I watch her nervously as she folds her hands in her lap. "Listen... you know I would never tell you what you can and can't do. However, in this case, I would just like to warn you. Diane is... well she's special. Not in the 'unique' kinda way either, in the creepy way. Don't get me wrong, she's an amazing person, she's just different, do you get what I'm saying?" she prompts and I shake my head softly.

"Just... be careful with her, she's fragile. There's a reason we don't really interact with her. I'm not telling you not to, I'm just saying to be mindful" she heeds, "I know you're always super cryptic when it comes to people's past but help me out here" I sigh. "I don't want you to have a biased opinion of her. I just want you to know that she's not as innocent as she seems" she warns.

"Ok, Wilhemina" I chuckle, sounding more like a scoff. I'm honestly just ready to forget she even said anything because, with such little information, it'll just bring me anxiety. "Don't 'ok Wilhemina' me" she scolds, "Winnie" I reply in a warning tone. "Fine" she sighs, grabbing her bags and heading out the cabin.

I wake up Delia gently and let her know it's time to go. We grab our bags and head out to where everyone else is waiting by their cars. As I put my bags in, I watch everyone else embracing each other. Tears come to my eyes as I really come to terms with it all. I feel kinda selfish, like I'm making this about me. These people have known each other for years and I've just swooped in like an infiltrator.

Then again, they know each other so well that they know they'll see one another next year. This could very well be my first and last time ever seeing them. Even in the short time that I've been here, they've made me feel like family. I finally felt loved, like I was a part of something and wanted. "Y/n? Honey" I feel hands being placed on my face and I snap out of it.

"You're crying, sweetheart" Diane whispers as she wipes my tears, "sorry" I mumble. I pull away to quickly wipe my own tears and she shakes her head. She takes her hand, putting it on the back of my head, and pulls me into her chest. Her arms secure themselves around me and I can't deny the safety I feel. After a while, I pull away and nod to let her know I'm ok.

She smiles softly and gestures to the bigger group of women. I walk over and they each pull me in, telling me how much they'll miss me. I reciprocate the sentiments and we all take a step back. "Well..." Billie sighs sadly, "until next year" Alice chimes in. "Until next year" I whisper under my breath as we all go our separate ways. I feel a hand on my shoulder as I'm about to follow Delia and I stop.

I turn to see Diane smiling at me and I return it before giving her a hug. "Everything will work itself out, don't you worry, little one" she whispers in my ear and it brings me comfort. For a moment I think of how she could possibly know what's wrong but, then again, it's evident on my face. It's clear as day that something is troubling me.

"Thank you, Diane" I mumble, pulling away to show her my smile. "Any time. Safe travels" she says, walking over to her car after squeezing my hand. I turn back to see Delia leaning on her car, I assume having watched the whole interaction. As I approach, I can't read the expression on her face and it worries me.

"What was that about?" she asks, "just saying goodbye" I answer. "Since when are you and crazy town friends?" she inquires, "she seems nice. Don't call people names, Delia" I sigh softly. "You seem mighty defensive over someone that just 'seems nice' " she points out, "babe..." I sigh. I place my hands on her cheeks and pull her in for a kiss.

"You don't have to be jealous. I don't want or need anyone but you" I whisper, "ok" she sighs. "I love you" I mumble, "I love you too" she smiles and places a peck on my lips. "Now, no more 'fighting'. This may be one of our last moments together and I want to remember it well" I state, "don't say that. We have plenty of time ahead of us" she says, pulling me in by my waist.

"I admire your optimism. Let's get going, I'm ready to face it" I sigh, "I'll be right there the whole time" she reminds me. I merely nod and give her another kiss before sliding into my car. She gets into her own and we back out with her following me. I know that she has high hopes for this but she doesn't know my family like I do. I'm just praying to god that it doesn't go to complete shit.

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