Chapter 22

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Naruto came through the front entrance of Tazuna's residence less than fifteen minutes later.

"I'm back," Naruto said as he walked up to the table where his team and team 11, as well as Tazuna and his family, were enjoying dinner.

Yamato looked up at his student and smiled, "Oh. Naruto, did you take care of whatever business you had?"

Naruto sat down and began piling food onto his plate, nodding. "Yeah. Everything has been taken care of."

Naruto looked over at his two teammates and Team 11 as everyone resumed eating. Sakura appeared to have accomplished less than Naruko had asked of her the day before. Kakashi had not been as hard on her.

He probably stayed in the house and read his smut, the blond thought with a sigh.

His gaze was drawn to Sasuke, who was bruised and dirty and chowing down food quicker than him.

"Hello, teme," Naruto remarked, causing Sasuke to halt in the middle of his bite and look at the blond.

"How about that lighting manipulation?" Naruto inquired, a cheeky grin on his face.

Naruto received a smirk from Sasuke.

"Better," Sasuke replied smugly because he could manipulate illumination better than yesterday. "Very soon, I'll have this practice finished."

"All OK," Naruto responded.

As they all converse, Menma has already left the premises after finishing his dinner, and the genins are eating peacefully.

However, one person was starting to get tired of how these ninjas acted. Tears welled up in Inari's eyes as he locked his gaze on Naruto—an gesture that did not go unnoticed by the blond.

"Do you have something to say, kid?" questioned Naruto, looking at the about-to-burst Inari.

Inari stood and slammed his hands on the table. "Why bother trying so hard? You're no match for Gato's warriors, no matter how hard you practice! When faced with the powerful, no matter how wonderful your claims or hard you work, the weak will only be killed!"

"You know you're exactly correct," Naruto said to the boy, grinning.

Everyone awaiting an outburst turned to look at Naruto in surprise as he spoke.

"The strong will always defeat the weak," The blond raised an eyebrow at Inari, his grin widening slightly. "Gato and his guys are weak; they're nothing more than cowards who prey on individuals who can't fight back. They can only battle against those who lack the strength and resolve to fight back. A gang of thugs is useless against a highly trained shinobi." Naruto put his head on the table and turned away from Inari. "We are not weak. Don't put us in the same category as you; we have nothing in common."

When he stared at Naruto, Inari's tears became more difficult. "I'm happy we have nothing in common! I don't want to be like you! You know nothing about this country, and yet you are so curious! What on earth do you know about me? I'm not like you; you always seem joyful, as if you aren't concerned about the world! You have no idea how difficult life can be!"

Naruto raised his head and glared at the child, unconsciously infusing killing intent into his gaze, widening Inari's eyes and causing him to tremble. Inari could not protect himself adequately since he had never encountered killing intent and was forced to sit down because his legs could no longer support him.

"Listen to yourself complaining about your life. You think you've had it so bad "Naruto's voice was quiet, nearly unnoticeable. Naruto stepped up and approached the child, who was too terrified of the blond's killing intent to move. Naruto's glare grew as his thoughts returned to the children he met in Nami. The ones who had nowhere to go and whose parents had disappeared, most likely due to Gato having his men kill them.

"You sit here in this home with your loving family, with a mom who cooks for you, worries about you, and loves you unconditionally. You have a grandfather who is building a bridge so that you and your country can be free of Gato's reign," Naruto snorted at the boy in disgust. "What a hard life! Oh, my tou-san died, boo hoo, look at me whine and bitch like some little pussy!"

Sakura rose and stared at Naruto, "Naruto-baka th-" She had had enough of Naruto berating the boy.

"Shut! Up!" Naruto's killing intent shifted to Sakura, who paled and sat down as her legs failed to hold her.

Naruto returned his focus to Inari. "I'm betting you've never even left this small sanctuary. I've never even gone to a town where children your age have lost their parents! Children who do not have a mother to feed them or a grandfather prepared to stand up to a tyrant for them!"

Naruto recalled his childhood when his parents neglected him and praised Naruko and Menma, who always left him and kicked him out of the house.

Naruto clenched his teeth as words raced through his head. "I'm glad I'm not like you! You're nothing more than a crybaby, sitting here moaning about how difficult your life has been when people in your town have it considerably worse! A blubbering little bitch that has ruined Kaiza's name!" As the blond stated the name of his father figure, Inari's eyes widened.

Naruto snorted, then turned around and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going, Naruto?" As the blond opened the door, Yamato inquired.

"Destructive therapy!" When he slammed the door shut, Naruto shouted.

Everyone looked towards the door Naruto had exited through, wondering what had prompted the blond's violent reaction to Inari's words. Inari sniffled many times before running out the door.

This is a disaster, though I can't say I'm surprised that Naruto reacted like that, Yamato thought as he stood up. He stood up and walked out the door. Walking around the back, he saw Inari sitting with his feet dangling over the water.

"Can I join you?" asked Yamato, causing Inari to turn his head.

With Naruto

"Tajuu Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!"

A large puff of smoke covered the clearing as Naruto summoned over four hundred clones. Without a preamble, Naruto unsealed his sword and charged them. He was smashing into their midst with a furry that seemed to give his namesake new meaning.

Surprised by the sudden and brutal attack, the clones began to retaliate. They were striking out with limbs and kunai to take down their creator.

Naruto snarled as he dodged some attacks, blocked others, and retaliated with a vengeance. A strike to the head for one clone, a dazzling set of spinning maneuvers that took out a horde of the Naruto copies. The blond shinobi continued just using his sword, however. He used feet, elbows, head butts, knees, anything he could think of as he tore through his Kage Bunshin.

He did get a hit a few times; several kunai got stuck in his torso, a few cuts appeared on his arms, and bruises came to his face. However, Naruto continued fighting like a man possessed until the last clone was killed.

Naruto stood there, hunched over and panting, when they were all gone. His eyes began to droop as he fell onto his back. One last thought passed through his mind as he fell into blissful unconsciousness.

The nerve of that brat, thinking I don't know what it means to suffer...


In this chapter, we see Naruto's outburst on the Inari.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

The upcoming Arcs in the fanfiction is

1. Wave Arc (Currently) – Major Arc (nearly 15-19 chapters or more)

2. Hollow Earth Arc – Minor Arc (nearly 5-8 chapters)

3. Fire Capital Arc – Minor Arc (nearly 5-8 chapters)

4. Chunin Exams Arc – Major Arc (nearly 20-25 chapters or more)

I am going on a month's break.

Signing out peace,


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