Part 28: "My body has got it's soul back as I've got my heart! (Seokjin) again"

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Zumu just smiles staring at him lovingly!

Zumu's pov:
It's like I've got my everything! I'd dreamt a lot for this! Alhamdulilah! Now he's with me! Aish! (Blushes) He's so gentle! He didn't even make me feel that embarrassed for what happened earlier! I'm so lucky!🥺🫀❤️💜💖💕😭 Thanks Allah for gifting him to me! Just don't take him from me!

-End of Zumu's Pov-

Seokjin has noticed that Zumu's staring at him lovingly! He blushes!

Seokjin: What has happened with you!?
Zumu: "I love you Jin!"
Seokjin: Aigoooo! My heart......!!!! (Being dramatic) It's exploding! Aish!..... "Love you too dummy!"
Zumu: What!? Am I dummy!? (Angry)
Seokjin: Opps! Solly (Sorry) "Little dummy!" (Laughs)
Zumu: I hate you! Dumboooooo! You're a Dumbo!
Seokjin: Yeyy! Mrs.Kim! Didn't your Mr.Kim give you chocolates?
Zumu blushes!
Zumu: Yeyy! Mr.Kim! Don't you know that your wifey is on her days!~
Seokjin gets red!
Seokjin: Do you want anything love?
Zumu: I want to cuddle with you!
Seokjin smiles!
Seokjin: Okay! I'll give you, your cuddles!😌
Zumu blushes!

Seokjin has stopped his car as they're Infront of Jin's house!

Seokjin goes near towards Zumu, her heart started beating so fastly.... it's beating damn fast!!!! Seokjin has unfastened her sitbelt. He smirks hearing her fast heartbeats which are for him!😌🙈

Seokjin: What has happened now? Ms.Zumu?
Zumu: nothing!
She facepalms herself!
Seokjin get out from his car. Opens her car door and takes Zumu in bridal style! Then goes towards his mansion/apartment.

Zumu: What are you doing Jin!? I can walk! (Shyly)
Seokjin: Ayy! Stop! This is Mr.Kim's or your Worldwide Handsome's style to welcome his future wifey, Mrs.Kim in his house!
Zumu grips his shirt tightly and hides her shy, red yet blushing tomato face on his chest!
Seokjin smiles at her cuteness.
Seokjin: What happened?
Zumu: Jinu!
Seokjin: Hmm?
Zumu: It's cramps all the time but as you're it's all butterflies! My tummy is a 'Butterfly land' now!

He smirks.

Seokjin has entered in his house and now going towards his bedroom. He goes in his bedroom and lays her gently on his bed.

He kissed on her forehead and cheeks.
She holds him and kisses him on his lips.

Seokjin: Take some rest now. I'm coming to give you cuddles.
Zumu: Won't we go to your parents house?
Seokjin smiles at her softly.
Seokjin: OFC! We will! But we'll go there at night. It's just evening so..... we've got a lots of time to rest!
Zumu: What about my makeup and outfits?
Seokjin laughs!
Seokjin: You girls' are...!!!! Don't worry Mrs.Kim! You've got your Mr.Kim here na~ I'll manage! It's all on me! You just take some rest as you're too weak now.(Peeks at her)...I'm sorry! You're not that weak because you're dealing with these 'periods cramps!' You're my champion! My 'lil champ!'

Zumu's pov:
I can see why I love him unconditionally! He's a gentle man with a kind heart! I just love him!

-End of Zumu's pov-

'Popstar Tahiatul' (The author!): Aish! Welcome back Jinu!!!! I'm just uploading this part as he's comeback! Aish! I'm over the moon!🥰😝🙈😌♾️🫀💖💕💜❤️ I was so excited for today! But I've missed his live! 😭 I was at my sir's house for our class during his live. I know I can't be at tomorrow's 'Hug event' as I'm not a Korean nor that rich! But Inshallah! I'll meet with him and all the members of BTS oneday! Aaaah! I want to hug him too!🥺😭.....
I'm so happy for his comeback! I've been waiting for this!.... Words aren't enough to explain my feelings! It's like...
"My body has got back it's soul as I've got my heart (Seokjin) again!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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