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I walk outside to see Delia leaning against the wall, her leg slightly shaking. Arms crossed over her chest in a protective manner. I analyze her body completely before she noticed my presence. "Hi" I say, "listen. About last night..." she says and I can't help but be reminded of my mom. I shake the thought and nod waiting for her to continue.

"I'm sorry" she says, "for what?" I ask curiously. "Everything. I shouldn't have... I shouldn't have thrown all that at you at one time. Especially not at a party where you're supposed to have fun and instead you were taking care of me. Then you cooked this big breakfast and cleaned up and—I'm just so sorry" she says looking down.

It's quiet for a while as we both just sit in the fact that we've avoided the actual elephant. "You said we'd talk about it today" I say and she looks at me sadly. "I know..." she says and I want to give her time, so I wait for her to continue. "I meant it. That's the one thing I'm not sorry about. I may have not had the balls to tell you before but it's easier now that I've already said it" she says surely. "Were you drunk?" I ask, "uh. No" she says, I guess Mina is always right even though I'll never tell her that.

"You fell asleep" I say trying to figure this all out. "I wasn't completely drunk but I'd had quite a few drinks. I'd also been crying... so not exactly a good mix. Why did you say something?" she asks hopefully, I don't know if I can actually tell her. Why won't you just say the words dummy?! I can't bring myself to even fully open my mouth so I can voice anything.

"Wait a second" I say and walk away before she can say anything. I walk back into the house and towards the living room where I hear hushed whispers. "You can not go eavesdrop!" I hear Mina whisper yell. They see me in the doorway and look expectantly. "Mina" I say simply and she stands up without question and walks over to me.

"Damn, way to bruise a girl's ego" Billie mumbles. "Howard I swear by all the money in the world that if one more word comes out of that mouth I will have you assassinated" Mina says. Billie opens her mouth and Lana covers it, "you know she has the money to do it" Lana whispers. Billie pulls Lana's hand away and crosses her arms but keeps her mouth shut.

Mina pulls us away towards the kitchen away from them but not too close the sliding door either. "What's wrong?" she asks quickly, "she... she-" I start breathing faster and Mina holds my face while looking in my eyes. "Breathe, darling. In and out... in... and out... it's ok" she says and I nod quickly.

"She said she... loves me" I said the last part so quietly I barely heard myself but she heard me. "Ok... so what do you need me to do?" she asks and I just point outside. "You want me to talk to her?" she assumes and I nod slowly, "and you want me to tell her you feel the same way..." she elaborates and I nod again.

She agrees and tells me to sit down while she talks to her. I sit in the formal living room because everyone else is in the other one. I see Billie walk around now that Mina is gone and when she sees me she discreetly comes over. "She said she loves you. Why are you scared?" she asks, I open my mouth but no words come out.

"Stay with me. It's just you and me... right here" she says crouching down and holding both my hands. "I've never been loved before" I whisper out as tears fill my eyes. "Baby..." she says sitting next to me, "do you want the others?" she asks, I nod and she goes to get up but I grab her hand. She sits back down and calls for them instead and they come rushing in.

The couch is pretty big but Alice and Tammy sit on either side of me on the floor. Lana sits on the opposite side of me and Audrey sits on the table facing me. None of them ask questions they just hold my hand or rub my leg and normally this amount of affection would overwhelm me. But right now it feels so good to be cared about.

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