazy for any girl like this! Nono ...I can't fall in love with this 'Little girl!' But Why my heart aches like this whenever I remember her crying face! Aaaahhhhh! She's crazy and also making me crazy!

Y/N pov*
"I'm sorry Jin! I just....aaaah noooo it's not like this! Aaaahhhhh I'm not going to the fan-meeting tomorrow!!!!!! Aaaahhhhh I'm embarrassed! Why did I cried Infront of Jin! I'm such a Dumbo!

Israt: Tahi,Dumbo! U R again thinking about Jin?
Y/N: What should I do! Isuuuu~~~~????
Israt: What now! Say it dummy!
Y/N: Actually the thing is that.....👉👈What will Jin think about me? I mean will he guess that I'm in love with him madly! Will he?
Israt: I think he will! He'll guess that U love him! The way U look at him!
Y/N:How? Mean I'm looking at U too but that doesn't mean I love you like that....I love him!
Israt:"Because he's not a Dumbo like U!" Dumbo!
Y/N:🙈 Why am I like thisss!!!!! Am I that dumb?
Israt: U R not just dumb but the dumbest I've ever seen in my entire life!
Y/N: Jin's Dumbo!
Israt: Well did U choice what U R gonna wear at tomorrow's fan-meeting?
Y/N: Isuuuu! Please I don't want to go there! I'm embarrassed! What he'll think about me! What if he ask me about that incident?
I can't tell him that My heart aches whenever I hear or think about him getting married with any other girl rather than me!
Israt: 🤣Why R U like thisss! Girl I think U should just follow your heart that time like U did when U saw Jin! U should tell him about that if he ask U about! He should also know! All knows except him! The most important person! Isn't it?
Y/N: But I'm afraid! U know when He held me that day I just so weak! Like my body was feeling so dumb!😣😖And when he kissed on my hand .....Wallah! It just like my soul just left from my body!
Israt: Oh Allah! But I love it how he'd teased U by calling "Little girl'' all the time!
Y/N: aaaahhhhh! He's so bad!
Israt: It's okay 'Little girl'~(Teasing)
Y/N: Now U've also started it!
Diya: Hey aren't U two gonna sleep? Let me sleep!
Y/N: Who is disturbing U? Ooh I see U can't sleep for that u'll gonna meet with your Jimin tomorrow~right Di?~(Teasing poor Diya)
Diya:Just stop it Tahi! What about U! 😏 What if he'll ask U about that day? Hmmm~ I'll tell Jin that U love him okay~
Y/N: Otay(Okay) I'm solly~Don't do that!
Israt: Yeah Di! She'll tell him by all herself!
Y/N: (Leaves from that place)

Y/N pov*
Aish I'm just done with myself! Why did I do that!!!!!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😖 I'll just die if he ask me!!!!!!! I hope he has already forgotten about that! Yeah it's normal for him!(Becomes sad again)

Y/N started crying again and falls asleep!

Y/N started crying again and falls asleep!

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