*flashback in Delia's pov*

Hank stumbles in the house, the smell of booze wafting through the entire house. I sigh and turn off the tv because I already know what's to come. "MARIAN" he yells, I don't know why he insists on calling me that. That's not even my middle name but I'm tired of correcting him.

"In here" I says loud enough for him to hear. He stumbles over and falls on top of me, playing it off as intentional. "I've been waiting all day for this" he says pressing his lips aggressively against mine. His tongue forces itself into my mouth making me almost gag in disgust.

"Not right now, Hank" I say gently pushing his chest and separating our lips. "Why not?" He asks rubbing one of his hands along my thighs. "I'm just not in the mood" I say smiling apologetically. Truth be told I couldn't stand the mere thought of him touching me. "You're never 'in the mood'" he says pushing himself off me to stand.

"I think it's the hormones or something" I say innocently. He's one of those 'are you on your period?' guys. "What fucking hormones? Aren't you supposed to be in menopause or something?" He asks making me want to glare at him but I resist. "I'm only 32" I remind him, "ONLY 32? Be honest Cordelia" he says as if I'm lying.

"Would you like to check my birth certificate?"" I joke but of course he doesn't laugh and takes it offensively. "I'm pretty sure I know how old my wife is" he says, "you literally forgot my birthday this year" I say in defense. "So?" He says as if it's no big deal, "you're trying to distract me" he says pointing his finger at me.

"From what?" I ask him genuinely, "from the fact that you've been staying out late at night until I'm asleep. Then you leave before I get up like you have important shit to do" he argues. "I do have things to do. I'm working at a school" I say. "What do you need to work for? As if I don't provide enough for you? You're so ungrateful" he shakes his head.

"I am grateful. I just feel like I need something to do during the day" I respond. "So what exactly are you doing at night? Since you're so bored" he mocks. "Just going out with friends" I reply, "what friends? You don't have friends" he says walking into the kitchen. "From the camp..." I remind him yet again, "oh those bitches. I don't see why you hang out with them" he says. To get away from you. "What did you say?" Shit did I say that out loud?

"Oh I get it. I'm sooo awful that you can't bear to be around me" he says with a beer in his hand. "It's not that..." I say trying to make it sound better. "Then what?... ohhhh I get it. How could I be so blind?" He says taking a sip of beer, "you get what?" I ask curiously, "who is he? Or she cause I guess you're into that right?" He says leaning against the wall to keep his balance.

"It's not that either" I say, "really? Why else would you be avoiding me then? Hmm? Care to explain that?" He says looking into my eyes as he takes another swig. "Like I said... they're just friends" I say honestly. "Right. You just can't bear to tell the truth" he slurs. "This is ridiculous" I scoff and begin to walk away from him. "Don't walk away when I'm talking to you" he screams.

I turn around and look him in the eye, my entire body tensed in fear but I stand tall. He's like dog, he can just smell the fear. "We've been over this a million times" I say in a calm tone. "Yet every time you still lie" he says getting dangerously closer to me. "I. Didn't. Do it" I emphasize, "and why should I believe that? You've done it before and you'll do it again" she spats. "That was YEARS ago. Before we even got married" I reason.

"Commitment is commitment Cordelia" he says now standing right in front of me. "You can't even comprehend how much that hurt me when I found out" he says acting sad. "I'm sorry ok? How many times do I have to apologize before you believe me?!" I raise my voice slightly. "Just admit it! You fucking cheated. AGAIN" he screams.

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