Chapter 51: Unceasing Demon

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He had already followed and learnt from Fu Yujun for over half a month. In this timeframe, Ling Xiao turned from never having any foundations of martial arts to being able to withstand one of Fu Yujun’s bodyguard.

Although it was just one bodyguard, it has already made Ling Xiao content.

And his secret was naturally told to Fu Yujun.

Since he has already left the palace, there was no meaning in hiding whether he was a eunuch or not. Ling Xiao still remembers Fu Yujun’s face of amazement when he told him he wasn’t a eunuch, causing him to stare at his lower body and wish that he could inspect and verify the point himself.

Of course, Ling Xiao did not let him check it. As for the other question, Ling Xiao cleverly used his body’s secret and told Fu Yujun that it was because Mo Qi wanted to castrate him, so he hates her and wishes for her to die. This kind of excuse made it quite easy for Fu Yujun, who was also a man, to accept.

Now that the two matters were explained, Fu Yujun roughly knew the reason why Ling Xiao had to leave the palace.

Immersed in his thoughts as he stared at Ling Xiao, another question formed in his mind. Did the Mu Country and this servant actually…

Seeing the hickies on the little servant’s body at that time, he guess that they should probably already be like ‘that’. Then, wasn’t his secret found out by the Mu Country Emperor in the end?

Since the Emperor already knows, then there was no reason to continue hiding this secret.

At this moment, Fu Yujun was finally aware that he had been played by Ling Xiao!

He grudgingly laughed lightly, then sighed at Ling Xiao’s craftyness. But when he saw the little servant’s face that was full of hope and waiting to hear his answer, his heart soften.

Ultimately, Fu Yujun still told Ling Xiao his wish of wanting to find that dancer from that day, and asked Ling Xiao if he knew who she was.

With a face full of astonishment, Ling Xiao could only stiffly claim that he was not clear so that Fu Yujun’s suspicions would not fall on him.

Luckily, Fu Yujun seemed to be recalling the scene from back then and did not take note of Ling Xiao’s stiffness. So the matter passed just like that.

Today, Ling Xiao habitually went to the front courtyard. This was where Fu Yujun practiced his martial arts and was also where he was teaching Ling Xiao for the meantime.

Usually around this time, the courtyard would only have some servants to serve Fu Yujun and him. However, Ling Xiao found that there were many chamberlains when he entered the front courtyard today.

Ling Xiao approached in confusion and then found a man that looked extremely similar to Fu Yujun sitting at the pavilion and chatting with him. Those chamberlain were clearly here because of him.

He had heard that Shao Country’s Royal Family only consist of Fu Yujun who was the Second Prince and his older brother, the First Prince. These two men look so similar, could it be this is the legendary absurdly and lecherous First Prince, Fu Shangjun?

Strange, he heard that these two princes did not get along. So why did this First Prince come here?

Ling Xiao thought and approached the pavilion just in time to hear the First Prince say.

“Imperial Younger Brother, aren’t you being too cruel? There is such a beauty hidden in this house yet you didn’t tell your Imperial Brother about her.”


Ling Xiao’s eyes went dark. Who was Fu Shangjun talking about?

Fu Yujun also seemed very puzzled, he asked, “Which beauty would Imperial Brother be speaking of?”

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