Chapter 27

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"Haku-chan, you don't need to fight since my sensei have already taken Zabuza," Naruto remarked as she turned her head and saw Zabuza in a Wood Prison, Kakashi panting after using his charka entirely, and Yamato assisting Kakashi.

"Please don't fight," Naruto muttered as he heard a commotion and looked towards the source, where he saw Yamato and Kakashi on the ground, a new face, and Haku saw Raiga come to rescue them.

"You got weak, Zabuza," Raiga shouted to the other mist swordsman, followed by the joins of Konoha, who could barely stand.

"Well, Konoha nins, you're both in danger. So only give me the bridge builder, and I'll leave you and your genins alive, "Raiga confronted the Konoha nins.

"Sorry, it is our mission, and we will protect the bridge builder," Yamato stated as he stood up and prepared to fight Raiga.

"I see, then come on," Raiga replied, as both Yamato and Raiga were agitated in the Taijustu. Yamato could not fight effectively due to the assault that Raiga put on them, preventing him from striking Raiga.

"Lighting Style: Electromagnetic Murder (Raiton - Jibashi)!" Raiga said this as he generated a wave of electricity from his hands and sent it towards Yamato, who could evade the attack at the end until Raiga arrived in front of him and knocked him unconscious by channeling his lightning release in the Kiba swords.

"Oh, all of your jonins are unconscious brats, so just send me pretty girls and a bridge builder so I can have fun with these girls after killing the Bridge Builder and making them my whores for the rest of their lives," Raiga said. Naruto growled at him, but Menma raced towards the swordsmen; spotting Menma going towards him, Raiga chose to play with the genin.

Menma rushed towards the Raiga with a kunai in his hand, and Raiga used his kiba blades and pushed Menma backward, causing Kunai to fall from his hands. Menma created ten shadow clones, all of which rushed towards the Raiga, and Raiga saw ten Menma attacking. He also used his kiba blades and destroyed them with lighting techniques, forming the smoke around himself.

Menma decides to strike with Kunai in the smoke since the Kunais cannot be seen through the haze, and Raiga can deflect several Kunais with his kiba swords, and a kunai passes through his hand, creating a cut at the spot.

Raiga was enraged when he saw blood gushing from his hand and knocked out Menma, who had several cuts on his body starting to heal due to having kyubi inside him.

Sasuke was going to Raiga when Naruto stopped him and said, "Look after Nee-chan and Kiyomi. If I am also defeated, take them to a safe location and safeguard the bridge builder."

"But, Naruto, I will also assist you in defeating the guy," Sasuke stated.

"Sasuke, Please put your trust in me," Naruto stated.

Naruto rushes towards Raiga with his chokuto in hand—Raiga, realizing that the other is running at him. Raiga is preparing to murder the genins when Naruto simply handsign his level 2 gravity seals and charka seals and rushes towards Raiga with high Jonin speed with his Sharingan activated, allowing Naruto to see where the attack is coming.

Naruto and Raiga continued their sword fight as Naruto kept up with Raiga using Sharingan and the release of Gravity seals. Raiga is surprised that a genin keeps up with him in a sword battle.

Naruto then summoned a shadow clone, who carried Menma to the group before dispelling him, and Naruto continued to battle Raiga as he sprang away from the Raiga and stated, "Lighting Style: Lightning Ball (Raiton - Raikyuu). " Naruto summoned many balls of light and directed them at Raiga. Raiga saw numerous light balls approaching him, so he opposed them by sending his lightning chakra into his kiba blades. Raiga was able to break all of the lighting balls.

"Lighting Burai: Banquet of Lightning (Rasio: Ikazuchi no Utage). "Raiga stated that he generated multiple thunderbolts that sliced through the earth or air as they all traveled to Naruto and were easily dodged by Naruto without trouble. Raiga then appeared in front of Naruto and attempted to slash him, but before the strike landed, Naruto's body flickered, and he appeared to be clear of the attack.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU, YOU BRAT," Raiga stated as he began attacking with full power, rendering Naruto unable to counter his assaults. Naruto is on defense, and Raiga is assaulting with all of his power, forcing Naruto to escape. Naruto is only trying to run away from the assaults since he has been overpowered by the Kirigakure no Raijin, and then Naruto chooses to defend himself from the Raiga. Still, he could acquire cuts on his arms and legs, and the cuts began to heal quickly, making the scratches vanish. Raiga used all of his might to knock Naruto down from the strike.

"Now I'm going to finish you, brat, and enjoy the pretty girls. Yeah, ha, ha........" Raiga laughed as he prepared to kill Naruto, and upon hearing it, Naruto became enraged. The four-point diamond seal on his hand began to activate. It began to pass from his right hand to his right eye. Naruto felt increased power in his body, and Naruto was able to counter the slash from Kiba's blades with his Chokuto. Raiga was surprised to see it.

Raiga could only see black markings on the kid's arm and face and then rushed towards Naruto with his Kiba blades. Naruto rushed towards Raiga with his Chokuto, and this time, Naruto pushed Raiga back. Raiga cannot land a hit on the Kid, and he receives multiple cuts on his hands and body.

Naruto then charged Raiga, and Raiga blocked the attack with his kiba swords; seeing that he was being pushed back, he saw someone standing on Naruto's back, looking like a man with pale skin and a long, curving horn that grew from his left brow and wrapped around the back of his skull before jutting outward from his right temple, resembling a crown. His right eye's iris and pupil were yellow with a black wheel-like design with eight spokes coming out of the center, but his left eye was a Byakugan. He had identical tattoos on his chest and back: a vertical column of six magatama or tomoe capped with an insignia resembling a black mallet across his chest and a vertical column of six more miniature black mallet emblems across his back. His hair, right brow, and goatee were pale blue and clipped short with strange alternating zigzag patterns, while his fingernails and toenails were painted a deep black.

But the most important thing is that Raiga is terrified of seeing the man. Then Naruto pushed him with all his strength, breaking the KIba blades as if the impact had damaged a sword, as Raiga began to back away from Naruto. Naruto saw that Raiga was backing away from him. Then he used a charka suppression seal on Raiga and a gravity seal, making him unable to move from the place as Kakashi, Yamato, and Zabuza, who have only recently gained consciousness, are shocked to see that Kirigakure no Raijin had been defeated by a genin who graduated from the academy in the last two months.

Naruto turned towards them as the black marking on his body disappeared. His body was at its limit, and he fell on his knees and heard a voice.



Naruto has defeated Raiga in this chapter, and in the next chapter, we will see the end of the Gato and the freedom of the Wave Country.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

Signing out peace,


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