Chapter 26: The First Consort

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The Emperor raised an eyebrow as he looked at him. Ling Xiao broke out in a cold sweat as he wondered just how much of his foolish manner the Emperor had seen just now.

There were specific etiquette conducts within the Imperial Palace, and his appearance just then in front of his master was unacceptable. If the master didn’t care, he could pretend he didn’t see it. If the master cared, then he could execute him.

Although Ling Xiao did not feel that the Emperor would execute him over such a little thing, he was still very anxious.

Luckily, the Emperor chose to pretend he saw nothing and calmly told Ling Xiao to rise.

Ling Xiao let out a breath and walked forward with small quick steps to the Emperor’s side.

“What caused you to be so happy?” Just when Ling Xiao thought this matter would be forgotten quietly, the Emperor suddenly asked about it.

Ling Xiao stiffened. He didn’t want to talk about it, nor did he had the capability to mention it, so he could only weakly bow his head, “Your Majesty, it is just a trifle matter that’s not worth mentioning.”

“Tell Us about it.” The Emperor was very interested this time.

Ling Xiao wiped his sweat in the bottom of his heart. An excuse flashed through his mind as he hurriedly thought, and he dipped his head as he answered, “Your servant just passed by Chu Xiu Palace and heard a song from back home that reminded him of the pleasures of his hometown.”

“Chu Xiu Palace…” The Emperor looked at Ling Xiao and seemed to have gathered some clues, as his gaze gradually turned cold.

Ling Xiao sensed that something was amiss with the Emperor and hastily added, “Your Majesty, your servant will sing it for you.”

His voice drifted, the clearness of it carrying a unique attractiveness that attracted the Emperor’s attention. Surprised, the Emperor stared attentively at the small eunuch in front of him, examining at his dipped head, the soft light in his gaze, and the slight wrinkling of his eyebrows as he sang. He really was quite full of spirit and vitality.

The Emperor was enjoying it, leaning back in his chair and relaxing as he listened to Ling Xiao’s singing.

Once he finished, the Emperor no longer continued to question him on the previous matter, and Ling Xiao smiled in his mind, knowing that the matter had passed. He couldn’t help but truly relax. Seeing that the face of the Emperor in front of him carried a faint fatigue, Ling Xiao walked over to him and began to massage his shoulders.

The Emperor felt Ling Xiao’s movements, and his gaze turned gentle. He reached out a hand to lead Ling Xiao and Ling Xiao followed the Emperor’s pull, arriving before him.

The Emperor said, “The song isn’t bad, perhaps you can sing for Us more often.”

Ling Xiao saluted, replying with a “Yes”.

“Your hand isn’t healed, so you don’t need to attend Us.” The Emperor lightly stroked Ling Xiao’s bandaged hand.

Upon seeing this, Ling Xiao’s heart warmed and respectfully replied back with his head bowed, “Your servant’s hand is fine, Your Majesty does not need to worry.”

The Emperor stroke Ling Xiao’s hand after he heard that and untied the bandage. Ling Xiao stared blankly and slightly withdrew his hand, confusedly asked, “Your Majesty?”

“Don’t move.” The Emperor warned him with a glance.

Ling Xiao no longer dared to move and trembled with fear as he watched the Emperor personally undid his bandage. His hand was bleeding a bit, perhaps it due to him exerting some pressure just now. With the removal of the bandage, he felt a slight stab of pain.

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