Part 4: Zumu: "He is 'Jin!!!!'...My bias is Kim Seok Jin!?"

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Zumu: Oh I see! Then who will be my bias?
Naima: You know!?😏
~After school~
Zumu's pov:
Aaah! So his name is "Jin", "Mr.Kim Seok Jin" (She smiled) So That man is the "That type of man I've never seen anyone like him before!" He's quite attractive!, Handsome..BTS are handsome why  are boys in my country like monkeys!?😫...Wait Zumu, no u can't just fall for an idol! He is an idol! He surely has millions & billions of fans in the entire world and u!? No I just can't fall for a guy! My Ammo (mom) says that boys are not good for girls but except my Baba (dad). 😶😝 Also she has said that I couldn't love any guy or any boy! This will hamper my life!
[A/N:😏What if he (Jin) becomes your life, The oxyJIN u need to survive😌]
"Zumu just forget about it! You have to find the 'The Man in full black' now!", she's said to herself.
I'll search my first song of BTS then I'll see who's he!? his name!? He has such a juicy and smoothy voice aish!🙈🙈🙈🙈I'd never thought that any guy could have such a voice like this! His voice is enchanting!💘 Okay Zumu, you've got to find him!(The man in full black!) 🖤

*Then She had searched about 'BTS' on her phone and found that song (DNA) which is her first song of BTS. She had played it*

Zumu's pov:
I was listening that song and waiting for his part to begin because only than I'll know who was he!? Okay It's Suga,3,2,!

[Zumu had almost got a heart attack! Her heart had started beating so fast like the first day she's seen him on the magazine]

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[Zumu had almost got a heart attack! Her heart had started beating so fast like the first day she's seen him on the magazine]

WWWhat!!!!!!!!! It's "Jin!!!!!!!" (She's shocked) So, He's the one who had first caught my eyes on that magazine 'The man I saw in the magazine' and now here he's the one who had stopped me that day to stop this song with his enchanting voice [sorry for my broken English🙈 guess A/N is also excited like Y/N] and made me listened to this song from A to Z! He's 'The man in full black with juicy voice' Can't believe I've fallen in love for the same guy not only for once but also for twice! What For twice!? Where I don't give a shit to any other guy for once and he's stolen my heart for twice!? He is something special! (She's blushed🙈) I think that I like him🙈😌... What!?😳😱 Zumuuuu!!!!!!!!! Why!? No no he is just the guy who has attracted me for twice! It's nothing like I'm going to fall for him!

{A/N: Lair! U've already fallen for him so madly! He's stolen your heart on the very first day! U just don't want to admit it for your mom!}

No! I just can't!!!! I hate boys! But I don't think he is like that! Jin is a gentle man!😳 No...why should I even think like that!? Aish !!!!!! Zumu you're crazy! Just sleep now and tomorrow u have school! Sleep dumbo sleep!

-End of Zumu's pov-

*Poor Zumu couldn't sleep that night after knowing Jin has attracted her for twice(not only for once) and these 'Magazine', 'DNA m/v video' also 'Diya and that marry incident' were flothing in her mind till the morning! Also her heart!!!!...It had just couldn't jump out from her chest, that whole night!*

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