Part 21: Can't stop thinking about you and our 'first date!'

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Y/N: I'm back home~ oh! It's about to 4 o'clock! I think they're sleeping now!
Y/N screams as she got scared!
Israt: Haha! You think we can sleep when our girl is on her 'First date!?'
Y/N blushes!
Diya: Guys! Tahi is blushing! Dummy is blushing!
Kotha: Oii~oii~(teasing her)
Nusrat: Just tell na~ What happened there? How has he proposed you? Did U ......say 'Yes!?'
Naima: Are you still virgin?
Safi: Did you have your 'First kiss!?'
Y/N's all blushing mess right now!
Israt: Tahi!!!!!!!!!
Y/N: What!?
Israt: Tell na~We've waited for you!
Y/N: Let me get changed first and have a shower 🚿 Then I'll tell you guys everything!
Rumu: Okay! But be fast! Don't take an hour for having shower!
Y/N: Okay mam!
Naima: You still need a shower!?~
Y/N: Why? Don't you think I should!?
Naima: Na~I thought that Jin oppa made you bath while kissing you!
Safi: Tahi!~She's right! Why do you need to have a shower!? Seokjin Oppa have touched you na~I think you shouldn't need to take a shower! You're smelling just like him!
Israt: Yeah! Yeah! That's why I was thinking why am I smelling like a boy's scent!? Like a guy is present here!
Nusrat: That's mean...! Our Tahi isn't still virgin now! They've done it!
Y/N:😳🙈 Guys!!!!!! Please stopppppp! It's not like that what you're thinking!
Rumu:Then tell us what is it!?
Y/N goes towards her room by running!
Y/N gets changed into her comfortable night wears!

Y/N pov*
Israt and Safu are right! It's his smell! I can feel his smell! Aish! (These special moments have started floating in her mind! She's blushing mess now!) I won't have shower tonight! It's smells good! OFC! It's his smell! I love it! It's like he's with me!😌🙈

Israt: Y/N! Open the door!
Y/N opened the door! Y/N's friends went in her room,layed on her bed and pulled Y/N with them!
Israt: Now tell us from A to Z!
Y/N starts blushing as hell, thinking and remembering all the romantic moments with the love of her life Mr.Kim Seokjin!
Y/N: Guys! It's just like my dream! He's my dream prince! He has proposed me! And I.....
All: said 'Yes!!!!!!!'
Y/N blushes!
Rumu: Then then!? What happened!?
Israt: Is it even a question!? They've kissed! Right Y/N!?
Y/N nods shyly!
All: Oh my!!!!! Y/N~ You've already lost your first kiss! Did U lose your.....
Y/N: Guys!!!!!!! He has told me that he won't do anything without my permission and until we get married!
All: Ohhh~hooo~Gental man!
Suddenly Jin calls Y/N!
All: Aaaaaahhh! It's just half an hour that you guys aren't together but he's already started missing U this much that he's calling you right at 4 am!!!!!!!!! Seriously Tahi!?
Y/N blushes!
Y/N: You won't understand until your man comes in your life!
Y/N received the call!

Seokjin: Hello Jagi~I'm at home now!
Zumu:Ummm! Good!

Meanwhile Y/N's 'fresh mindu' friends:
Israt: Turn it(the call/phone) on speaker Tahi! Dummy we want to hear what he talks with you!
Y/N blushes!
Y/N turns the call on the speaker!🔊

Seokjin: Jagi~I'm already missing you! I haven't taken shower because there's your scent! It feels like you're here with me!
Y/N gets shy and blushes really hard!
Y/N was about to say something to her Jinu but stops and looks at her innocent mindu friends!
Safi: Guys! I think we should go now! Let's give them some privacy!
Israt: What privacy!? Haah? They were in a date for whole night! Isn't it enough!?
Rumu: I'm not that much interested so I'm going!
Kotha: Me too! My bed is calling me!
All others except Safi: We want to hear what he talks with YOU!
Y/N gives them death glare!

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