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Time came to leave camp and it was certainly an emotional time for everyone. The kids had already been packed and shipped out so it was just us counselors. For the last night we all stayed up late and just told stories and shared fond memories. All deciding to sleep in cabins right next to each other at the end of the night.

Now it's morning and I'm dreading having to leave much like everyone else will be once they wake up I assume. I check the time on my phone to see it's 4:58am and I sigh. There's no point in trying to go back to sleep, so I quietly slide out the bed and stretch.

I look to the beds around me to see Billie and Abby, Lana and Ally, Mina and Audrey, and finally Tammy and Alice. All of them snuggled up together, they all looked so cute. Alice is literally clinging to Tammy like a Koala bear and looks so adorable. While Tammy is hugging her, the only thing keeping them both from falling off the small bed.

My eyes land back to my bed, well our bed. Cordelia is curled up to a pillow. She grabbed it almost instantly after I'd gotten up from the bed. She looks so peaceful, her face completely at rest. Mouth slightly open and I can hear her light, almost inaudible, snores cutting through the relative silence.

I change out of my pjs and into a pair of ripped jeans with a barely cropped shirt. Throwing on some runners and slipping out of the cabin as silently as possible. Letting my feet and wandering mind guide me to the trail that tracks the perimeter of the camp. As I set foot on it I hear rustling in the bushes, assuming it was a squirrel I continue.

"Hey, pretty girl" I hear and at first I'm startled. Until my brain kicks back in and recognizes the voice. "Hi" I say quietly as I see Diane jogging to catch up with me. I've talked to her briefly over the past few days and she seems nice. "Mind if I walk with you?" She says matching the pace of my steps.

Don't you just love how people ask that as if they haven't already invited themselves? "No not at all" I say smiling politely, I don't really mind but I did think I'd be alone due to how early it is. "So what's got you up?" I ask trying to make conversation, "I could ask you the same thing" she jokes. "Well I asked you first" I reply playfully and she chuckles.

"Nerves. I'm not really ready to go home" she says, "me either" I laugh shortly. "Why not?" She asks and I think about how to answer that question appropriately. "Eh, I've just had a good time here. Not ready to go back to real life I guess. What about you" I ask before she can question further.

"About the same. I don't have anyone to go back to so it's kinda lonely I guess. I like being here with everyone" she answers. Well she's surely not a hard nut to crack. "So... what's the real reason you don't wanna go home? If you don't mind me asking" she voices. Again with the basically rhetorical questions.

"Well... I've made friends here and it's sad having to leave them. I don't really have people back home and my family isn't exactly... the best. I think I have a plan to fix it though" I say pointedly and she doesn't ask any further questions on the topic. "You and Delia are cute together" she changes the subject, "thanks" I reply smiling softly.

We come around the bend, finally out of the trees and see the lake. I'll never not be in awe of how sunlight reflects against water. Yet still managing to conceal its murky depths in a mirage-like sheen. "You're a rather quiet being" she says out of nowhere, shocking me slightly.

"I suppose I am" I respond uncertainly, not knowing where this is coming from or where it's going. "I don't mean that in a rude way, it's just... different. Nice. You have a really calm energy" she elaborates and I nod. "I sound a bit wanky, don't I" she chuckles at herself. "Not at all, it's quite nice. Thank you" I reassure her.

She smiles warmly at me before facing forward again. "We should head back before they wake up" I suggest and she nods agreeing. By the time we arrive back to the cabins almost everyone is up. Except for Alice, Tammy, and surprisingly Cordelia. "Where have you- oh" Mina says, cutting off once she glances our way.

Diane insisted on walking me back to the cabin and I guess I assumed she'd go her own way once we got there. I turn to see her directly behind me and glancing curiously into the cabin. "Morning" she says somewhat shyly and everyone sorta stares for a moment. "Hey" they all say in an awkward unison.

"Well I'll leave you to it, bye Alicia" she says, her tone changing upon bidding farewell to me. She waves and is off, heading back towards the other cabin. I close the door and turn back, it's eerily quiet and they're all sharing looks. I'm not quite sure what it's about and I don't know if I should ask based on their faces.

"I'll take the bags to the car. Anyone else want to come with? I don't wanna be alone" Billie announces which is odd for her. I mean I know she's not scared and often prefers doing things on her own but I don't question it. The rest of the group agrees to take their bags too. They even shake Tammy and Alice awake to take their bags as I stand there confused.

They all empty the room until it's just me, Mina, and a blissfully unaware Cordelia. "Come here" Mina says and my eyebrows furrow involuntarily. Even more so than they were from the recent exodus of the cabin. They practically fled like it was on fire. "Ok..." I say coming to sit on the bed with her.

As I look into her eyes I see a blurry mixture of hesitancy and concern. Whatever it is she has to tell me... I have a feeling it's not gonna be pretty.

Cabin FeverWhere stories live. Discover now