Chapter 11

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Naruto approached his sister and Kiyomi after Yamato had left, saying, "Come on, Nee-chan and Kiyomi-chan, we're all team members; how about we train together?" Both females nodded their heads. The trio had trained together for the day and had headed out for the day.

Next Day

Currently waiting at Training Grounds, seven were three Genins; these Genins have been waiting for their Sensei to arrive at the Training Grounds. After half an hour, sensei arrived at Training Ground Seven and saw his cute little Genins waiting for him.

When things had calmed down, Yamato described the bell test, telling them they had until noon to capture one of two bells, with each having a 33% chance of catching a bell. He also informed them that if they did not charge at least one bell, they would fail and be returned to the Academy.

Yamato set the clock off at noon, telling them to begin the test and hide.

Quickly Naruto and the others jumped into the different hiding spots in the nearby forest and began to plan what they each would have to do.

Yamato waited in the clearing beyond the forests for the Genin to strike while they did this. HHHHHmmmmmm... They appear to have done an excellent job of hiding themselves, but let's watch what they do and if they find out the actual purpose of the exam, Yamato thought on the other hand.

Naruto stood on a huge tree branch behind the tree's main stem, watching Yamato and wondering what he would do. Naruto understood a Genin had no chance against a fully trained Jonin in a one-on-one fight. Naruto also knew Yamato had Wood Release, and Naruto knew Shinobi of Yamato's caliber was well above him.

Naruto understood that working with his Nee-chan and Kiyomi would only increase his chances of receiving a bell, but even if they did acquire the bells, there were only two, which meant that one of them would fail. That was the thing that confused Naruto the most, as his jiij had told him that all Shinobi Genin teams were made up of three Genins and one Jonin Sensei.

When Naruto studied the test more, it suddenly struck him, and he smacked himself on the forehead for being such a baka. Naruto remembered Jiij telling him how Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru created a team and how Jiij used a bell test to test them, precisely as Yamato was doing now.

Naruto realized that the key behind the bell test was that it didn't matter if they received the bells; what mattered was that they worked together. Even if they thought one of them would fail, precisely like on a Shinobi operation when one was almost always destined to die. Yamato had even hinted at the nature of the exam when he mentioned that they each had a 33% chance of passing it. Naruto then realized that if they each had a 33% chance of grabbing the bell independently, working together would give them a 99% chance of collecting the bells. So Naruto decided to attack his sensei so that he could talk to both of his teammates, and Naruto sent two shadow clones to both of them while he was involved in a Taijustu fight with his sensei.

Naruko noticed her brother fighting with their sensei and then noticed that her brother was the one who was tapping on her shoulder. Clone Naruto stated, " nee-chan, I am a clone, and we want to work together to defeat sensei and win the balls," The clone disappeared after saying this to Naruko. Kiyomi was with the other clone, and Naruto's clone informed Kiyomi that we had to work as a team to complete the exam, and then Clone vanished.

Naruto, who is fighting Yamato Sensei, has gained memories of his clone, and Naruko enters the battle with her Sensei. As Naruto leaves, Naruko begins to fight her Sensei. Naruto appeared alongside Kiyomi and said, "Kiyomi, do you know fireball?" Kiyomi nodded her head, and Naruto then explained his plan to her.

Yamato noticed that both brother and sister were good at Taijustu, and then he saw Kiyomi and Naruto approaching them. Yamato noticed Kiyomi making hand sighs, and she remarked, "Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique (Katon: Gogakyu no Jutsu) " As she blew a fireball from her mouth, Naruto also said, " Wind Style: Great Breakthrough (Fuuton - Daitoppa) " as the fire began to travel towards Yamato and Naruko and the Fireball became more potent than the normal Fireball due to the addition of the Wind in the attack has Yamato able to substitute him with a wooden log and Yamato also impressed with their teamwork.

After that, Naruto decided to attack Yamato with his Chokuto, and Yamato began to block Naruto's attacks with Tanto. Naruko and Kiyomi agreed to shoot together, and both decided to make a combination attack on their Sensei. Then they both used Naruko's " Water Release: Surging Sea (Suiton: Hato) " as she released Water from her mouth. Kiyomi added her lighting Charka to the water wave " Lightning Style Bullet: Powerful Breath (Ration Dan: Ibuki) " seeing the Naruto boby flickered from there, and then Yamato used " Earth Style: Earth Wall (Doton - Doryuuheki) " as the water with lighting stopped before reaching Yamato because of the Earth Wall.

Yamato is pleased with his pupils since they have already passed the test, and their teamwork is excellent. He can see that Kiyomi is tired due to her Charka, Naruko has used most of her Charka on her Water attack, and Naruto is the only one who has not lost most of his Charka and one thing only left to see if there are willing to save their teammates.

After clearing the water, Yamato used a Justu " Earth Style: Earth Spikes (Doton: Asusupaiku) " to throw Earth spikes toward them in all directions. Naruto jumped and made four clones, and all of them used Earth Style: Earth Wall (Doton - Doryuuheki) to protect them from the spikes.

Naruto protected them and used his half of Charka, and then the Earth wall disappeared.

Trio noticed Yamato standing in front of them, and he smiled and clapped at them as they were confused. He smiles at the fact that they all protect each other with their life now that the exam is officially done.

" You pass," Yamato said to them. All of them were shocked; they didn't get the bell, but they worked together.

"The test was never really about acquiring the bells; the bells were merely something to separate you and think solely for yourself, as well as prevent all of you from understanding the true meaning of the test," Yamato explained.

" Which is Teamwork " Naruto answered.

Yamato smiled and nodded his head. "My test was to see whether you could see above your desires and work as a team. Eventually, you may be faced with a situation in which it is either your life or your teammates' lives." As Naruto, Naruko, and Kiyomi remember those words, Yamato explains.

"Remember those words, Naruto, Naruko, and Kiyomi. If and when that day comes, you would do well to remember that those who break the rules there are trash, but those that abandon their friends are worse than trash," Yamato said.

" That ends the test, and three of you passed the test! Ok! Starting tomorrow, team 7 will begin its duties," Yamato said.

Both the girls hugged and kissed Naruto on his cheek Naruto and thanked him for protecting them.


Team 7 has passed the Ball test.

I hope everyone enjoyed the Chapter.

Signing out peace,


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