Chapter 20

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Later that night, the Konoha ninja ate with Tazuna and his family. Menma was stuffing food down their throats while Sakura put her head on the table and appeared to be passing out. Team 7 and Sasuke are talking while eating; Yamato is also enjoying the food, while Kakashi is reading his porn, much to Tsunami's displeasure.

"How's training going, Sakura?" Kakashi asked as he turned the page of his book. He would have left since he finished almost as soon as the meal was placed in front of him, eating so quickly that no one could see him take off his mask, but it would be rude to leave while the others were eating.

"Ugh... Naruko-chan is a slave driver..." Sakura grumbled, not trying to raise her head. She had it the hardest of all the genin since she lacked the stamina of the others.

"Really?" Kakashi asked, turning to face Sasuke on his fourth helping of rice. "How did your training go, Sasuke?"

Before responding, Sasuke stopped shoveling food down his throat and swallowed what was already on his lips. "Well... I'm making some headway, but it's slow."

"I'm doing better at learning the Shunshin than elemental manipulation, although Naruto is helping me with Lighting manipulation," Sasuke said, frowning.

What! He's learning the Shunshin! Menma questioned in his mind, adding another reason to be mad at Naruto and Sasuke.

"That's natural," Kakashi said. "After all, elemental manipulation is a Jonin-level training technique."

"How about you, Naruto, and how do you know about lighting manipulation?" Kakashi inquired of Naruto.

"I trained my Lighting element with the aid of the library book," Naruto lied, not wanting to say anything to others before the Chunin exams.

Sasuke-kun's going through Jonin-level training! Sakura wondered in shock and awe at her crush.

Menma was further angrier when he discovered that the dobe and the disgrace were helping something that a Jonin would ordinarily learn to the dode. Menma's hatred for both Sasuke and Naruto is increasing.

"SEE MENMA-BAKA, MY SASUKE-SUN IS STRONGER THAN YOU " Sakura screamed as everyone covered their ears.

"Do you want me to double the training you will undertake tomorrow?" Naruko said.

Sakura's mouth snapped shut as she sat back down, not wanting to go through the blond's training again, let alone have it twice.

"That's what I thought," Naruko agreed, returning her attention to her food.

"So well, Naruto," Yamato began. "Since we appear to be considerably further away than Team11, I was hoping you might accompany Tazuna-san tomorrow."

"Sure thing, sensei," Naruto shrugged after a few seconds of blinking.

That would only require him to get up early and activate his Kage Bunshin. He smiled at Tazuna and gave him a comforting nod.

"It appears that you will be burdened with the strongest protection we have, old guy! I won't let any of Gatou's thugs close you!"

"I'm sure," Tazuna said, amused by the boy's arrogance. After witnessing Naruto devise that strategy to rescue Kakashi from the Water Prison, he has no doubts about his abilities.

Everyone ate longer until Sakura noticed something about the image on the wall behind Tazuna.

"What's up with that picture on the wall over there, Tazuna-san?" She inquired, pointing to a photograph of Tazuna and his family. "It appears like a component is missing."

As the photo was mentioned, the three family members stiffened. The air appeared to be thick with Sorrow.

"It' husband," Tsunami replied, her voice a bit choked up after many minutes of uncomfortable stillness.

"The guy they named Nami's hero," Tazuna continued solemnly.

At hearing it, Inari quickly sprang up and raced up the stairs.

"Inari!" Tsunami expressed concern. With an indignant face, the lady turned on her father "Dad! You know you can't bring that man up before Inari!"

"What's wrong with Inari?" Sakura wondered, depressed for inflicting such evident anguish on someone else.

"Inari...didn't he lose someone he cared about?" The calm tone of Naruto's words surprised the others. "That person... Was your husband important to him?"

"There appears to be some sort of tale behind this..." Kakashi elaborated. "Would you want to share?

"Tazuna sighed as he began telling his story. "Inari had a close buddy, a man who was a father in every way but blood. They were as close as a father and son... Before then, Inari was always laughing and smiling..." Tazuna hesitated, his hands clenched. "But, Inari has changed since that incident with his father. The word "courage" has been appropriated by the people of this region. And, as per Inari, ever since that day...because of that incident..."

"That incident?" Yamato inquired. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"Before I get to it, I need to tell you about the man dubbed Nami's hero," Tazuna explained. "Hero?" questioned Naruto, intrigued to learn more about someone who had done anything extraordinary enough to be labeled a hero.

"Around three years ago, Inari met that man," Tazuna explained. "Some bullies were harassing him and attempting to steal the puppy Tsunami, and I had acquired for him. After arguing, they tossed the dog into the lake, and then they shoved Inari into the water."

"That's horrible!" said Sakura.

"No more horrible than smashing your fist into someone's head for no reason," Naruko mumbled loud enough for only herself and Kiyomi to hear.

Tazuna ran a hand through his hair as he sighed, "And it was worse because Inari couldn't swim. However, as Inari drowned, the pooch remembered he could dog paddle. Inari almost drowned that day. However, a wandering fisherman managed to save him. His name was Kaiza, a fisherman who came here to follow his dreams. After that, Kaiza and Inari became very close. It may have been because Inari's adoptive father had died before he could get to know him, but he and Kaiza were inseparable, like a father and son. It was only a matter of time before Kaiza became a part of the family. And Kaiza was also a man the city needed. There was one time that the damn was overrun with water and would flood the city. Kaiza has swum out to the damn by himself and closed it. Kaiza was called the hero of this city. And Inari could not have been prouder." Tazuna paused in his story as his face took a darker tone. "... But then Gatou came to this city."

"Gatou killed Kaiza, didn't he?" Naruto said, causing the others to look over at him in surprise.

Tazuna gave a nod. "Yeah, but it was far worse than that. Gatou executed Kaiza in front of everyone, including Inari." Team 7 and Team 11 both exclaimed in amazement and disbelief that Gatou could accomplish such a thing. Kakashi glanced down; he was well aware of the world's difficulties, and he was well aware that incidents like this occurred more frequently than people would want to acknowledge.

"Inari changed that day, and he stopped believing in heroes. The day the entire city lost hope..." Tazuna's voice drifted off.

The Konoha ninja remained silent as they processed what they had heard. Hearing that a kid watched his father figure slaughtered in front of him was a heartbreaking story.

Naruto stood up and began making his way toward the door.

"Where are you going, Naruto?" asked Sasuke.

"If you're thinking of training, take the day off," Yamato said. "If you use up too much chakra, you could die."

"Don't worry, sensei, I'll just have my Kage Bunshin work while I sleep," Naruto assured his sensei. Yamato nodded, but Sakura and the others (-Team 7) needed clarification. "But I need the training to show Inari that heroes still exist."


This chapter describes what caused the Wave people to lose their courage and be unable to battle Gatou and his thugs.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

Signing out peace,


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