toy story part 6: Enter pizza planet/Sid

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Andy was really worried and scared about his little sister and his toys being left alone in the gas station but he couldn't drive his mom's minivan so he decided to wait outside pizza planet for his little sister and his toys. Soon he saw a pizza planet truck stopping and he approached and looked inside his toys were in there and so was his weak and ill little sister who unfortunately had a runny and bloody nose because a suitcase hit her in the nose. He run to his little sister and picked her up and said:Alice oh little sis what happened to your nose? Why is there blood on your nose?. Alice with tears in her eyes explained to her brother that a suitcase hit her nose because the deliveryman drove fast which pissed off her brother because his little sister's safety was important to him. Alice said to her upset brother: I'm sorry dear brother that i worried you but i had to leave the room your toys needed me. Andy said hugging his little sister closer to himself: It's okay little sis alice but the next time warn me that you and my toys were left behind i would have taken you back in the car. Alice promised but said weakly:Where is this favourite restaurant of yours dear brother. Her brother was worried about her sore throat and her runny nose they need to return back home and quickly otherwise she will die but he leaded her inside the restaurant his toys following close. As alice realised that maybe she needs to tell her brother why was she scared before she said:Big brother can i tell you something? Do you remember that old snow queen doll well she wasn't very good with us she had a very violent temper and she had an outburst which frightened me but thankfully queen Marie Antoinette of France killed her by throwing a portrait at her. Andy now realized why his little sister was always looking nervously at the snow queen doll it was because she was scared of her because of the temper and he said:Oh it's okay little sis alice she isn't there to hurt you anymore she's gone and you should have told me earlier i would have protected you from her. Alice nodded accepting her older brother's answer but soon she noticed their crazy neighbor sid taking woody and buzz lightyear her brother sensing that she would shout again he reprimanded her: Don't shout little sis your throat will get worse. Alice said softly:But big brother andy our crazy neighbor sid stole your two toys i need to shout at him. But before alice could finish her sentence bo peep said to andy while leading alice out with her and slinky to find woody and buzz lightyear: Don't worry Andy we'll go and find woody and buzz lightyear and bring them back home and we'll keep your little sister safe. Andy however wasn't very sure about this he knew that his toys were capable to protect her but she was very weak and ill and the least he wanted now was to lose his little sister from the harsh cold weather so he told his mother that he was going back home but he secretly followed his shepherdess toy and slinky as well his little sister all the way to Sid's house. He called to his two remaining toys:Guys how about we search later at Sid's house for woody and buzz lightyear my little sister is ill and weak she might die from the cold weather I don't want to lose her. The two toys knew how worried and concerned their owner was about his little sister so they agreed but alice said worriedly coughing:What will happen to woody and buzz will they be fine?. Her brother was touched by her concern for his two favourite toys but she was now putting herself in danger and he said softly: They'll be fine little sis always know that sherrif woody and buzz lightyear will always find their way home now come let's go home. Alice nodded following her older brother back to their house but when she entered in the house she fainted from exhaustion and the cold she endured causing her older brother to be worried and concerned about her he rushed to her side and took her in his arms and called her in a raspy voice: Alice oh little sis are you okay? Hold on I'll take you to my room you'll be fine in few minutes. Carrying his unconscious little sister upstairs to his bedroom Andy layed her on his bed and covered the bedsheets so his little sister will be warm enough. The other toys came out and saw how scared and worried was their owner tears of fear and worry were falling from his blue eyes and he was shaking holding his little sister's hand only to receive a weak squeeze in return. Relieved andy hugged his little sister and wept with relief and joy as the other toys looked fondly at this.

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