Chapter 36

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Next Day

Izumi went to the Third Hokage house to tell that Menma had also awakened the Sharingan.

Sarutobi Compound

Utilizing the body flicker technique, Izumi swiftly arrived at the Sarutobi compound. Upon entering the clan's premises, Izumi began to make her way towards the residence of the Clan head.

Upon entering the house of the Clan head, Izumi observed Hiruzen engrossed in reading a scroll.

Izumi greeted, "Good Morning, Hiruzen-sama."

Upon hearing the voice, Hiruzen turned and recognized the Uchiha Prodigy. He responded, "Good Morning, Izumi-chan!"

Hiruzen inquired, "What brings you here so early?"

Izumi stated, "Hiruzen-sama, there's a recent development in Team 11 that I need to discuss with you."

Hiruzen asked, "What happened to Team 11?"

Izumi revealed, "Menma Namikaze has awakened the Sharingan."

Hiruzen, taken aback, asked, "When did this happen?"

Izumi replied, "It happened yesterday during a C-rank mission."

Hiruzen responded, "I understand."

Izumi asked, "What happened, Hiruzen-sama?"

Hiruzen explained, "After Naruto activated his Sharingan, I decided to look into Minato's parents and their cause of death. I assigned a mission to the Anbu to investigate more about Minato's parents. So far, I've discovered that Minato's mother's name is Toka Namikaze, his father's name is Kadajin Namikaze, and his grandmother's name is Hanako Namikaze. Still, the identity of Minato's grandfather remains unknown."

Izumi inquired, "Hiruzen-sama, how do you plan to discover the identity of Hokage-sama's grandfather?"

Hiruzen replied, "The Anbu agent I dispatched is expected to return a week before the Chunin exams. He has informed me that he is nearing the conclusion of his investigation."

Izumi asked, "Where are they originally from?"

Hiruzen explained, "They all hail from the Rain Field Country. They were fishermen by profession. Minato's grandmother brought him to Konoha. She had been stabbed with kunais and managed to travel to Konoha for two days after rogue ninjas attacked their village. Unfortunately, she passed away in the hospital."

"I understood Hirzuen-sama."

"That's good to hear, Izumi. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask," Hiruzen responded.

"I have no further questions, Hiruzen-sama. I will now take my leave," Izumi stated. Acknowledging her departure, Hiruzen nodded as Izumi proceeded towards the Hokage tower to undertake a mission.

Team 7 Training Grounds

Naruto and his uncle, Shanks, are engaged in Haki training. Naruto's team embarked on a mission without him because Shanks insisted that Naruto needed to hone his Observation Haki. However, Naruto quickly completed his observation of Haki training, and now, both of them are in the midst of a sparring kenjutsu session.

Naruto expressed, "I am bored."

Shanks proposed, "How about a mission, Naruto?" Naruto responded with an eager nod of agreement.

Subsequently, both Naruto and Shanks headed towards the Hokage's office.

Hokage Office

Minato is presently engaged in the task of assigning missions to the Anbu members who are present in front of him. Once the mission assignments were completed, all the Anbu members departed for their respective missions.

Izumi entered the office to take on a mission.

She asked, "Hokage-sama, may I undertake a mission?"

Minato responded, "Izumi, currently, we only have C-rank and B-rank missions available."

Minato was checking for available A-rank missions when he heard a knock at the door. He invited the visitors in and was greeted by the sight of Naruto and Shanks entering his office.

Shanks inquired, "Hokage-sama, is there any mission available for us?"

Just then, a bird flew into the office carrying a scroll. Minato took the scroll from the bird and unrolled it to read. It detailed an A-rank mission to escort the Fire Lord's granddaughter to Konoha as she wished to learn Medical Ninjutsu. After considering the details of the mission, Minato decided to assign it to Izumi, Naruto, and Shanks.

Minato declared, "I am assigning this mission to all three of you. The mission is to escort the Fire Lord's granddaughter to Konoha."

Upon hearing this, the trio nodded in agreement, took the scroll from Minato's hand, and exited the office to embark on their mission.

Shanks introduced himself to Izumi, saying, "Hello ninja-san, I am Shanks Uzumaki." Izumi had heard about the savior of the Uzumaki clan being in the village, but she had yet to have the opportunity to meet them. She introduced herself in return, "Hello Shanks-san, I am Izumi Uchiha."

Shanks expressed his admiration, "Oh! The Uchiha Prodigy, it is an honor to meet you." Izumi responded humbly, "The honor is mine."

Turning towards Naruto, Izumi feigned hurt and asked, "Did you forget about me, Naru, and didn't come to see me?" Naruto quickly reassured her, "No, I didn't forget about you, Izumi-chan. It's just that my Uncle has been keeping me busy with training."

Izumi laughed and said, "Well, I am just joking, Naruto-kun!" This made Naruto sweatdrop while Shanks observed their interaction with a smile.

"We will meet at the east gate in an hour, Naru and Shanks-san," Izumi announced as she left to prepare her things for the mission. Naruto and Shanks nodded in agreement, then departed to gather their supplies and agreed to meet in an hour.

Having gathered their supplies, the trio convened at the gate and embarked on their journey towards the Fire Capital.

Unknown Place

Root Headquarters

Danzo was formulating a plan to seize control of the village as Hokage and eliminate all members of the Uchiha clan to acquire their Sharingan. Suddenly, someone entered and announced, "Danzo-sama, there's been an intriguing development!"

Danzo asked, "What is it, Fu?"

Fu revealed, "Minato's youngest son has awakened the Sharingan."

Danzo, surprised, questioned, "How did this happen? Minato isn't a Uchiha."

Fu admitted, "We don't know, Danzo-sama."

Danzo ordered, "Investigate this matter and delve into Minato's family history."

Fu acknowledged, "Understood, Danzo-sama."

Danzo pondered, 'Who exactly are you, Minato?' He contemplated further, 'Perhaps I can manipulate the nine tails jinchuriki and seize control of Konoha, becoming the supreme ruler of the Elemental Nations. But first, Minato must be eliminated. And Hiruko is prepared to exact his revenge on Konoha by killing the Hokage,' Danzo thought.

Danzo harbored a sinister thought, 'Upon Minato's demise, I will ascend to the position of Hokage by eliminating Hiruko.'

Unknown Location

Hiruko declared, "Konoha, you are on the brink of being reduced to ashes soon."


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

Signing out peace,


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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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