"We're about to go see Ally, come on" Lana says to me and Delia. We were just chilling by the lake since the kids are all playing kickball and being supervised by the guys. The walk is really nice, we just enjoy it in a comfortable silence. We finally arrive at Ally's office and Lana just walks right in.

Everyone is already there so we find seats and look at her. "What are you all looking at me for? You called a meeting" she says looking at Billie. "We have some good news" Billie says, "we're here! We're here" I hear someone yell through the door before it swings open.

"Tammy! Aliceeee" I say getting up to hug them both. "Why'd you call them in here?" Ally asks, "must be really big news" she adds. "Not that big" I say, "oh shut up. Cordelia and Alicia are dating" Lana says. "What?" Alice asks, Ally looks proud and Tammy looks just as confused as Alice.

"So on the trip... ohhhh that's what the talk was about" she says hitting Alice's arm and making her understand. "I'm so happy for you guys" Alice says happily giving me a big smile. "Same here. I think we all are" Tammy says. "Bout damn time if you ask me" Ally says, "no one was asking you" Lana says and Ally gives her a look making her be quiet.

"You guys have been awfully quiet" Ally mentions pointing at Audrey and Mina. "I have more good news" I say and Ally looks at me curiously. "Are you having a baby or something?" Ally jokes, "god no. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell though" I say. "Well you have to now that you've announced it" Billie says and I roll my eyes and look at Mina.

She nods, "you guys are freaking me out" Lana says. "Audrey and Mina are dating" I say and everyone looks pleasantly surprised. "Mina? Damn where have I been?" Ally says and the room erupts in laughter, "under a very light... rock" Mina says. "Actually I'm typically on top of so-called rock" Ally says smirking.

"Ok what the hell are you guys talking about?" I ask. "I second that" Cordelia says, "third" says Audrey, "let's be honest we're all confused" Tammy says. "They're dating" I say putting it together, "we're married" Lana grimaces apologetically. "You little shit" I yell making everyone look at me unfortunately. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask quieter, "well we hadn't told anyone" she says.

"Fuck you cute ass bitches" I say sitting in Cordelia's lap, she chuckles and holds me like a baby. "Anymore news I should be aware of" Ally says looking around. "Nope" Billie looks down and says before standing up, "wait" Audrey says making her turn around. "Billie..." she says and Billie raises her eyebrows.

"Are you hiding something?" Mina asks, "no" she says. "She did the thing" Lana says, "the lip twitch thing?" I ask and they nod. "Oh she's definitely lying" Delia says, "first of all my lip doesn't twitch. Second of all I have nothing to say" Billie says. "Who is she?" I ask, "who is who?" She asks me and I think for a bit. I never really see her on her phone so it can't be long distance.

Damn are we all dating someone at the camp? "Can't be anyone from here" I think out loud

"It's not me or Alice" Tammy says.

"She's not into men" Delia says and I see Billie get more nervous.

"She doesn't really get along with Diane" Ally says.

"Ellie is too complicated. She'd try to psychoanalyse her" Alice says.

"It's Abby" I say and everyone looks to agree with the conclusion. "You haven't even met Abby" she says, "yeah I have" I say. "When?" she asks.


I just got to the party and I'm putting on my heels while my legs hang on the side of the open car door. Once I get them fastened I stand up and sigh, smoothing out my dress. I really want to look nice for her. I look up and see someone standing outside smoking.

I grab my phone and close the door, making my way towards the house after locking the car. I misstep and feel myself falling, I don't even try to stop it as I know it's inevitable. "Shit" I hear someone say as they catch me just before I hit the ground.

I look up to see the woman that was smoking looking frazzled. "Thank you" I say standing up straight with her help and regaining my balance. I make sure to be careful as I make my way onto the pavement. I was just being impatient and tried to cut through the grass.

"Abby" she says reaching out her hand, "Alicia. You know Billie?" I ask her and she looks down for a moment and shifts on her feet slightly. "Yeah" she says simply, "how?" I ask innocently as if I don't know anything is going on. There's something weird about this. "I work at the camp too. We're good friends" she says, "how come I've never heard about you? You seem nice" I say.

"Umm I'm not sure" she says pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. "Want one?" She asks and I shake my head and lean against the wall. "So..." I say, "so..." she replies. "You and Billie" I state trying to get her to give me something. "Me and Billie...?" She replies, oh this bitch is good. "I think she might've mentioned you once actually..." I say.

"Did she?" She says asking me to elaborate, come on Alicia come up with something. Anything. "Yeah but she told me to forget about it and not to tell anyone" I said. Your move. "What did she say?" She asks calmly giving nothing away, but I look into her eyes seeing them shift.

"Not really sure but you seemed pretty important to her so it confused me" I say. Come on. "You think so?" She asked me, we're getting somewhere. "It definitely seemed like it but that could just be my perception" I say. "Between us?" She asked me and I nodded, "you can't even tell Billie" she said and I nodded...

"What did she say?" Delia asked completely invested in the story. "She said not to tell so obviously I'm not going to tell" I say, "but yeah it's definitely her" I add. "So you manipulated my girlfriend?" Billie asks, "and there it is folks" Ally says. "Whatever. What did she say Alicia?" She asks me nervously, "sorry Bil, I can't tell you. She specifically told me not" I say.

"Please" she says with puppy eyes and a slight pout. "Cute but no" I say booping her nose, "damn it" she grumbles. "Well looks like the entire A side is taken" Ally says hitting her palms lightly on the desk before standing up. "I mean since we're sharing same here" Alice says and Tammy seconds it. "No one at the camp though" Tammy says. "What's their name?" I ask, "Debbie" she says smiling widely.

We look at Alice since we've all shared our love stories. "Gloria" she says smiling, "we're just a bunch of queer bitches aren't we" I say and everyone laughs. "Well now that we've gone through all that... anything else?" Ally asks hugging Lana as she comes around the desk. "I think that's it boss" Billie says and we all leave after saying goodbye. Well today had been quite a day, full of revelations and happiness.

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