Extra Perspective: Mu Xiuning's worry

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Five years later, Mu Country became even stronger.

The Ministry of Works and Ling Xiao worked together and made boulder throwing machines, cannons and other things that this world had never seen before. These things spread throughout the army and were greatly used.

Mu Country could be completely unequal within a hundred years by using these weapons.

Ling Xiao had achieved his promise, and his value was comparably to the entire harem.

Mu Xiuning watched Ling Xiao’s accomplishment and his surprise slowly turned into admiration.

Mu Xiuning really felt that the Emperor had insight, to be able to find such a living treasure like Ling Xiao among this boundless sea of people.

Watching the two couple in love, although Mu Country was on the right track, Mu Xiuning had another worry.

Ling Xiao was a male and he could never give birth to a child.

And Mu Country cannot do without a Prince.

“Lord Empress, Lord Empress, King Xiao is here again.” The maid Xiao Mei loudly shouted and reported to him.

Ling Xiao languidly lied on the couch, enjoying the sun. When he heard her, his cozy face turned bitter.

The Emperor and him had been together for five years. Three years ago, after he had completed the manufacture of the cannon, the Emperor had rose his rank to Lord Empress, from then on, the Emperor and him were official on equal footing. Even in the assembly, the Emperor and him would also sit together on the imperial throne.

In these five years, Mu Country had good weather for crops, the things he researched were also slowly turning into food related objects one by one. Mu Country was now far in the lead compared to other dynasties.

But once the cozy days have passed for a while, there would always be someone who liked to be a pain in the neck.

The most diligent one of these that no one could surpass was this King Xiao, Mu Xiu Ning.

TL Note: Xiao for deep and clear water, or howling and pounding of wind and rain. It’s a title

Five years ago, the Emperor worked fast and used the excuse that he cannot be near women for the rest of his life and disbanded the harem. Nowadays, guy was still running to the Emperor to tell him he must have a child.

He, a man, the Emperor, a man. How would they give birth to one?!

Wasn’t this indirectly telling the Emperor to once again accept concubines?!

Leaving aside the excuse that was still effectiveness now five years later, Ling Xiao would never allow the Emperor to receive concubines!

But this Mu Xiuning didn’t dare to mention it to the Emperor, so he would always run over to where Ling Xiao was at to disturb him, causing Ling Xiao to feel very vexed.

With a bitter face, Ling Xiao clenched his teeth and resisted, “Not seeing, make him leave!”

“Lord Empress…it’s too late…” Xiao Mei miserably said and not long after that, a happy voice came through.

“Lord Empress feels that this King is annoying.”

Ling Xiao looked at the fluttering civilian clothing-dressed Mu Xiuning and was so angered his teeth itched. He glared at Mu Xiuning and fakely said, “How could that be? Imperial Uncle, you are the Emperor’s only relative. Although you and the Emperor have oppose each other before, the Emperor is a person of great moral stature and does not remember the offenses of a low moral person. He gave you back your freedom to freely walk in the palace and a lot of other privileges, with that, Ling Xiao does not dare to ignore you.”

Ling Xiao deliberately jabbed at Mu Xiuning’s pain, whose face went stiff and his eyebrows twitched as his face revealed a smile that also wasn’t one, “What this King said before, had the Lord Empress thought about it? The Emperor would also want a child, but if you’re not willing for the Emperor to receive a concubine, then you can just find a woman to come and have her just to give birth to a child…”

“No way!” Ling Xiao did not even think and interrupted Mu Xiuning, “You want to find a woman to come, you’re better off thinking of a way to make my belly grow bigger.”

Ling Xiao thick-skinnedly pointed at his belly and Mu Xiuning’s mouth twitched, “You are a male, how could your belly get bigger.”

“Then I have no other way.” Ling Xiao shrugged.

Mu Xiuning’s face went rigid and Ling Xiao took the chance while his senses hadn’t come back to him to call out, “Xiao Mei, Imperial Uncle is tired, take him back to rest.”

“Yes.” Xiao Mei appeared before Mu Xiuning, who opened his mouth, wanting to say something. But his lower lip only moved a bit before he finally sighed, and threw his sleeve, leaving.

Ling Xiao heaved many sighs.

They all say, “father-in-law” and “mother-in-law” were difficult to deal with. Now that he has met Mu Xiuning, Ling Xiao felt that what they say was too right!

The Emperor himself wasn’t pressed for time, yet he was so pressed he was like a monkey.

At night, the Emperor arrived from outside and when he saw Ling Xiao’s unhappy face, he paused then walked to him side and asked, “What’s wrong? Who made you unhappy?”

“……” Ling Xiao was silent, although the Emperor gave Mu Xiuning many great privileges, he did not like him to be mentioned. So although Ling Xiao kept being disturbed by Mu Xiuning, he had never tattled on him in front of the Emperor.

Ling Xiao guessed that the Emperor knows about it, he just doesn’t want to deal with Imperial Uncle.

But he was truly at the end of his patience, whenever Mu Xiuning had time, he would catch him and had him study. He studied so much even his ears were forming callus.

Ling Xiao pursed his lips while he considered it, “Your Majesty, I know you don’t like Imperial Uncle to be brought up, but he… always…”

The Emperor stopped, he understood Ling Xiao’s complaint. With a slight smile, he interrupted Ling Xiao’s words: “We will arrange something tomorrow, so be at ease.”

“Mhm…” Ling Xiao softly answered once and leaned over to give the Emperor a kiss on his face.

The Emperor slightly shivered, with a hoarse voice he asked: “Only there? How about here?”

The Emperor pointed at his lips which caused Ling Xiao to slightly redden. With his gaze elsewhere, he gave the Emperor a fast peck on the lips.

The Emperor gave Ling Xiao a discontented glance, then went forward and pulled him into a hot kiss.


After that night, Imperial Uncle really did not come to bother Ling Xiao anymore.

Not long after that event, he heard that the Emperor arranged a marriage for Mu Xiuning, the marriage had one condition on it: Mu Xiuning must have a son within one year.

One year later, Mu Country had an extra crown prince.

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