Part 27: "The amusement park date!"🙈😌👩‍❤️‍👨

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In the morning:
Zumu wakes up by the alarm! It's 6:00 a.m! She has suddenly remembered that they have a date today! It's 'amusement park date!' She looks up and sees her handsome yet gentle boyfiee is sleeping so peacefully while hugging her softly in his veiny arms! He's hugging her so softly yet carefully like she's his precious thing that he can't hurt by hugging her tightly! Indeed she is! And she knows~😌🙈

Zumu is combing Seokjin's hairs softly! Seokjin is moving slowly as she's kissing all over his Worldwide Handsome face!🙈😌 She hugged him tightly! He did it too! He'd hugged her before but now he hugged her more tightly and pulled her more closer towards him with his veiny arms leaving there zero distance between them!

Seokjin opened his eyes! Zumu kissed on his lips! She's blushing and he's smiling at her!

Zumu's Pov:
I was combing his hairs and kissing him all over his 'Worldwide Handsome' face! I hugged him tightly making there's zero distance between us! Aish! I'm already a blushing mess! I love him so badly!!!I want to wake up in his veiny arms like this every morning! I'm happy because he's not only taking me on an 'amusement park date!' but also taking me to his parents house to meet with them, to introduce me to them! I know it's meaning!😌🙈 That....he wants me to be his life partner! I want him too! We want it and it's happening! It'll happen soon insha'Allah! As I can feel something from the core of my heart like the very first day I saw him in the magazine! And it's special! That feeling is something different! I kissed on his lips! Soon he opened his eyes making me red like a tomato! Gosh! I'm getting butterflies! He's smiling at me!!!! Damnnn ittttt! He knows how to make me....... Aish! I should just get up and get ready for our date! Otherwise I think I will just faint by his love! His actions! I was about to leave him but he has tightened up his grip! Wallah! I'm stuck!🙈

-End of Zumu's Pov-

Seokjin's Pov:
I'm enjoying that how she's loving me! Kissing all over my 'Worldwide Handsome' face! It's making me horny and needy for her! For her love! God!!!! I just want to hold her like this forever! I want to get kissed by her like this every morning and want to sleep while cuddling with her every night! She's my lucky charm! 'My Little Girl!' She's blushing hard as soon as I've opened my eyes! She's about to get up! Nooooo! I don't want to let her go like this now! So I've tightened up my grip! She's stuck with me now! Well I've already planned to make her stuck with me for the rest of her life!😌🙈

-End of Seokjin's Pov-

Zumu: Jin! (Whispers)
Seokjin: What Zumu?
Zumu: Let me...go!~ (Whispers)
Seokjin: How can I let you go like this easily!?😏😌
Zumu blushes hard!
Seokjin: Kiss me!😌
Zumu: Jinu! We're running out of time! I need to get a shower, get ready and put on some light makeups for our date! You know na~I'm lazy and always late! So....
Seokjin smirks!😏😌
Seokjin: Ms.Doctor is late!? I have to believe it Dr.Zumu!? Haah?~
Zumu: Aish! I'm talking about ..myself being late in any events! I'm always late to get ready and get scold by others!
Seokjin: Okay~ I won't scold you if you kiss me!~😏😌
Zumu: I won't kiss you if you flith with me like this even in this early morning!😖😩
Seokjin smirks!
Seokjin: Who's filthing!? Me? Or YOU!?
Zumu:😳 I'm not filthing with you!
Seokjin smirks looks at her upwards to downwards like he's scanning her! She's got nervous!
Seokjin: Who's filthing!?~ You want to know na~
He hoverd over her! Her breath hitched!
Zumu: Jjj..Jinnn!?
Seokjin: Who's showing her juicy charms by not wearing any b*@ ? Who has started kissing me? Who's teasing me by doing all of these? Hmmm?~😏😌 (She gets red)
Zumu:😳🙈 Jinnnnn! It's just I don't wear it at night when I sleep! And....I was kissing you...not because I wanted to tease you...but to ... Aish! It's because you was looking very cute while sleeping! That's why!
Seokjin smirks again!
Seokjin: Okay! I got it! am I looking now? Don't I look cute?
Zumu: You're looking so scary now!🥺😖 I'm scared!
Seokjin smirks!
Seokjin: Why so scared 'Little miss?' I won't eat you! (Whispers in his husky voice which is enough to make her ₩£T!)
Zumu: ....🙈😳🙈 Jinnn!!!! I want to go to the washroom! Please!!!! 🙏🏻
Seokjin blushes!

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