Part 24: "Don't need to say anything, I know how much U love me!"

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Next morning:
Seokjin's pov*
Oh it's morning already!? Aish! Then, I saw my Zumu is sleeping in my arms!🙈😌 She's looking so cute! Hehe! "I love you Zumu!" With that I've kissed her! She's moving a little while looking so cute and pure, just like a baby! My baby girl! I smiled at her cuteness!

Y/N's pov*
I've just felt that I'd got kissen by someone! I know that 'someone' is no one else than my Jinu! Aish! This guy! I've opened my eyes and saw him starting at me lovingly! We both have an eyes contact and smiled looking at eachother! Jin hugged me more tightly! I hide my blushing face on his chest!

Seokjin: Good morning love! (Gives her kisses)
Zumu: Morning Jinu! (Hides her face on his chest)
Seokjin: Shy already!?
Zumu: What should I do babe~something's happening!
Seokjin: Is the reason is me!?
Zumu: Umm....(Nods tiny)
Seokjin blushes+smiles at her!
Zumu looks up at him!
Seokjin Is staring at her....🙈😌
Y/N: What happened? Am I looking that ugly!?
Seokjin: Nope! I just love to see U b*@less like this! 😌😏🙈
Y/N: 😳🙈Jinuuuuuu! (Hides herself with the blanket)
Seokjin laughs
Seokjin: Okay! I'm going to have a shower 🚿 You don't need to hide yourself from me~baby girl~ I'll see everything on our 'First night'😏😌😉
Y/N: Issh! Jinnnnnnn! You're so bad! I haTeeee YOU!
Seokjin: Love you too!

Time skip:
Y/N took shower in another washroom and made breakfast for her and her boyfiee, Jinu! She come to the bedroom with their breakfast.
She sits on her bed, waiting for Jin to come!
Seokjin comes out from the bathroom being half naked!

She sits on her bed, waiting for Jin to come!Seokjin comes out from the bathroom being half naked!

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Y/N's jaw dropped seeing him like this! Y/N's staring at him like a hungry beast!

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Y/N's jaw dropped seeing him like this! Y/N's staring at him like a hungry beast!

Y/N's pov*
Damn it! Why is he that ..... perfect!? Aish! Is he trying to tempt me!? No no! I just can't melt for him now! I can't! I've got to control myself!

Seokjin's pov*
I saw Y/N's staring at me like she's hungry for me!😌😳🙈 Aish! She's crazy! We have an eyes contact now!

Seokjin: You like it!?
Y/N:😳🙈 (Face palms herself)
Seokjin goes near towards her sits on his knee, holds her hands!
Seokjin: What happened!? Don't U like it!?
Y/N: Jinnnnnnn! Ww....ww..wear something!
Seokjin: Wanna touch me!?😏😌
Y/N:😳 Jinnnnnnn!
Seokjin grabs her hand and put it on his abs!
Y/N's heart's beating damn fastly!
Seokjin: You have the right babe~"I'm all yours!"(Whispers)
Y/N removes her hand from him!
Y/N:😳🥺 Why do U do these Jinu!? I'm feeling uncomfortable!
Seokjin stands up and wears that hoodie which Y/N has given him the previous night!
Seokjin: Happy!?
Y/N goes near towards Seokjin and hugs him! He just smiles and hugs her back!
Seokjin: Your so innocent Y/N! I'll protect you my love!
Y/N: Umm...Otay~ you're my man! Now have breakfast my good boii!
Seokjin: My girl has to feed me!
Y/N smiles at him!😃😄
Y/N: Otay~She will! Just come here na~
Seokjin smiles, goes near towards her, sits beside her and now Zumu's feeding her Jinu! With her barehand!
Seokjin: It's like my mom is feeding me!
Y/N: Hehe! It's like I'm feeding my own son!
Seokjin:😏😌🙈😉 Don't worry you will have to feed my kids in the future!
Y/N: It's not only yours but also MINE!
Seokjin: Aish! I can't be a dad alone! You have to be a mom first for making me a dad!🙈😉
Y/N blushes hard!
Seokjin smiles+smirks+blushes at her!
Seokjin: Your foods are so good Y/N!
Y/N: Thanks...🙈(Still blushing)
Seokjin: Why are you that shy Jagi!?
Y/N: You was half naked!!!!!!
Seokjin: You're too shy to see me then what will you do when "I'll see you!?"
Y/N:😳🙈 Jinnnnnnn!!!!!
He smiles dumbly looking at her!
Y/N: Aish! Now eat, stop laughing like a kid!
Seokjin: You eat barehand!? Right?
Y/N: Umm! It's quite comfy than eating with chopsticks. 🥢
Seokjin: Aish! I'm just thinking....
Y/N: Thanking what!?
Seokjin: How will our kids eat in the their mommy eats with her barehand and their daddy eats with chopsticks! Like.... Which culture will they follow!?🤭
Y/N: They'll eat with fork and spoon or knife!🤭😌 Hehe!
Seokjin: Hayhay! Then just tell me in which language they'll speak?
Y/N: Half Bangla/Bengali and half Korean! Or just in English!
Seokjin: Aish! They'll speak in broken English like me!? Naah!
Y/N: Don't worry! They'll have me as their mother na~😉😌🤭
Seokjin: Don't teach them just Bangla/Bengali or just English otherwise I won't understand anything!
Y/N: You're their dad! You'll teach them Korean! Otay~
Seokjin blushes!
Seokjin: Okay! Deal!
Y/N blushes and hits Jin on his chest!

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