Chapter 5

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After starting his training with Shisui six months ago, Naruto was able to master his Sharingan with three tomoe. Shisui began teaching him several things, like Taijustu, physical strength, and control of his charka, which helped him increase his charka. When they practice, cuts on Naruto heal more quickly than they can see without leaving any scars.

Training Montage

First Month

Naruto was able to unlock and master his second tomoe in his Sharingan in the first month. He was also able to do the water walking exercise with ease. With the aid of the Hiruzen, he started the Fuinjustu and finished level one in a month. Hiruzen could aid him with his shadow clones by teaching him about shadow clones after seeing Naruto's vast chakra reserves.

Second Month

In his second month, Shisui began forcing him to wear weights on his body to improve his energy and stamina. He also began sharingan evolution, started teaching him Genjustu with the aid of his sharingan, and finished level 2 of the Fuinjustu.

Third Month

He could master his two tomoe sharingan in his third month, unlock his three tomoe sharingan, and cast certain Genjustu without using hand signals. He has completed level 3 of Fuinjustu.

Fourth Month

In the Fourth month, Shisui taught him his famous technique Body Flicker Technique (瞬身の術, Shunshin no Jutsu). Naruto can perform it perfectly with the help of the Shisui. Fuinjustu level 4 completed.

Fifth month

With three tomoe, Naruto could master his Sharingan use in the fifth month. He also began wearing resistance seals instead of weights and studying the Goken fist (strong fist technique) Taijustu Style. He has completed level 5 of Fuinjustu.

Sixth month

Shisui began sparring with him in the sixth month to give him more experience in combat. Shisui and Naruto mainly used the taijutsu and Body Flicker techniques, which helped Naruto reach Resistance Seal Level 2 thanks to his physical preparation and well-honed chakra control techniques. Level 6 of Fuinjustu began, and he finished over two-thirds of it.

Training montage ended

Shisui granted Naruto a week off, and as a result, we can observe Naruto working in the library and practicing his level 6 Fuinjustu. It's almost time for bed. Considering that he was the only person present there.

Naruto remarked, "I can go to Gramp's place and simply sleep because it's night."

He thought, "I have keys, so I can sneak into the section and may be able to copy their techniques," when he noticed no one was there and saw the forbidden section.

Because only certain vital people and library staff were allowed to enter, Naruto entered the chamber after putting his blood on the seal. Naruto enters the room and discovers that many scrolls containing a piece of a respected scroll are present.

As he moved closer to it, Naruto approached an area with a Wood release (木遁, Mokuton, Wood Style).

As Naruto reflected, "This is Wood style techniques from my great, great grandpa,"

As Naruto looks and reads a scroll that presents there.

' Hashirama Senju was the First Hokage ( 初代火影, Shodai Hokage ) of a Village hidden in leaves ( 木の葉隠れの里, Konohagakure no sato ) who was hailed as the God of Shinobi ( 忍びの神, Shinobi no kami). Hashirama Senju is the first to have Wood Release ( 木遁, Mokuton, Wood Style). He was the Strongest Kage ever to exist. 'As Naruto thought, he began to copy wood release techniques on his scroll and stored them in his storage scrolls.

He then proceeded to see Tobirama Senju.' Tobirama Senju was the Second Hokage ( 二代目火影, Nidaime Hokage) of the village hidden in the leaves ( 木の葉隠れの里, Konohagakure no sato). He is one of the strongest kage to live, and he invented many techniques, which is Forbidden. Some of them are Shadow clone and Flying Thunder God technique( 飛雷神の術, Hiraishin no Jutsu), and he is good at water style and one of the best Water users to ever exist in the World. '

As Naruto was able to examine other people and copy all of Justu's for different elements and specific secret techniques, he finally proceeded to a section. He was shocked to read the name of the person.

' Madara Uchiha is one of the founders of the Village hidden in the leaves ( 木の葉隠れの里, Konohagakure no sato) and can rival the First Hokage in strength and power, and he is the leader of the Uchiha clan before he became a traitor and also known as The Ghost of the Uchiha (うちはの亡霊, Uchiha no Bōrei ). He is perfect in the Fire style techniques and can control Kyubi with his Sharingan ' Naruto copied all Madara-created fire-style techniques.

After that, Naruto returned home and stored them on a scroll he could only open. It was sealed with blood.

Naruto sent his shadow clone to the academy during the week off while taking a break from his training.

Today is an Academy holiday, so he took a break from the library before beginning his new training. He is now in the Third Hokage's training grounds with the Hiruzen, and they are both waiting for the Shusui to come.

Shisui joined them shortly.

Shisui greeted Naruto and Lord Third as Hiruzen nodded in agreement, and Naruto said, "Hi, Shisui ni-chan." Shisui hugged Naruto back as he did the same for him.

"Today, We Are Going to See Your Chakra Natures," Shisui remarked as he grabbed a charka paper out of his pocket and held it while taking another one and giving it to Naruto.

"First, come see me. How do I send my charka to the paper and then do the same?" Shisui remarked that the paper was cut into two halves when the charka was poured into it. The first half of the article was burnt, turning to ashes, while the other half was wrinkled.

Shisui spoke as Naruto stared in awe at the three charka natures, "I have Fire, Wind, and Lighting, and Fire is the strongest one in all elements. Now Channel charka onto the paper," Shisui instructed.

As Naruto flows his charka into the paper and then the report -------


Naruto can perfect his Sharingan, and in the next chapter, we will see Naruto's charka nature.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

Signing out peace,


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