Chapter 18

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"What do you mean Zabuza is still alive?" Sakura shrieked, making everyone's ears ring and the windows rattle. "You checked and confirmed he was dead, Kakashi-sensei!"

"Haruno, keep your voice down! I'm sure the Hokage overheard your voice at the Leaf," Naruto said while rubbing his sensitive ears.

I feel sorry for the person who will marry her. Kakashi rubbed his ears and said, "Yeah, I did, but that was most likely momentary death."

"Unless it strikes a crucial organ, the senbon Hunter-nin employed has a limited likelihood of killing your opponent," Naruto stated. "It's even something that medics use in acupuncture therapy. The Hunter-nins are well-versed in the anatomy of the human body. It is simple for them to put someone to death."

Yamato nodded and resumed where Naruto had left off. "First, the hunter-nin took away the considerably heavier Zabuza's body. Second, he used a weapon with a minimal likelihood of killing. These two elements imply that he aimed to save Zabuza rather than murder him. The issue cannot be ignored."

The declaration that Zabuza is alive has different effects on people there. Menma smirked, believing he'd get another chance to battle a powerful opponent and prove himself to be the strongest and the Child of Prophecy. Sakura looked around, concerned and not as confident as her crush. She felt she had no hope of assisting in this struggle. Sasuke is thinking about how to help Naruto and his team in their upcoming encounter with Zabuza and the fake hunter Nin. Team 7 nodded, and they were ready for the mission.

"Aren't you overthinking it?" Tazuna inquired, now concerned that the powerful ninja might return to kill him. "Missing-nins are meant to be killed by hunter-nins."

"No, despite our doubts, we will prepare before it's too late. It is a shinobi guideline, "As stated by Kakashi.

"Furthermore, if Zabuza is living or dead. There's no guarantee that Gatou hasn't hired a more powerful shinobi."

"But, what can we do?" Sakura inquired, terrified at the prospect of meeting Zabuza again. The whole mission had taken a turn for the worst. "We're only Genins, and you can barely move."

"Hehe, you guys will be trained," Kakashi said.

"Hmm, training," Sakura said, surprised. "What good is a little training? Our enemy is a ninja, and you struggled once again, even with the Sharingan."

Were you trying to get us killed? Inner Sakura shouted.

Everyone turned to gaze at Naruto and his team. They had technically saved them and all of them from Zabuza.

"Well, yeah... but you guys are growing rapidly," The Cyclops Jounin added.

I can't believe the disgrace managed to do so well, Menma thought. He must be getting some help; otherwise, there would be no way the disgrace could have brought this good. Who is it, however? And why does he have to get strong while I, the child of prophecy, do not?

"This is merely practiced for you guys to grow better," the Jounin said, oblivious to the concerns of three of his Genins.

"You won't be prepared to face Zabuza without me, even if I train you."

"But if Zabuza is still alive, he may attack at any time," Sakura said, "shouldn't we be training?"

"Zabuza suffered more injuries than Kakashi-sensei. He was also placed in a death-like condition. It would take some time for his body to heal from something like that, "Naruto informed her."

He is correct. So we'll train throughout this time." stated Kakashi. Naruto's medical knowledge surprised him, and he thought, " What can I expect from the record holder of every academy record and rookie of the year?

"Don't you think it's a little late? Sasuke raised his eyebrows.

"And here I was thinking you'd never train us."

"I trained you guys, Ma... Sasuke." Team 7 was shocked, and they didn't say anything because it wasn't their team's business, and they didn't want to become involved.

"Yes, in teamwork exercises, and even then, you keep reading your porn," Sasuke said. "I'm referring to training to improve our talents."

"Teamwork is crucial," Kakashi said, shrugging.

With a nod, Kakashi accepted that argument.

"So, what type of training are you talking about?" Sasuke inquired.

"It's tree walking," Kakashi said."But sensei, we know how to climb a tree," Sakura pointed out.

"I'll decline. I know how to perform this easy chakra control exercise, "Sasuke explained quietly. Menma nodded in agreement.

"Chakra control training?" Sakura asked.

Kakashi gave a nod. "I wasn't joking when I suggested tree walking. This is training for using your chakra to stick your legs to a tree and walk on it. Tomorrow you'll see how to accomplish it. "Knowing that his Genin was curious, he said.

Sakura wanted to know more but nodded unwillingly, believing it would be simple if Menma could do it and that by finishing it, she would be one step closer to being Sasuke's bride and mother of his children.

"What is the point of having to bother?"

Everyone turned to look at the source of the new voice, which revealed a depressed-looking child around six to eight. He wore blue coveralls over a yellow shirt, with a fishing cap on his head.

"Oh! Inari! What were you doing?" Tazuna inquired, extending his arms as the child raced to hug him.

"Welcome back, grandfather," Inari replied, his gaze fixed on the Leaf ninjas.

"Inari, say hi to these people," Tsunami, who had entered the room, remarked. "They're the ninjas who protected Grandpa."

"But, Mother, they're going to die." When Inari mentioned that, everyone looked astonished or outraged. Tsunami and Tazuna merely sighed. "They have no chance against Gatou."

"If you don't want to die, you should leave," Inari stated as he turned back and walked to the door.

"Where are you going, Inari?" Tsunami inquired, concerned.

"To gaze out at the ocean from my room," Inari stated before slamming the door shut."I'm sorry about that," Tazuna replied depressedly, looking at the Leaf ninjas.

"Whatever the case may be, that child has a severe problem," Naruto stated."Anybody who thinks more than the Emo-king has a big issue."

"Stop talking, Naruto-baka!" Sakura screamed. She tried to strike him.

There was a cloud of smoke, and the log replaced Naruto, causing Sakura to fall to the ground, and everyone laughed as they saw Sakura on the floor.

Never a dull moment when Naruto is around, Yamato thought, smiling.

"Anyway, I think I'll get some rest," Naruto said

"In that case, there are a few extra rooms for you on the right if you want to take one of them," Tsunami said helpfully.

Naruto smiled at her, "Thanks."

He left Kakashi's room, moving to one of the one's Tsunami had said was open. As he passed by Inari's room, he heard crying. Curious, he stopped and channeled some chakra to his ear.


Naruto didn't care, so he walked away and went to the room.


In the next chapter, team 11 is training while Team 7 protects the bridge.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

Signing out peace,


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