Part 3: Zumu: "Got your name! 'Mr.In the magazine' (Jin) & Who is my bias!?"

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Next day Zumu's pov:
I wake up for my school, did my morning routine, ate breakfast and went to school.

At School:
Zumu: Guys! How are u?
Naima: We're good. What about u?
Zumu: I'm also fine. BTW, Guys! I've listened BTS song! It's great! I love it!.......
Naima: What's your first song of BTS?
Zumu: It's.......Oh my! I had forgotten to look at the name.😅I was so exited that I'd forgotten...!😧😅
All: Dummy!😑
Naima: Tahiiiii~ (Zumu's nickname)
Zumu: What should I do!? All stuffs were in Korean and you know na~ That I can't read or write Korean.😝😶
All: Okay!😑 But there's English too!😑
Zumu: Guys!🙈[ Hey! sToB iT!]

Then the teacher came and the class began.
While teacher was giving his lecture, meanwhile Zumu and her friends!:

Naima: Tahi! Did you really listen to BTS song!?
Zumu: Yeah! Naim I did! But trust me I had forgotten to see the name of that song!😓
Naima: Okay! I trust u! It's okay, it happens sometimes!
Zumu: You know!!!! There was a man in full black! I really liked his part!
Naima: I see!
Zumu: I love that part where all of them were holding their hands together!

Naima: Tahi! Did you really listen to BTS song!?Zumu: Yeah! Naim I did! But trust me I had forgotten to see the name of that song!😓Naima: Okay! I trust u! It's okay, it happens sometimes!Zumu: You know!!!! There was a man in full black! I really ...

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[Zumu had showed some movements to her friend, Naima of the song but their teacher caught them!]

Naima: Tahi!?
Zumu: What?
Naima: He saw u!
Zumu: Who?
Naima: THE TEACHER!!!!
Zumu: Oh no! (Zumu's got embarrassed)

But they were lucky enough that the teacher didn't give them detention!

After class/ break time:
*Zumu was having some talks with her friends*

Zumu: Di!?👉👈
Diya: Yes?
Zumu: Did you know about BTS!? Have you known them before?
Diya: Oh yeah! One of my favourite YouTuber had suggested me one song of BTS on her vlog and I'd searched about them and then to know! Why!?
Zumu: Then why didn't u tell me about them!?😤(Angry)
Diya: I didn't know that you will be angry with a cute girl like me, if I didn't tell u about them!?
Zumu: BTW, Di the question is.......Do u know their ages!?😁😅
Diya: All of them are above 25!!!!!!!
Zumu: [Started counting the age gap between her and BTS!😂]
Diya: Why!?😕 You wanted to know about age!? 😑😑😑😑 [In mind: Something's fishy!? Why did that Dumbo want to know about that!? She's started counting the age gap!? Damnnnnnnn! She's crazy!]
Zumu: .......
Diya: Do you want to marry one of them!?😏😝(Get's closer)
Zumu: (Hoba shocked!😨) W ..ha..T aRe ...u!? Yeah Di !!!!!! I hate boys and YOU!?????
Diya: Then why did you start to count your age gaps!? You was counting...?😏😏😏😏😌😎
Poor Zumu in mind: oh~no!~oh~no!oh~nononono~
Zumu: Di!!!!!!!!
Diya: Okay Okay move on!😝

Zumu's pov: Oh! Why? Why? Why did I forget to ask my friends about their names!? I want to know his (Jin's) name! Aish! Zumu why are you that interested in him!? [Suddenly the morning incident has started floating in my mind. Diya: "You want to marry one of them!?"] WTF ! "MARRY" me?! Never! I hate boys! But I think they're (BTS) Okay! Gentle man! Hmmm....😌🙈Whatever🙈😑 I'm going to ask Naim for that magazine and I've got to know his name!

[ 2 days have passed by after that "Diya and marry" incident and Zumu is quite interested in BTS, specifically about JIN but she doesn't know his name till now

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[ 2 days have passed by after that "Diya and marry" incident and Zumu is quite interested in BTS, specifically about JIN but she doesn't know his name till now. She'd heared about his name and him from her friends but as she can't recognize him because thier (BTS) faces {All of them are like twins to her} so, she doesn't know him....]

After some more days~
Now Zumu can recognize each members of BTS and one-day she'd told her friends to bring and give her that magazine from where she's seen them (BTS) for the first time!

At school:
Zumu: Guys! Did you bring what I've told you to...??
Naima: Yes Tahi! Here u go but you have to give it back to me!😤😌 I can't share it with anyone!😷
Zumu: Whatever!😒
Zumu in mind: She thinks that I'll take it with me but yes it's precious for me too as it is from where I've found/seen them (BTS) for the very first time! But for I want to know that guy's name (The Man I saw in the magazine) and then I'll find (The Man in full black of that 'DNA' mv) and I swear If they are not 'they' only 'one man!' no I won't fall in love! [Suddenly her friends called her name]
Diya: Tahi what happened!? Where did you get lost!?😕
Zumu: Oh yeah! The magazine! Wait Di! I have some works to do with it!
(She's found his name is Jin) ['The Man she saw in the magazine']

Zumu's pov:
So he is "Jin" (She smiles) What a name man!? I've never heared anyone with a name like that! It's kinda weird! (Blushes) His full name is 'Kim Seok Jin' (She's smiled, also at the same time her heart has started beating so fast as soon as she had pronounced his name) Hehehe funny! Korean names are kinda weird! (Actually it's her 1'st time hearing any Korean name! So, don't mind guys! She isn't disrespectful towards BTS! She loves them infinity! It's just her first time na~) Ones name's "Jin" another's "Jimin", "J-Hope"(What hope😂), "Suga" (is it Sugar!?) , "RM","V","Jk" (even letters!?) Okay okay got it!
He's name is "Jin". That's it!

-End of Zumu's pov-

Naima: Tahi u done!?
Zumu: Yeah here it is😊Thank u Naim!
Naima: Mention it not!😌
Zumu: Seriously! Only for u guys and Allah....! I have found BTS! I think I'm an ARMY!
Naima: Oh really Tahi!?
Zumu: Hmmm😊
Naima: Who is your bias then!?😏😏😏😏
Zumu: Bias!?😓
Naima: Yes! As an BTS ARMY it's very important to have an bias! [It's okay if any BTS ARMY doesn't have any bias, all are his/her bias 😊but Zumu and her dumb friends are too excited to be an BTS ARMY that they think it's important to have an bias! Okay move on😝]
Zumu: Oh I see! Then who will be my bias!?

[A/N: Is it even a question!? Man!..this ff is about Zumu and our Worldwide Handsome.😌 So, off course Jin will be your bias Zumu!!!! I can see, why her friends calls her dummy!]

{Okay guys! That's all for today and wait for the next part😌 안녕~😊}

{Okay guys! That's all for today and wait for the next part😌 안녕~😊}

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