Chapter 68: Filled With Love (III)

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Although Concubine Ran’s attitude and appearance weren’t as good as the other two concubines, she held the most tricks up her sleeves, her schemes running deep.

There were two main reasons why she could have her current position; her father was the High Official of the Ministry of Appointments, and more importantly, she used her tricks and schemes to gain a foothold in the harem.

Of course, Ling Xiao did not believe the Emperor could not see through it all.

However, since the Emperor had turned a blind eye to matters concerning her, it means he can tolerate it.

For such a woman to suddenly pay a visit should not be anything good.

Ling Xiao waved his head, trying to reject her visit.

Yet, Xiao Lizi who had informed of her arrival just had to add on, “King Consort, before your arrival, Concubine Ran was the one who was loved most by His Majesty. Though right now, you hold His Majesty’s love, to do this to Concubine Ran who was just disregarded…”

Looking at Xiao Lizi made Ling Xiao frowned. He also felt it was a bit strange; just when had Xiao Lizi gotten on such good terms with Concubine Ran, to speak up on her behalf?

He stared at Xiao Lizi, full of curiosity.

Xiao Lizi cowered a bit from his staring, panic showing on his face. Ling Xiao’s eyes brighten at the sight and he approached him, trying to take a closer look at the other’s expression. But Xiao Lizi was aware of it and quickly lowered his head respectfully, like he was trying to apologize, when in fact, he was just doing so to hide from Ling Xiao’s line of sight.

Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes, stood up and walked until he was right in front of Xiao Lizi. He then rounded the cowering and kneeling man, eying his trembling body. His annoyed mood grew worse as he lashed out at the eunuch…

“Xiao Lizi, apart from when the Emperor is at court, you pretty much never come to my palace, right?”

Ling Xiao guessed about what the other might be thinking, and then mockingly said, “Then, what are you trying to do here today? The Emperor’s morning court will soon be over, so why is it that Steward Li is not present by the Emperor’s side to serve him, but is instead here in my palace?”

Ling Xiao did not call him ‘Xiao Lizi’ rather, he called him by his title ‘Steward Li’, which flustered the other more.

Sneering at the sight, Ling Xiao continued without giving the other a chance to explain himself, “And such a coincidence! My palace, which is usually unfrequented, received a guest the moment you showed up!”  

Hearing Ling Xiao’s words, Xiao Lizi was so scared he lost all color from his face and his lips were blanch. He was trembling so hard he could no longer speak.

Ling Xiao stared at him without blinking, yet he grimly laughed in his heart.

“Ever Since I entered the palace as the King Consort, aside from the servants, there haven’t been any harem concubines visiting me in this courtyard. I thought, after all, how could the concubines not be curious to meet the King Consort? Since no one dared to come, then someone must have ordered it. I believe Steward Li doesn’t need me to say it out loud who might this person be…”

While he spoke, he saw that Xiao Lizi’s face really did turn for the worse. This confirmed even more that his guess was right. For this palace to remain so peaceful could only be because the Emperor had laid down the order. Ling Xiao’s mood turned better at the thought that the Emperor has really done a lot for him.  

But when he thought of Concubine Ran outside the door and the kneeling Xiao Lizi who dared to lie to him, Ling Xiao’s anger flared up.

His face was cold as he further asked, “How much effort did you spend, Steward Li, to allow Concubine Ran to come to my palace and ask for an audience? I am very curious, you see. Just how many benefits did she promise you, for your help?”

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