Chapter 32

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Hallow Earth

Hallow Earth is a summoning world, a hidden realm deep beneath the surface of the shinobi nations. This subterranean world is teeming with life and energy, and it's where all summoned creatures originate from.

The Hallow earth is where the laws of gravity are inverted, allowing creatures and shinobi to walk freely on both the floor and ceiling. This world is filled with a radiant, natural energy that has allowed its inhabitants to evolve unique jutsu and abilities.

The inhabitants of this world are the original summoning creatures, each with their own cultures, histories, and conflicts. These creatures, known as Titans, are ancient and powerful beings that have evolved to incredible sizes due to the environment's unique properties. Their battles for dominance have shaped the history and landscape of the Summoning World.

Godzilla is the King of this world. Godzilla holds dominion over this subterranean realm as the most ancient and powerful of the Titans.

All creatures in Hallow earth respect Godzilla's rule. His battles for dominance have shaped the history and landscape of this world, and his presence maintains the balance of power among the Titans.

Godzilla's leadership is not just about power but also wisdom. He understands the unique laws and energies of the Summoning World better than anyone and uses this knowledge to guide and protect its inhabitants.

This world has been hidden from the people for 10,000 years. The last time the Titans appeared on the surface world was when they were summoned by the King of Heroes, a legendary figure whose deeds are still remembered in the annals of history.

Since then, the Titans have remained in the Hallow Earth, their existence forgotten by the people.

Godzilla, as the Summoning World's leader, has ensured this realm's safety and isolation. His rule has maintained the balance of power among the Titans and protected the unique ecosystem of the Summoning World.

As Naruto, Thunderbolt, Sunbloom, and Thunderbolt's sister were reverse-summoned to the Hollow Earth, Naruto found himself in a world unlike anything he had ever seen. The gravity was inverted, allowing creatures to walk freely on the floor and ceiling. The radiant energy of this world hummed in the air, a testament to the powerful chakra that had allowed its inhabitants to evolve unique jutsu and abilities.

Naruto looked around in awe, his eyes wide with wonder. "This is... incredible," he said, his voice filled with awe. "Is this... the Hollow Earth?"

"Yes, Naruto-sama," Thunderbolt replied, his voice filled with pride. "This is our home."

"I forgot to introduce myself, Naruto-sama," she declared, her tone carrying an undertone of respect and deference. Her eyes, a piercing blue, met Naruto's, radiating a sense of earnestness. "I am Snowfall,"

Guided by Snowfall, Naruto begins his journey deeper into the Hollow Earth. The landscape around them is breathtaking, a testament to this subterranean world's unique and vibrant ecosystem. Titans move freely on both the floor and ceiling, their massive forms a testament to the unique inverted gravity of the Hollow Earth.

After a while, they arrive at a grand fortress, the home of the Titan Tigers. As they approach, a majestic white tiger, larger and more regal than any Naruto has ever seen, steps forward to greet them. This is the mother of Snowfall and Thunderbolt, the leader of the Titan Tigers.

Upon hearing Snowfall's introduction, the Titan Tiger leader turns her wise eyes towards Naruto. "So, you are Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze," she says, her voice resonating with a deep, primal power. "My children have told me about your bravery. You have my gratitude for protecting them."

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