Toy story 1 part 10:So play nice/Reunited with andy

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Meanwhile at Sid's backyard woody had managed to organise a plan to show sid that his toys aren't useless objects to torture them but they have feelings. Pretty soon all the mutant toys were crowding sid who was getting scared because the toys were coming to life in front of him and a cowboy doll was speaking to him:From now on you mist take care of your toys sid cause if you don't we'll find out we toys can see everything. Sid was getting really scared when the cowboy came to life and told him:So play nice. The plan worked sid was frightened of his wits and he let out a piercing blood curdling scream and run back in his house terrified while woody and the mutant toys cheered for their plan worked. Hannah also scared her brother with her new doll named Sally. Buzz was still strapped on the rocket but soon they heard mrs davis say:Say goodbye house. A glum voice presumably belonging to Andy's four years old sister alice replying: Bye-bye house. Andy knew that his little sister was sad about his two favourite toys being lost and he grabbed her little hand and squeezed it reassuringly: It's okay little sis alice my two favourite toys will come back to me don't worry. Alice nodded weakly and layed her little head on her brother's lap and fell asleep not knowing what woody and buzz lightyear were doing they were probably trying to reach the van instead of her brother. She drifted off to sleep sleeping on her brother's lap. Woody and buzz couldn't reach the van so they lit Sid's rocket and they flew in the air but they passed the van where the other toys were in as woody asked confused:Ehm buzz we missed the truck. Buzz lightyear replied: We're not aiming for the truck. Indeed they were reaching for the minivan where their owner was with his little sister they glided through the roof and fell into a box. Alice was sleeping soundly when she heard the noise the box made and asked her brother:Andy dear brother can you look inside the box what made this sound. When andy turned around to look at the box he let out a happy yell:Hey wow woody buzz. Alice had a smile on her face finally her brother had found his two favourite toys as their mom said: Oh great you found them where were they?. Alice said softly:In the car mama. Andy replied excitedly:Here in the car. He then held his two favourite toys and his little sister close to him delighted that he had his two favourite toys back safely to him he didn't knew that woody and buzz looked at eachother and winked but alice didn't missed it she smiled her throat had fully recovered but her fever not but she was feeling better over the fact her brother had his two favourite toys back. The journey to the new house passed in a blur while alice slept on her brother's lap still ill but not weak. Andy smiled softly at his little sister and patted her hair fondly glad that her throat recovered he now believed that miracles do happen.

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