Chapter 4

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When Naruto finished his shift, it was time to close the library. Thinking "Should I go there No no, I need to focus on my Chakra control and increasing my Chakraand physical strength to do elemental justu," he saw the forbidden section.

Opening a scroll, Naruto finds one describing the workout of strolling through trees.

Training methods for enhancing chakra control involve tree climbing practise. In order to climb a tree without using one's hands, one must practise concentrating a predetermined quantity of chakra to the bottom of one's feet.

When Naruto asked as to where he may train, the Hiruzen were sent to a training grounds.

Naruto headed to the training area to concentrate on his Charka control and the complete to learn exercise of tree climbing.

Naruto climbs the tree, focuses his charka on his foot, and begins to walk on it.

On his first attempt, he makes it halfway up the tree before falling down.

Naruto senses that someone is observing him from a tree, since he can see the sides of the person who is hiding their charka.

The person seeing him said, "Sensor type and he can do tree walking exercise up to half of the tree and the charka levels are approaching Kage level."

After trying three times, Naruto was able to climb the tree without falling, and he repeated the practise three more times as soon as he realised no one else was around. Because of his legs, Naruto is balanced on the tree.

"Boo" were yelled as someone body flickered close to Naruto.

As Naruto tumbles off the tree, he exclaims, "Ahh," and as he wipes his back, he notices a person and says, "Why did you do that?"

"I'm sorry," the person remarked as he began to giggle.

"Hey, stop laughing, and who are you," Naruto asks the person.

As soon as the individual stopped laughing, he introduced himself as Shisui Uchiha.

When Naruto first heard the name, he was taken aback and enquired, "You mean Shisui of the Body Flicker?"

Shisui questioned Naruto, "I see you already know me.

"That's true, but why are you here? Naruto questioned him.

Shisui responded, complimenting him, saying, "I just come to have a pleasant stroll and I just notice you doing training and you have perfect chakra control and seeing your chakra is high for your age."

After listening, Naruto grinned and said, "Thanks."

Shisui questioned him, "What's your name, kid?"

Naruto responded, "I'm Naruto Uzumaki."

Shisui thought, "Lord Fourth son."

Shisui responded, "If you wish, I can train you."

Naruto examines, "From what I've heard, he's a reliable individual, and I'm wondering whether I can tell him about my Sharingan. His chakra feels the safe, calm, and powerful. He will assist me in the training and be able to instruct me on how to use the Sharingan if I accept it."

" Sure " Naruto replied to Shisui.

"Then, very good, "Shisui remarked.

"I'll share something with you, but you must keep it a secret." Shisui nodded and remarked, "You can trust me, I won't tell to anybody," which prompted

Naruto to say. Shisui, who is confused, says to Naruto, "Huh, but you're not a Uchiha."

Shisui sees Naruto using his Sharingan as Shisui sees two tomoe Sharingan in his left eye and one in his right eye. Shisui was shocked when he saw the Sharingan.

Shisui said, "I notice you have Sharingan, and it makes sense since Your Father or Mother had Uchiha blood in them.

Shisui grinned and stated, "I will help you in your training with Sharingan, but my training will be rigorous, it is not simple," as Naruto nodded.

With a gulp, Naruto replies, "Haa."

"What are your abilities of the Sharingan, "Shisui enquired?

"Sharingan is the Uchiha clan's dojutsu kekkei genkai (Blood line limit), and it has three levels: one tomoe sharingan, two tomoe sharingan, and three tomoe sharingan." Naruto answered .

Shisui continue " Sharingan has 4 stages, which are One tomoe sharingan, Two tomoe sharingan, Three tomoe sharingan, Mangekyō Sharingan "

Naruto nodded his head.

Shisui continued, "The Sharingan's first level enables users to completely duplicate Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. The second Sharingan stage enables the copying and dispelling of Genjutsu. The user may predict an enemy's assault by witnessing a short twitch in their muscles after the Sharingan is fully activated."

Shisui then displayed his sharingan, each eye having three tomoe and being the pinnacle of sharingan perfection, stating, "The last stage of the sharingan is Mangekyo sharingan and it is more strong level." Shisui demonstrated his Sharingan.

When he noticed the new level of the eyes, Naruto was surprised and enquired,

"How can you awaken them?

Then Shisui said "Mangekyo Sharingan differs from a typical Sharingan in look, which modifies the tomoe seal's shape. Each user's precise design is unique, however, they all resemble pinwheels. It is initially awakened by the trauma associated with seeing a close friend or family member die. As they Awaken me by defending me when my best buddy perishes on a mission "Naruto is sad for Shusui and can see the tears in his eyes.

" Mangekyō Sharingan increases your vision power by 10 times. The eye's usage and activity also place a great strain on the user themselves, wearing at their body and causing deterioration to their vision until eventually over-usage leaves them blind. Their vision can be restored by transplanting the Mangekyō

Sharingan of an Uchiha with strong blood ties - ideally a sibling - thus awakening the so-called Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan (永遠の万華鏡写輪眼, Eien no Mangekyō Sharingan). " Shisui said.

"Since tomorrow is an academy holiday, "Shisui replied, "We shall begin your training tomorrow morning."

Naruto replied, "Okay Shisui-san, but I'll be working at the library in the evening."

"Why do you work in the library?" asked Shusui.

As Naruto described what had happened to him and his parents, Shusui was sad

for Naruto and furious with the Hokage and his wife for neglecting one kid over the other two.

Shisui remarked, "Okay Naruto, I'll train you in the morning until about noon, then you can relax, and when your shift is done, you can train with me," as

Naruto nodded ecstatically since someone was going to train him.

After spending some time exercising by walking through trees, Naruto walked to the Sarutobi complex, where he will live up to his graduation, and told him everything. Sarutobi was glad for Naruto.


Shisui will train Naruto, and with his coaching, Naruto will learn how to use his sharingan and other skills.

Edited by @yomiurishiori

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

Signing out peace,


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