Toy story 1 part 5:Pizza planet/My sister is gone

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At afternoon Andy was playing with woody and buzz while his mom finished packing and she said:All this packing made me hungry what do you say we go and have dinner at pizza planet. Andy loved going to pizza planet for dinner but he was really worried and concerned about his ill little sister and he said:Pizza planet oh cool but mom I can't come i need to take care of Alice she's ill and her throat hurts her. Alice weakly encouraged her brother:Big brother andy you can go to pizza planet you deserve a break (whispers) your toys can take care of me for a while. Though reluctance andy agreed to go but promised to his little sister that he would come back soon for her. Woody said to alice:Partner maybe your brother needs to stay with you we'll try to take care of you but he needs to return soon. Alice weakly nodded but replied:He deserves a little break he hasn't left my side since i got ill and he hadn't eaten anything. However buzz ended falling out of the window by the lamp on Andy's desk which caused everyone to be surprised in truth it was the snow queen who did that and she revealed the truth showing her famous temper. Alice was frightened and wanted to leave her house because of that doll but a portrait killed the snow queen before she could do anything it was the former queen of france Marie Antoinette who did that because she hated someone who frightens a little girl. Alice soon felt safe again and the doll was thrown in garbage but she weakly rose up from bed and said:We need to find buzz lightyear and quickly My brother will be worried. Woody said: Partner are you sure about this now i mean you're too ill and weak your throat hurts do you think you can go out and find buzz like this. Alice replied:We have to otherwise my brother will be sad. She,woody,bo Peep and slinky went downstairs and out the door however andy soon returned back to his room wanting to take a toy to pizza planet with him but when he saw that his little sister wasn't in bed and woody,bo and slinky weren't there he got worried and scared and he said gasping in fear and worry: Little sis alice? Oh no where is she? What happened to her and my toys? I hope they didn't went out to find buzz lightyear and bring him back in the room the weather is very cold and my little sister is too weak and ill she'll die easily i have to save her and my toys. He chose to take Mr potato head with him to pizza planet and when he was out of the house he didn't saw the three toys and his little sister looking around the house's yard for buzz lightyear and he climbed on his mom's minivan but the van drove off and the toys and alice noticed it and sighed in relief but they couldn't find buzz in the bushes so secretly they followed the minivan without knowing that buzz followed them knowing the truth of that evil snow queen doll. Reaching the gas station the mini van stopped as andy asked his mom:Can i help fill the car's engine. Mrs davis said:Sure I'll let you drive. Alice from underneath the van chuckled at her brother's excited voice:Oh really?. Their mom replied:Yeah when you're sixteen. Alice giggles and the toys shared laughs but they ended getting lost later but andy had seen them out and was worried and concerned.

Toy story 1:A brother's worry for his little sister Where stories live. Discover now