Chapter 21: Unexpectedly Fond of Him

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Ling Xiao promptly saluted, yet the Emperor turned a blind eye towards him.

Directly bypassing him and instead, turning to the five people kneeling behind him.

Ling Xiao held back the frown in his eyes, as he saw off the Emperor and rose.

Seeing the Emperor this time, he only saw the outline of his back and didn’t even see the front.

Ling Xiao frowned, slightly at loss as he returned to his room. His whole brain was full of thoughts on how he could get the Emperor to see him.

However, halfway there, he discovered that there was smoke floating up from the place where he lived.

Ling Xiao stared blankly, then quickly lifted the bottom of his robes and ran back.

At the entrance of his palace, there were already many eunuchs running around and busily putting out the fire.

Ling Xiao frowned and pulled on a passing eunuch, “How did it suddenly catch fire when it was just fine earlier?”

“This servant also don’t know, it suddenly caught on fire. The fire started on the inside.” The little eunuch answered while trembling with fear.

Ling Xiao angrily pushed him away and clenched his teeth as he grabbed a bucket of water and dumped it over himself. Then, he got a cloth to cover his mouth and nose and ran in.

That youngster Lan Wei was still below his bed, Ling Xiao had wanted to give him a lesson these past two days, so he didn’t give him anything to eat and only gave him some water to drink. He hadn’t let him go and just had him stay under his bed.

That person yesterday was being nice and obedient, Ling Xiao had thought that he had learned his lesson. However, the result was that he was restless today. This fire definitely has something to do with him, no question about it!

However, Ling Xiao couldn’t let Lan Wei die. Whose fault was it that he was the Prime Minister’s only son!

While thinking this, Ling Xiao cursed Lan Wei in his mind, yet his actions remained cautious. He ducked left and dodged right until he finally arrived at his room where he saw Lan Wei on the ground, powerlessly struggling.

The fire had already spread to his side. He had fallen beside the table, and a candlestick on its side was by it.

Looked like Lan Wei wanted to use the flame on the candlestick to burn the rope and run, but the result was that he had accidentally set the whole palace on fire.

He was really a fool.

Ling Xiao cursed and ran over. Because Lan Wei’s mouth was blocked, he could only use his nose to breath. However his nose had inhaled too much smoke, so now his young and tender face was twisted in pain.

Ling Xiao quickly took out the cloth blocking his mouth, and Lan Wei gasped as he took in air, violently coughing.

Ling Xiao quickly gave him his wet cloth to cover Lan Wei’s mouth and nose, then untied him.

Even so, the fire had already ignited to Lan Wei’s clothes.

Ling Xiao frowned and, in a single breath, took off Lan Wei’s outer clothing, draping his own over Lan Wei’s shoulders. In his haste, the list he had prepared for the Emperor fell from his embrace and rolled into the fire.

Ling Xiao wailed in anguish, having no choice but to go under the bed where he kept another copy of it

Luckily, he had used an iron case to hold this copy, so it wasn’t burned.

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