Toy story 1 part 9:Buzz lightyear strapped on rocket/A brother's worry

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At Sid's house woody learnt that the mutant toys weren't bad as he thought at first they were actually very good and friendly they fixed Buzz's left arm but before he could thank the toys for fixing his friend's arm sid came bursting in carrying a package. Alice was busy lying in her brother's bed worried about his two favourite toys but he always calmed her but when she looked out of the window while her brother was out playing with mr potato head and hamm she gasped seeing buzz lightyear strapped on a rocket and she said alerting the other toys:Guys guys come and look buzz lightyear is strapped on a rocket by Sid he's trying to blow him up we've got to do something. Bo peep,slinky,rex looked out of the window and saw it themselves but right before sid could do anything like that thunder was heard and it began to rain alice frightened by the thunder climbed back on her brother's bed and layed back down on the pillow. She was relieved that sid wouldn't blow up buzz with the rocket but she was worried and concerned about her brother's two favourite toys she needs to go and save them before that mean boy blows them up. Soon the door opened and her brother came up with a sad look on his face and he said:Mom looked everywhere little sis but all she could find was my hat. Alice was so worried and concerned that she said:We must go to Sid's house and get them back dear brother andy. Andy however said worriedly to his little sister:No little sis alice you can't go out again it's way too cold and you're too ill and weak I don't want to lose you little sis please get some rest for me. Alice asked worriedly trying to get some rest for her brother:But what if we leave them behind dear brother andy?. Andy gently patted his little sister's hair and replied:Aww don't worry little sis I'm sure I'll find again woody and buzz lightyear before we move out just please sleep for me. Alice fell asleep and minutes later she was joined by her older brother but andy couldn't sleep he missed his two favourite toys and seeing his little sister so weak and ill made it worse so he prayed:Dear god please return my toys back to me and please let my little sister live I don't want to lose her she's so young to die please let her live. Bo Peep heard the distress in Andy's voice and said: Oh woody i wish you could see how much poor andy misses you and how worried he is for his little sister. Back at Sid's house woody and buzz lightyear put aside their differences and worked together to return back to andy but sid woke up to blow buzz lightyear up but woody enlisted the help of the mutant toys to distract hannah Sid's little sister and scud his vicious Pitbull. Back at Andy's house alice was looking glum and andy sensing how his little sister was feeling he said comfortingly hugging her: It's alright little sis alice I'll find woody and buzz lightyear again don't worry let's go downstairs.

Toy story 1:A brother's worry for his little sister Where stories live. Discover now