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We arrive at this cute little house that just screams Delia. The flowerbed surrounds the house and is full of life just like the blonde. Pink and white are sprinkled throughout and it's easily the most beautiful thing I've seen; still second to her of course. The house is painted a pastel yellow with white bordering.

There's a big porch in the front with two chairs and a small table with a glass top. Plants also hang there, leaves spilling happily out their pots. "Welcome home" she whispers and I realize I've been staring at the house, not even bothering to turn to her until now. She looks at me nervously and bites her lip, "do you like it?" she asks softly and I smile widely as I nod.

She sighs in relief and I kiss her cheek telling her how adorable she is. She blushes lightly as she turns to grab the first load of bags and I giggle. We bring them all in and she shows me to her room—our room now. It amazes me that I'm now moving in with her after only a few months of knowing each other.

However, I'm so sure about her that it doesn't even worry me. She offers me a little tour of the house before we put away my things and I agree. She shows me the guest bedrooms for when friends come over and then she shows me where things are in the kitchen for when I need it. "You'll have to move some of these so I can reach" I chuckle and so does she.

"Or I could not... then I can get them for you" she whispers as she presses me into the counter and places a peck on my lips. I'm momentarily caught in a haze by the way she looks at me, her gaze always leaving me speechless. "And when you're not here?" I point out, "ok maybe I'll move a few" she pouts cutely and I boop her nose which makes her giggle.

She continues to show me the living room and her record player. I take a while to look through her collection and smile to myself. I knew she had great taste I mean, she picked me, but this is beyond great. She has all kinds of music; different genres and basically a variation of everything from the 50's until now.

We finally return to the room to put my things away, wanting to finish it so we don't have to worry about it later. As she clears out space for me, I fill in the places with things from my bags. My mind wanders throughout the menial task and I find myself thinking about that whole interaction with my family.

"Alicia" I turn around with wide eyes, feeling like a deer caught in headlights as she pulls me from my thoughts. "Are you ok?" she asks, "of course" I reply without hesitation. "Mhm. Now the truth" she counters and I sigh softly as I place down the shirt that was clutched in my hands. 

She sits and pats the spot next to her on the bed, silently asking me to sit. I take the place next to her and she intertwines our fingers, waiting for me to speak. "I don't know really... it's probably nothing" I shrug, "then why not tell me? If it has something to do with being here or the house-" "no no. Nothing like that" I assure her and she nods with a relieved smile.

"It's just... well I find it odd how my family was fighting so much on the idea but then they just agreed" I state as I think aloud, confusing myself. I feel her hand grip mine a bit tighter and I turn to face her, seeing a slightly strained smile on her lips. "What is it?" I ask softly, beginning to worry.

"How about we talk about it over dinner? It is getting late, anyway. We'll finish tomorrow" she decides, gently ushering me to a standing position. I eye her skeptically but she pretends not to notice. What has gotten into her? I know there's a lot I don't know about her but I feel like I'm learning things everyday.

I suppose that should be a good thing, but it makes me uneasy because of the way she's acting. I decide to just go along with it for the time being, hoping that it's noting bad. "Ok but I need a shower" I tell her and she nods quickly, "take your time" she practically begs and I narrow my eyes. "Alright..." I say with a look in my eyes that clearly says: 'you're being weird' because what's wrong with her?

time skip to dinner

I see she's laid clothes out for me so I slip those on, checking myself out in the mirror. It's not my favorite outfit but because she picked it, it is now. I smell something that makes me moan and I follow my nose to the dining room. My jaw drops slightly as the smells invade my senses. The lights are off, only candle light illuminates the room.

There's soft music playing and I smile to myself at her little romantic gesture. "Hey" she mumbles and I turn to see her walking in with plates of food. "This is beautiful" I whisper, "It's nothing fancy. I just ordered take out" she chuckles as she sets down the plates. I turn her around and wrap my arms around her waist, placing a kiss on her lips.

"It's everything" I tell her and she blushes as I give her a longer kiss, feeling grateful to have her in my life. She gestures for me to sit and I oblige, taking the seat across from her. We dig in and I moan softly, I glance up to see a fierce shade of red on her cheeks and smirk. "Oh you liked that?" I tease her and she just takes a sip of her wine, "you don't answer me? What a shame... well I suppose you won't be hearing more of that" I shrug and her eyes widen.

"N-no I liked it—I mean... a normal amount" she stutters and I just chuckle in amusement. "I'm glad you like it. It's from my favorite place" she says, "you certainly pick well" I say. "I think so too" she jokes and I roll my eyes playfully as I take a sip of wine. "So..." I prompt when the food is almost gone, "mhm?" she hums as she looks to me with her eyebrows raised.

"The thing with my family..." I bring up the elephant in the room, well, at least to me in is. I see her swallow nervously which only furthers my interest and also makes me nervous too. "Well... I'm not really sure how to tell you this" she admits and I sigh, preparing myself for anything. "I'm a witch" she blurts out and I immediately start laughing.

Once I'm calmed down there's still a wide smile on my face until I look at her. My smile fades as I realize she's not joking and she looks at me like she's terrified. "You're kidding, right?" I ask and she shakes her head slowly. She puts out all the candles and lights them again with a flick of her wrist and my eyes widen.

My mouth falls open and I fight as hard as I can to say something but it just doesn't work. I scratch my head as I replay it in my head, trying to somehow explain it logically but I can't. "I'm sorry" she whispers but it's like it doesn't even register in my brain for a good minute or so. "Are you ok?" She asks quietly and I take a deep breath to reply but I just can't.

"Alicia, I'm really sorry" she tries again and this time I just shake my head dismissively. I'm still trying to process it but it's pretty cool she can do that. "Why didn't you tell me before?" Is the first I ask her which I think is pretty valid. "I don't tell a lot of a people, well, most people already know" she shrugs and I look at her confused.

"I run an academy, there's a commercial on tv" she explains and I nod along as I try to remember if I've ever seen it but I don't really watch television anyway. "And... I was afraid that if you knew, you'd be scared of me" she whispers shakily and I look up to see tears in her eyes. "Oh, honey..." I sigh sadly and she tries to smile but it appears as more of grimace than anything.

I feel words won't do it so I get up and pull her up too. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly, reassuring her without words that I'm not scared. "You don't have to apologize, I understand" I hear her sigh softly and I pull away to wipe the few tears that fell. "No need to cry. It'll just take some getting used to" I admit and she nods.

"What else can you do?" I ask after a moment of is standing in a comfortable silence and she smirks. "A lot..." she whispers and I look away shyly as my mind travels to some interesting places. She turns me to face her again with her hand on my chin and I feel weak in the knees at the way she looks down at me.

"I think it's easier if I just show you. So make sure you keep those pretty eyes on me, ok?" she asks and I nod absently, willing to do anything she asks of me. She takes my hand and starts leading me to the bedroom. I'm just about to ask about the dishes but I look back to see everything already clean. My god, I love her...

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