Chapter 23: On the Small Peak [Extra Long]

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Ling Xiao was stunned.

A few scenes flashed through his mind rapidly. Back when he had caught Lan Wei, Mo Qi had gotten panicky and had someone send him a letter, asking him to deliver an acrostic poem to the Emperor. After taking a look at it, Ling Xiao had copied down the first character of each line.

Those characters were these four words.[1]

Mo Qi wanted to confess her feelings to the Emperor and for Ling Xiao to deliver her letter for to him, but how could Ling Xiao be stupid to the point he would help her? He had directly burned it; however, he had forgotten about the paper that he wrote those four characters on and accidentally mixed it with the list in the iron case…

Ling Xiao finally came to a realization, and his heart fell into chaos.

This paper had been seen by the Emperor now….

He slightly raised his eyes, wanting to catch a glimpse of the Emperor’s expression, only to discover that the Emperor’s serene and deep eyes had been watching him the whole time.

Ling Xiao stiffened, then quickly lowered his gaze and knelt on the ground.

Only one thought remained in his mind, he was done for!

After all, he, as a eunuch, had the impertinence to ‘like and want’ the Emperor.

The Emperor looked away, slowly picking up the tea off the table and drinking a mouthful, “Stand up. Your body isn’t well yet, so no need to be too polite.”

Ling Xiao stood, trembling with fear. The Emperor glanced at the other seat by the table and motioned to Ling Xiao, “Come over here, sit.”

Being overwhelmed by the favor from him, Ling Xiao uneasily said, “Your… Your Majesty… you are the Master.”

Hearing his words, the Emperor swept a glance at Ling Xiao that was full of authority, shaking Ling Xiao so much that he could not say anything else. With no other alternatives, he could only directly sit next to the Emperor.

Next to him was Ling Xiao, whose body appeared refined in his white clothing, but whose face was so frightened that no trace of blush could be seen. He was completely pale and his lips formed a line. His posture was very straight due to his nervousness and his hands were on his knees as he trembled slightly.

The Emperor sized him up, recalling that this small eunuch usually served him very meticulously. His heart started to oddly throb for a moment, then gradually began to feel tenderness towards him.

“We did not intend to blame or reproach you. There’s no need for you to be so nervous. Help Us pour some tea.” The Emperor placed down the empty teacup in his hand.

Ling Xiao was surprised. This eunuch ‘liked and wanted’ the Emperor, yet the Emperor did not blame and reproach him. There was only one possible reason for that, the Emperor also had some interest in the eunuch.

Thinking about it, Ling Xiao became even more nervous.

One order, one action. Using his good hand, he picked up the end of the teapot and slowly leaned closer to the Emperor’s teacup, tremblingly pouring the tea in until it was full.

The Emperor suddenly reached out a hand to grab onto his hand, causing Ling Xiao to jump in fright.

“Your Majesty…”

The Emperor, feeling the coldness and trembling of that hand, looked at Ling Xiao for a moment, then placatingly patted his hand.

Ling Xiao stiffly swallowed his saliva, taking a few deep breaths to help him relax as much as possible.

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