Chapter 33: To Take Revenge and Wipe Out a Grudge

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In the late night, the cry of insects gradually vanished as all living beings stilled. With a small candlelight within Ning Xuan Palace, Ling Xiao was listening to some news that was brought by a eunuch Xiao Lizi had sent out. After he listened to it, he wore a stupefied expression.

“You said that the Emperor allowed the Prime Minister to return home and enjoy retirement? With Lan Wei following him?”

“Yes.” The little eunuch answered with his head bowed.

Ling Xiao leaned against the bedside, stunned at the news he had heard.

He didn’t expect the Emperor to be this decisive and have the Prime Minister removed in such a short time. Based on what happened before, Ling Xiao guessed that the Emperor was protecting the Prime Minister household, but now…

Ling Xiao was truly confused, the way the Emperor handled things were unclear and hard to guess. This kind of unknown made it really hard for Ling Xiao to be calm. He did not know exactly how much the Emperor knew about the situation.

Ling Xiao sighed, coming back to reality. He waved his hand at the kneeling eunuch and said, “Alright, you can go.”

“Yes.” The small eunuch bowed and saluted.

“Wait.” Ling Xiao suddenly called to the eunuch, speaking firmly, “Get me a bucket of hot water, I want to take a bath. Also, get me the white clothing set from my wardrobe.”

The Emperor liked wearing black, yet he preferred others to wear white clothing…

He couldn’t sit around waiting, he had to do something.

“Your Majesty, are you not going to Ning Xuan Palace?” Xiao Lizi deferentially asked the Emperor as he saluted behind him.

With both hands behind his back, the Emperor was at the pavilion as the night wind blew. His back was proud, aloof, and distinctly cold.

Xiao Lizi originally did not dare to disturb the Emperor, but the Emperor had walked out of the Imperial Study, standing here for almost an hour. If he stayed any longer, it would be past midnight.

The Emperor heard Xiao Lizi’s inquiry and turned back to give him a glance. This glance was extremely intimidating, as if he was blaming Xiao Lizi for disturbing him. Xiao Lizi hurried knelt on the ground when he saw it, his heart greatly alarmed. He was shuddering so much he wasn’t even able to get out a word to beg for forgiveness.

The Emperor indifferently glanced at him again and frowned in annoyance, his mind recalling another little eunuch. Although that little eunuch was afraid of him, his behavior was much more interesting and adorable than this Xiao Lizi.

He pursed his lips and waved his sleeves, finally deciding on where he would go.

“Arrange a ride back.” he said.

Xiao Lizi stared blankly, they were returning back to the palace just like this? Wasn’t he going to find Steward Ling?

Just when he was being surprised, he saw Ling Xiao appearing from the distance, being supported by another eunuch.

Ling Xiao’s stature was slender, a hazy aura seemed to rise from him with his body covered in white, like an immortal that was banished from heaven. When he came closer and they could see him better, Xiao Lizi saw that his face was deathly pale. Although his hair was orderly, it was not able to hide his weak deposition.

The Emperor was frowning when he saw that, while Ling Xiao finally stopped in front of the Emperor and saluted.

The Emperor supported Ling Xiao with one hand and pulled him into his embrace, his face was somewhat displeased as he said, “Your injury isn’t well yet, so there is no need for the courtesy. Why are you not staying in the palace to rest?”

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