Part 23:"Really to say my heart beats so fast even by hearing your name!"

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Seokjin grabs Y/N's cheeks and pulls it up! Y/N looks up at him and they've eyes contact!
Seokjin: Again tried to hide it from me!?😌😏
Y/N:😳🙈 No~{whispers}
Seokjin just smirks!
Y/N: Jjin!?
Seokjin: Umm?
Y/N looks down again looks up at him!
Y/N: Could you leave me please? 🥺
Seokjin: Ummm~hmmm~ Nope! I'll be like this tonight!
Y/N: You are so heavy!
Seokjin: Then, you are so weak!
Y/N: I didn't say that I'm strong! I'm still struggling with the butterflies which you're giving me in my stomach!
Seokjin smirks!
Seokjin gets up from her! Y/N gets up too!
Y/N: Sit here!
Seokjin: Umm.
Y/N: Would you like to have a cup of coffee or tea?
Seokjin: No I'm fine!
Y/N: Would you like to have anything else to eat?
Seokjin stares at her! Looks at her from up to down! Y/N gets nervous, she gulped!
Seokjin: I would like to have YOU!
Y/N:😳🙈 Jinnnnnnn!!!!
Seokjin: I was just kidding! But you're that afraid baby girl~😌😏
Y/N: 🙈 No! I'm not!
Seokjin gets up again and goes near towards her! Y/N's stepping backwards, she got hit by the wall and Seokjin caged her between his veiny arms!
Y/N: Jjj...Jjin!😳🥺
Seokjin: Look who's scared now!?
Y/N hugs him tightly as she doesn't want him to see her blushing mess like this!
Seokjin: Y/N!
Y/N: Hmm?
Seokjin: You know what!? You're bad at hiding things!.... specially from me!
Y/N hugs him more tightly!
Seokjin blushes seeing her like this!
Seokjin: Y/N! I'll be a beast again! If you keep doing this!
Y/N's still hugging Seokjin, she looks up at him with her puppy eyes!
Seokjin gives her his soft kisses on her forehead, cheeks, nose and lastly on her eyes!
Y/N: Hehehe! Jinu it's ticklish!
Seokjin: Is it babe!? Actually I didn't know so.... give me your kisses!
Y/N gets shy and hides her red tomato face with her palms! She face palms herself!
Seokjin: Yeyhey~Y/N!
Y/N: What!?
Seokjin: Give me my kisses! I want to know that how it feels!
Y/N: Then, close your eyes!
Seokjin smiles at her and closes his eyes!
Y/N goes near towards Jin and tiptops towards his level!
Y/N: Jinu bend down a little bit! You're so tall!
Seokjin: You're so short my cutie pie!
Y/N gets shy and ...
Y/N: Don't U dare to open your eyes!
Seokjin: Otay~
Y/N smiles and gives kisses on his forehead, cheeks, nose and lastly on his eyes!
Seokjin opens his eyes and looks at Y/N who's blushing mess right now!
Y/N: JIN! Stop it!
Seokjin: Why are you getting shy just for a kiss babe!? There's a lot of stuffs/things to do together in the future baby girl!😏😌
Y/N:😳🙈 Jinnnnnnn!
Seokjin smiles and checks the time!
Seokjin: Oh it's about 8 o'clock! I have to go Y/N!
Y/N gets a little bit sad as it's his time to leave her!
Y/N: Can't you stay a little bit more!🥺Jinu!
Seokjin: If I stay I won't go baby girl! Think before you say/talk!😏😌
Suddenly it's started raining outside!
Y/N: It's raining!
Seokjin: Looks like your Allah has accepted your wish!
Y/N: Hehe! You won't go na~
Seokjin: I still can go! It's just raining.
Y/N: It's lighting outside! Jinu! U can't go outside!
Seokjin: I'm not afraid!
Y/N: But I am! Mr.! U just can't go out!
Seokjin: Would you let me stay at your home!?
Y/N: OFC! I would love to! It's my pleasure Mr.Worldwide Handsome!
Seokjin: May I see your room?
Y/N: Otay~follow meee~
Seokjin goes in her bedroom with her!
Seokjin: Wow! It's all pinkish and girly! You're so girly~Y/N!
Y/N: 😌 Yessu yessuu I am!
Seokjin: May I sit on your bed?
Y/N: Why are you being so formal with me!? Come on Jin! Make yourself feel home!
Seokjin: So.... I'm going to stay here tonight?
Y/N: Umm! It's lighting outside!
Seokjin: Would you mind if I stay here with you for tonight?
Y/N:👉🏻👈🏻🙈No~I won't! But! You can't touch me!😤😑
Seokjin smirks!
Seokjin: Hey! Silly girl! It's not like I haven't touched U yet!😌😏 I've done many things with you rather than these touches baby girl~You've said to me earlier that I've stolen your 'First kiss!', your innocence....So...!
Y/N: Jinu! You're so bad!🙈
Seokjin: I want to take a shower! 🚿
Y/N: Then take na~who's stoping you!?
Seokjin: I don't have any clothes!
Y/N: Oh yeah! Otay~Let me just check that if I have got something for you!
Seokjin: I can wear YOU if you don't mind!~😏😌{in a seducing way}
Y/N:😳 Jinnnnnnn! You've started it again!
Seokjin: hehe! I was teasing my 'Little girl!'
Y/N: Jinu! I've found a oversized hoodie and pant for you! I think it's your size! It'll fit on U!
Seokjin: Thank god! Let me see~Yeah! It's quite big! Okay~I'll take a shower!
Y/N: Umm! I'll make our dinner!
Seokjin: Okay~

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