toy story part 2: Andy's birthday/Walkie-talkie

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Alice approached her brother's bed and sat on it and woody came to life and said:Pull my string the birthday party is today okay everybody coast is clear. Alice said: Today was a lovely performance you gave there mr woody. Woody said giving a smile to the four years old girl: Thank you partner always the best for Andy's little sister. All the other toys came to life as alice helped mr potato head put his missing pieces back in their place as he said: Nice performance mrs Alice you gave there. Alice smiled bashfully as woody jumped out of bed and found slinky with a board of checkers: under the bed woody I'll be red this time. But woody tried to tell that slinky needs to organise a staff meeting for he has bad news and slinky said alarmed:Bad news!!!. All the other toys heard them as alice said: Shush slinky we don't want to give the other toys a heart attack and my brother to know that you are alive. But andy had known two days before that his toys come to life when he isn't around so alice felt more comfortable knowing that her brother knew the truth. Woody said to slinky:Gather up everyone and be happy. Slinky moved to call the others for staff meeting while woody dueled etch in a drawing pistol and when he went to find his doodle pad Rex the dinosaur came out and let out a roar causing alice to chuckle amused as woody asked unamused:How you doing rex?. Rex asked timidly: Were you scared tell me honestly?. Alice said:I was very scared actually but woody was close to be scared you need to improve a little. Rex sighed disappointed:I try my best to be scary but i come off as annoying. Alice chuckled at rex before looking amused at woody talking with bo Peep who thanked him:I want to thank you woody for saving my sheep. Woody said blushing:Oh hey it was nothing. Alice gave woody a knowing look as bo peep told him that she's a couple of blocks away. Alice pulled woody by the arm and said chuckling amused:Come on romeo staff meeting is ready. Andy peered from the opened door of his room to see his toys have come to life and were discussing about the moving day till woody said:And apparently Andy's birthday is today. Instant chaos filled the room as rex said:I thought his birthday was next week. Hamm said confused yet shocked:What is going downstairs has his mom lost her marbles?. Alice timidly said:Well since we're moving the next week my mom wanted the birthday party to be today and not the same week you shouldn't be worried as I'm not and neither is woody. Mr potato head said sarcastically:of course you and woody aren't worried you've been his little sister for years and he's been Andy's favourite since kindergarten. Alice was really upset by this and andy was seething in rage but thankfully slinky said:Hey come on mr potato head leave her alone if woody and alice tell us we shouldn't be worried we shouldn't i believe them. Woody said to alice softly: I'm sorry partner about his behaviour but this happens every Christmas and birthday. Alice nodded feeling pity for woody for handling this but she said keeping her tears at bay: None is getting replaced this is my brother we're talking about and the matters is being there with him come on guys i and he know you're alive everything is going to be okay. Hamm said interrupting: uh I hate to break the staff meeting but they're here BIRTHDAY GUESTS at three o clock. Andy saw an instant chaos happening in his room and his toys had gathered at the windowsill minus alice and woody who looked at eachother unamused as hamm said:Look at all these presents. Alice was getting pissed off but then she remembered that her brother had bough for their sister a baby monitor so she shouted on top of her lungs shocking her brother: ALRIGHT ALRIGHT if woody and i send the troops down will you all promise you'll CALM Down. Andy didn't liked when his younger sister alice was shouting she can easily hurt her little throat and seeing her so pissed off he knew that this was happening every Christmas and birthday. Rex being the most panicking said:Yes,yes we promise. Alice shouted again pissed off: Alright save your batteries my brother won't like that we're going to spy on him but it is the only one to get the others to shut up. But alice herself couldn't speak because her throat was hurting from shouting so woody send sergeant and the army men to report about presents with the baby monitor. Andy came to his little sister and said scolding her:See? What does shouting does to your throat? You can't speak little sis. Alice looked at her big brother with tears in her blue eyes and weakly told: I'm sorry big brother but it was the only way to get your toys to listen to me and woody. Andy held his little sister and said:I understand little sis but whenever there's a problem you can always tell me and I'll help but now i must go down to enjoy my birthday when you feel better come downstairs. Alice nodded promising to her older brother she would join too later and sat with the toys to listen what presents did her brother got. The first one was a lunchbox and she asked confused:A lunchbox what's so special about it?. Slinky replied laughing: for lunch. The. second present was bedsheets and mr potato head commented:Who invited that kid??. More presents were heard till the last one was revealed to be a board game to which all the toys cheered relieved while alice calmed down from her outburst before and smiling in relief she watched hamm give a congratulatory pat on mr potato head causing pieces to come off as mr potato head said:Hey watch it. Hamm replied:Sorry there spud head. Alice said: What did i told you nothing to worry about. Slinky said:You were right mrs alice never doubted you for a second.

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