Chapter 28: Mo Qi Lost Power

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What was the Emperor doing?!

The first thing Ling Xiao did was touch his clothes. Luckily, he was still wearing them…

Ling Xiao slightly sighed in relief as he and the Emperor had no choice but to look at each other.

He didn’t notice it before, but now that he was so close, he discovered that the Emperor unexpectedly had double pupils![1]

Since the two pupils overlapped each other and were dark in color, if someone didn’t look carefully, they wouldn’t be able to make it out. They would only notice and be puzzled by this bizarre sight up close.

However, was he really supposed to be paying attention to his pupils right now?!

Ling Xiao quickly roused himself from his absent-minded state and swallowed, his lips trembling uneasily as he called out, “Your… Your Majesty…”

The Emperor heard him and smiled, “Awake?”

Ling Xiao gave a hollow laugh, his body stiff all over. In this position, no matter where he looked, his gaze would land somewhere on the Emperor’s body. Ling Xiao was at a complete loss when in this kind of face to face position. As time passed, Ling Xiao felt his body temperature rise and his heartbeat strangely accelerate.

The heat went to his head, making Ling Xiao certain that his face had turned red. He couldn’t help but bite his lips.

The Emperor’s eyes stared at him unblinkingly as his face slowly approached. This action narrowed the distance between them even more until they were close enough for the Emperor’s breath to puff onto his lips, causing the atmosphere of the surroundings to become ambiguous.

Ling Xiao’s ears began ringing, giving off the illusion that he was hearing the Emperor’s stomach growl.

The Emperor didn’t stop moving closer steadily even when Ling Xiao was embarrassed to the point he had tinnitus.

Widening his eyes, Ling Xiao eyed the Emperor’s approaching lips, and it finally dawned on him what the Emperor was trying to do… In his panic, he tried to push him away.

As the Emperor wasn’t expecting it, he was easily pushed aside. As Ling Xiao was foolishly startled, he saw the Emperor narrow his eyes in displeasure.

Hurriedly, Ling Xiao got off the bed and knelt, apologizing, “Your Majesty, your servant… your servant has not made any preparations.”

He thought up such an excuse.

The Emperor remained silent after he heard him, merely staring thoughtfully at Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao’s cold sweat slowly dripped down. After a while, the Emperor said, “Rise.”

As Ling Xiao got up, trembling with fear, the Emperor suddenly reached out his hand and grabbed Ling Xiao’s chin. Caught off guard, the Emperor took advantage of this moment to lean over and kiss him once. This single action was enough to freeze Ling Xiao in place.

The corner of the Emperor’s mouth curved up. The little eunuch in front of him, with his small body and sluggish look in his eyes, really was adorable. He was standing there without the slightest movement to the extent that he hadn’t even taken a breath. It really was quite an interesting sight.

Entertained by Ling Xiao, his complexion slowly returned to normal, and he consoled him by saying, “Next time We come, We wish for you to have made your preparations.”

With that line finished, both of his hands went behind his back, and he unhurriedly left.

From here on, Ling Xiao was certain on one thing: the Emperor really was interested in him. That, or, to say it differently, his interest in him increased… He covered his lips, his mind not returning for quite a long time.

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