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It's been a few weeks and we're just about halfway through the program. It's been amazing being surrounded by nature, though I'm typically not an 'outside' person. I prefer snuggling up on the couch with a good book or my laptop for writing. However, it's been nice to get away from my phone and delve into nature more. I find that it inspires me.

Today I'll be getting to spend time with Lana, who I've grown to adore. She's really sweet, just like Delia said, and I've enjoyed talking about writing with her. I've talked to her about some of my ideas and she's even offered me a paid internship.

We're heading towards the field right now so the kids can play kickball and soccer. We sit under a tree with some chairs we brought and start talking. "Oh by the way... Ally wants to talk to you today" she mentions. Of course I've seen Ally during my time here but it was only in passing.

She seems like an easy going person but I can't help but worry about why she wants to speak to me. "Did she say what it was about?" I ask, "no but she wants us all to be there" she says. "Oh... ok" I say nervously, "don't worry. It's nothing bad" she reassured me and I nod.

The games are over sooner than I would like and as the time approaches, I find myself wanting Cordelia. As I start to look for her Audrey comes up to me blocking my path. "Well hello there" she says with a big smile, I smile back and look behind her. "I was wondering if you could help me with something" she says and I nod politely.

She brings me over to the multipurpose room and I can't help but wonder why we're here. "I just need your advice" she says and I look at her curiously before checking the time on my watch. "Ok... shoot" I say, "there's this secret that my best friend asked me to keep but I don't know if I should" she says.

"I mean is it doing harm to anyone?" I ask her, "well... no not really. I mean they say what you don't know can't hurt you. I just feel like I shouldn't be keeping this a secret" she says. "Ok... is it something bad? Like did she cheat on someone or do something illegal?" I ask her.

"Umm... sort of" she says, "I mean, personally, I'm a ride or die so if it's nothing major then I would keep it to myself. If you would be an accomplice then I'd reconsider, but if it's not emotionally harming anyone then I'd just keep the secret" I say trying to get out of this.

"Well it's hurting me" she says, "sometimes we have to make sacrifices for people we love. Ask yourself this... would she do the same for you?" I ask. "Absolutely" she answer without a doubt in her voice. "Then I say leave it alone, unless it gets out of hand" I say. She nods and takes my hand leading me towards the office.

When we enter everyone is already there talking but stop once Audrey knocks. "Alicia" Ally says motioning for me to sit and I obey, of course. I notice everyone but Cordelia is there, I look at Billie who gives me a reassuring nod. I narrow my eyes trying to figure out what's going on to no avail.

"So, as you've probably figured out, we're a close knit family here" Ally starts, I nod and she looks to Billie. "I told them about your little thing" she says and my eyes widen slightly at her knowing what she means. "Ok..." I say begging for someone else to speak because I have no idea what to say.

"We just wanted to let you know you have our full support. If you should need anything, we'd be happy to arrange it and whatnot" Ally says and I look at her confused. "A date, Alicia" Mina clarifies and my mouth falls open in surprise. "I think it's a bit premature to be asking her on a date" I reason.

"Nonsense, it's never too early. Coming from a u-haul lesbian, that might not be the best advice but everyone else agrees too" Lana says making some chuckle. "Wait... where are the kids right now?" I ask knowing Cordelia is the only counselor not here and she can't handle all those kids alone.

Well, I'm sure she could but I worry about her stress levels with all of them alone. "Don't worry, they're over on the boys side playing baseball on the big field" Ally explains. "So..." Audrey says, "so what?" I ask and everyone groans. "When are you asking her on a date?" Billie sighs. "Guys I really appreciate this but I have to move at my own pace. I don't want to scare her" I explain.

"Look... I've known Cordelia for years. We all have" Ally says gesturing around the room. "We've never seen her smile the way she smiles when she's with you or even just talking about you. We really just want both of you to be happy, we're not trying to pry" she says reaching over the desk to take my hand. "Just know we've got your back" Mina says and I smile gratefully. I've never felt like such a big part of a family and it's so nice to be thought of.

"I'll make sure to update you guys if anything happens" I giggle and they all smile at me. Billie stands up and exits with me first as the others follow soon after. "I have one last plan to make this work" Billie says explaining it to me. This one actually isn't as crazy which is shocking, so much in fact that, I don't believe her. She always has something else up her sleeve and I just hope we don't ruin this before it starts.

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