Chapter 41: Crisis Moment

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Ling Xiao was suddenly startled. The hand he was using to stroke the zither string suddenly got cut and he took back his hand in pain.

He seemed to be hesitating on something and stared blankly, lost in his thoughts. The kneeling little eunuch hurriedly urged him when he saw no reaction: “Steward, you should prepare a little! The Emperor will be at Ning Xuan Palace in half a quarter!”

Ling Xiao heard this time and roused. Taking a deep breath, he pushed down the anxiousness within his heart and said: “I know, you can go.”

“…Yes.” The little eunuch clearly still had something he wanted to say, but seeing that Ling Xiao’s face wasn’t good, he closed his lips and respectfully left.

After the little eunuch left, Ling Xiao held his wound and walked to the table. On the table was dessert and wine Ling Xiao prepared for the Emperor. From his waist, he took out some medical powder. This was the cartilage powder medicine given to him by Qi Lin, the one that he once used on Fu Yujun. It would not harm the body, but it could make someone immobile for a period of time.

Ling Xiao poured it into the wine bottle on the table. This was especially prepared for the Emperor tonight.

Finishing these tasks, Ling Xiao ignited the sleep incense on the zither table. He had already taken medicine beforehand, so the sleep incense shouldn’t have any effect on him. However, it would be hard to say for the Emperor that had taken cartilage powdered medicine.

With everything prepared, Ling Xiao once again sat in front of the zither case, looking at the seven-stringed zither absentmindedly.

If possible, he didn’t want to do this either.

However, the relationship between the Emperor and himself was built on top of lies. He really wanted to be honest with the Emperor, but he could not stake his life on it.

Steward Xu took care of the Emperor for nineteen years, and because of one lie, he was driven out of the palace.

The Prime Minister Household was so important, yet because of a lie, he was removed from office and driven out of the capital.

He, Ling Xiao, did not accompany the Emperor for many years, and was just an insignificant nobody. He simply did not have the confidence to be honest with the Emperor.

There was already nothing he could hesitate about. If he didn’t want to lose his life, then he had to leave the palace before his secret spread out.

With those thoughts, Ling Xiao’s gaze became firm, and he calmed himself. Spreading out a delicate finger, he started to strum the strings.

Fu Yujun admittedly could not be trusted, but he could use Fu Yujun’s identity.

As long as he borrowed Fu Yujun’s identity to leave the capital, Ling Xiao had countless ways to get away from Fu Yujun once they were far enough on the way to Shao Country…

Just as he was thinking of this, the sound of footsteps passed by the entrance and Ling Xiao cleared his mind, wholeheartedly throwing himself into playing the seven-stringed zither in front of him. This is the first time he played for the Emperor, and it should also be the last time.

The Emperor had just walked to the entrance of Ning Xuan Palace when he heard the sounds of a zither being played from within.

The sound of the zither rose, full of emotion and yearning, expressing one’s inner feelings. The Emperor slightly stopped and prevented the servants from announcing his arrival as he walked into the room.

Within the room, a single person was sitting in front of a zither table, his ten fingers lightly stroking the strings.

The strings lightly trembled and the clear melody of the zither flowed out pleasantly.

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