Chapter 25: Defiant Letter

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“If you want me to help you, I can.” Ling Xiao had a plan in mind as he laid out the bait.

Delight lit up Mo Qi’s face, and she quickly crawled back up, looking upwards with her purple-covered face, her gaze looking at Ling Xiao with great desire.

Ling Xiao lightly gave her a glance, “There is a condition, though, you have to help me with something…”

Mo Qi asked pouting and full of resentment, “What else do you want me to help you with?!”

Ling Xiao gave her a slanted glance and asked, “Are you going to do it or not?”

Mo Qi clenched her teeth, “I’ll do it.”

“Very good.” Ling Xiao smiled, satisfied.

Within the Prime Minister’s Household, worry hung around like a gloomy cloud.

Young Master Lan Wei had been found unconscious at the entrance of the house the other day.

The Prime Minister quickly had people bring Lan Wei into the house and found the best doctor of the country to look at him.

However, Lan Wei never woke up from his unconscious state.

The Prime Minister stood guard in Lan Wei’s room, his hair going white from worry as he looked at Lan Wei’s pale white face as he lay on the bed. He repeatedly sighed and shook his head.

Lan Wei had many burn marks on him and his clothes were also worn out, as if he had been in a large fire. From what he heard these past few days, there was only one place that had burned and it was the residence of the Eunuch Steward. They also found the embroidered robe of the Eunuch Steward covering Lan Wei when he had collapsed in front of the house.

These were clear signs that Lan Wei had been in the Imperial Palace these past two days!

But before Lan Wei left home, the Prime Minister remembered that he was in high spirits and said to him that he was just going out to amuse himself for two days.

This amusing himself… he went to amuse himself in the Imperial Palace… and even returned with the Eunuch Steward’s robe and injuries!

The Prime Minister had the mind to reproach his son, but Lan Wei had still not woken up so far. As a result, he could only swallow all his scoldings, even if he had ten million of them.

Looking at Lan Wei’s pale white face, the Prime Minister felt extremely distressed. He considered going out to protest unfairness, but he didn’t even know what happened to Lan Wei in the first place!

Furthermore, the Eunuch Steward was always in the harem and without the Emperor’s permission, no man could enter!

This forced the Prime Minister to not dare to make it public.

He had no choice but to spread the word that Lan Wei had fallen ill after the last time he had visited the palace and could not go out.

As for what had happened, he had no choice but to wait for this trouble-causing son of his to wake up and clear it up.

The Prime Minister stood by the bedside, gazing worriedly at Lan Wei, and let out a long drawn out sigh, leaning over to tuck in the corner of the bedcover a bit.

“Lord.” A soft cry from a manservant suddenly echoed from the entrance.

The Prime Minister slightly glanced out and said, “Come in.”

The manservant came in from outside, a letter clasp in his hand that he handed over to the Prime Minister, “Lord, a letter from the palace. They said it’s for Young Master Lan Wei.”

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