Part 2: Is it he!?

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Next day Zumu's pov:
I wake up from my bed as mom was calling me. Then I did my morning routine and after that I had my breakfast. Then I dressed up myself as I had my school today.
Zumu's outfit:

Zumu's outfit:

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Make up look:

Then I headed towards my school

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Then I headed towards my school.
Zumu's pov:
I've come to school and meet with my friends and today I have to know the name of the boy band also who was he!? I mean what's his name? That guy! Aaah! Zumu Stop thinking of him! You are at school and in front of your dirty minded friends!😱😵😨😅

-End of Zumu's pov-

Naima: Guys! U know I've searched about the boy band in Google and u know they're so cool, handsome, amazing,........e.t.c.
Musfica: What's u r first song of BTS ?
Naima: Idol!
Musfica: Great! Mine is......
Naima: Hey! Tahi. (Zumu's friends call her as 'Tahi') What's your first song of BTS?
Zumu: Guys! I couldn't find them in the internet! 😔 You'd told me they're celebrity!? Then why!?.. [She stoped when her friend's asked her]
Naima: Are u sure?😕But we've found them and also my first song of them is 'Idol!' I think u have done something wrong.
Zumu: Aaah! What should I do now? Idea! Okay here [gave them a pen and a page] You write down the name of the boyband and I'll search about them in the internet!😎 {Zumu in mind: it's a great idea!😌😏 Maybe I'd searched something wrong in the previous day}
Naima: (writing) 'B' 'T' 'S'. Yeah! Here u go!😀
Zumu: Oh! I see! It's 'BTS' but I had searched 'VTS'😅
All of them: Dummy!😈😑
Zumu's pov:
It's 'BTS!'  I see! Aaah how can I....!? Ok Zumu, you'll search it today! Yeah!

Then the bell had rung and the class had started!......

After school Zumu's pov:
So, after school like everyday, I headed towards my home and did my shower, lunch, studies and than I took my phone and searched 'BTS' very carefully😅 on YouTube as I was excited to listen to their song! And yeah! Within a few seconds I'd found them (BTS). I got excited and click a song as soon as I've found the result😥(so crazy Zumu~)

The song was it☝🏻(DNA) but I was so excited as hell that I'd forgotten to check the name of the song! I'd played it

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The song was it☝🏻(DNA) but I was so excited as hell that I'd forgotten to check the name of the song! I'd played it. It was boring to me a little bit at the first time as I couldn't understand any single word of the song and It's my first time listening to any Korean music. I was bored enough and about to leave but then....

Zumu's pov:
I was about to leave but then I'd heard a deep yet sweet & juicy voice of a man and again I could feel like my heart has skipped it's beat and then started beating as fast as it can! I saw "The guy in full black!"

Zumu's pov:I was about to leave but then I'd heard a deep yet sweet & juicy voice of a man and again I could feel like my heart has skipped it's beat and then started beating as fast as it can! I saw "The guy in full black!"

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Zumu's pov:
OMG! Who is he? His voice ......! Wow and he's the most handsome guy among them! What's his name!? I want to know! But then that scene had vanished as his part was end and another one's began but I had decided to listen to the song (because of him!) "It's great! They're really handsome and cool! I see why my friends have become their fans!" I said to myself! I was enjoying the song and again he's part began.

! Wow and he's the most handsome guy among them! What's his name!? I want to know! But then that scene had vanished as his part was end and another one's began but I had decided to listen to the song (because of him!) "It's great! They're really h...

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But this time he's so close to the screen and I felt like I could passed out at any moment! but I had managed! 😵😱😅
After sometime the song  had end 😥 and my mom had also called me that time to eat my dinner and then I ate my dinner and prepared myself to sleep but I couldn't sleep cause the scene of him was floating in my mind! Also his voice.....!!!! I had never imagined that a guy's voice can be that deep, husky yet juicy at the same time! He's special! He's different from others! May be I've fallen in love!🙈 What!? No! I can't but....! I should sleep!😰 BTW, who is he? (The man I saw in the magazine) and he (The man in full black with sweet yet juicy voice)!? Are they twin or the same man? I don't know cause all of them (BTS) are like twins! Aaah I wanna know about the 2 handsome guy! But Zumu, u can't fall for him! I hate guys!

-End of Zumu's pov-

A/N: Dumbo! He's the same guy! And they're not twin and also within a few days you're gonna be a big fangirl of BTS and he would be your bais! And...... u'll see!😌🙈😉

[Hehehe hope u guys would like it 😊 next part is coming! 😌]

[Hehehe hope u guys would like it 😊 next part is coming! 😌]

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