Toy story part 3: Surprise gift/Buzz lightyear

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However then andy and Alice's mother mrs davis pulled a surprise present from a closet as sergeant reported that all the toys waited anxiously to hear what it was as alice said worriedly:Whatever it is my brother certainly is looking excited to open it. However none heard what the mysterious present was because rex had been panicking the whole time and accidentally broke the baby monitor. Andy heard the noise and went upstairs and opened the door of his room and saw the toys trying to repair the baby monitor as Alice shouted angrily:Here let me handle this plus is plus and minus is minus. Andy shook his head upset that his little sister was hurting her throat more but he saw her try to fix the baby monitor and she managed and then she noticed him and asked:is coast clear downside dear brother?. Andy replied softly:Yes my friends went back home so coast is clear for my toys and i got a new toy. Alice asked confused:What new toy did you got dear brother?. Then she saw an action figure that resembled an astronaut called buzz lightyear and she said:Oh no i smell trouble later. Andy looked confused at his little sister and said:What do you mean little sis? Why do you smell trouble later?. Alice whispered to her brother's ear: Tension is gonna happen between sherrif woody and him and I'm sure of it. Andy understood that alice hated arguments and trouble so he said: Don't worry little sis if anything happens you tell me now I'll go downstairs and don't shout you'll worsen your throat. Actually alice later changed her mind about buzz lightyear he was actually a really cool toy but he did got a little too much attention for her liking and she looked nervously at woody who was talking to bo peep who said looking at alice:Is everything okay alice dear? You look really silent today. Alice said: I'm fine Bo it's just my throat hurts from shouting earlier i was just trying to get the others attention and now my throat hurts. Woody said:Well partner you shouldn't have shouted as your brother had advised you to not. Alice glanced at woody and said:I know but i worry about you aren't you jealous of the attention the new toy is getting?. Woody knew how concerned alice was about him getting jealous of buzz lightyear and he said: It's fine partner as long as he keeps his distance from your brother it's fine. Alice coughed weakly trying to soothe her aching throat and said:Okay. Soon her brother opened the door and entered in having heard the conversation between her and woody and he said:Alice little sis? Is your throat hurting you?, What were you talking with woody?. Alice said weakly:Yes dear brother my throat hurts apparently from shouting too much and i was asking him if he's jealous of your new toy and he replied he isn't as long as he keeps his distance from you. Andy felt pity for his little sister having to hear that but he knew that maybe everything will be fine but he told her: well about your throat you should have listened to me when i tell you to not shout but don't worry little sis I'll take good care of you. Alice smiled weakly and said:Thank you big brother. Her brother hugged her and placed her in his bed and covered the bedsheets so she will be comfortable as the toys watch with fond looks their owner.

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