Chapter 52: Face Slapping Fu Shangjun (I)

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When Ling Xiao woke up, any traces of Mo Qi in the place were gone. That First Prince also left just like that.

Fu Yujun stood guard by Ling Xiao’s bed and asked him about the situation as soon as Ling Xiao awoke, causing Fu Yujun to search through the entire household.

He had really found the people who had helped Mo Qi run away.

Two of them were servants in the back courtyard that did odd jobs, one was a kitchen servant while the last one was a bodyguard that looked after the courtyard. The one common point they all shared was that they were all men.

After Fu Yujun and Ling Xiao investigated the entire matter, they found out from those men that  Mo Qi and Fu Shangjun already became acquainted with each other seven days ago.

They met at a tavern outside.

Mo Qi had used her beauty and in just a few days, captured the hearts of many men. She used them to take her out to play and eat from time to time.

The bodyguard had taken Mo Qi out to eat at the tavern seven days ago and met Fu Shangjun who frequently visited the place. That Fu Shangjun who liked beauty in the first place, immediately went to make friends with Mo Qi when he saw her heavenly beauty.

After that, with the two having a good impression of each other, Mo Qi made her move and asked Fu Shangjun to take her away, which he gladly agreed. This was later the reason why Fu Shangjun would drop in to ask about her.

Mo Qi could be considered much more careful after her rebirth. In order to hide from Ling Xiao and Fu Yujun, she had never publically got into contact with these men while in the household. On the days when she wanted them to take her out, she would find an excuse to get out.

Furthermore, from what these men said, that Fu Shangju had frequently gave Mo Qi gold, silver, pearls and brocaded silkes, but she had never worn them in the household.

From the beginning to the end, she took on an appearance that made it look like she was bullied and humiliated by people, a cowering and survival-seeking inferior servant look.

It provoked a few men in the courtyard to be distressed for her and love her dearly.

The day Fu Shangjun had dropped in, Mo Qi had secretly asked about what Fu Yujun and Fu Shangjun talked about. Knowing that her departure will be obstructed, Mo Qi thought of how to run away. As such, she went to find these men, who had long loved her dearly, she who received bullying from the people in the house. They all naturally wanted to help her…

What Ling Xiao and his two maids got hit with was the knockout drugs Mo Qi had bought outside, which showed that she had long prepared for this.

As for that bowl of swallow nest congee, Fu Yujun had found a doctor to inspect the remaining bits of it. What they found was a highly toxic poison.

Everything was cleared. Ling Xiao eyed Fu Yujun, his face overflowing with interest, “Do you still feel that this woman is not dangerous at all?”

The little servant had a sneer on his face that seemed to be taunting his foolishness for looking down on Mo Qi. Fu Yujun silently closed his eyes, he felt as if he could no longer show his face anymore.

The ends of his mouth curled down. He did not look at Ling Xiao nor did he reply to his question. Indignantly, he gave an order to have the four men all executed.

Fu Yujun always had a smile in his eyes and rarely had a serious expression, but now, that smile was gone and his cruelty could completely be seen. It was like a beast that got angry, causing Ling Xiao to instinctually tremble.

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