Chapter 12

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Hokage Office

Now in the Hokage's office, we can see the Third and Fourth Hokage, as well as the youngest son of the Third Hokage, Asuma, and recently made Jonin Kurenai Yuhi, who are both debriefing about their teams who passed the tests given to them by Asuma and Kurenai.

Just as the Hokage was ready to dismiss them after questioning them, Kakashi Shunshin'd (Body Flickered) into the office.

"Kakashi, I see. I didn't expect you to show up a bit faster; I'm assuming you've done testing your current Genin team, "Minato discussed with his student.

"Hai Sensei," replied the copy nin.

Asuma wasn't the only one curious; Kurenai was also because she knew Menma and Sasuke were on Kakashi's squad. Minato was also interested in whether Menma and his team had passed the Kakashi exam.

"Well, simply, the team passed," replied Kakashi.

As the Hokage heard this, he smiled, Kurenai nodded, and Asuma raised an eyebrow, not knowing if this team would pass or fail, especially given the presence of the Fourth Hokage's youngest son and the Uchiha clan's heir.

While he was glad that the youngsters had succeeded, he was slightly disappointed because there had been a significant betting pool among the Shinobi people over whether the kids would be the team who passed the exam. Many bet they would pass because of who was on the squad, while many others said they wouldn't go because of Kakashi's high standards and track record. Asuma had bet that they would fail; thus, he lost some money.

"So the team passed your exam, Kakashi, and found out the secret meaning of it," Asuma said, puffing on his cigarette.

"Well, they didn't precisely," Kakashi said.

"Huh?" Asuma said, slightly perplexed, and was joined by his father, Hokage, and Kurenai, who were also confused.

"Well, to be correct, they barely passed, and they are unable to identify the purpose of the exam, and they passed because they shared their lunch," Kakashi said to Hokage as he explained everything to him, including Menma's arrogance and Sakura's fangirl, among other things.

Everyone understood it, and then he could dismiss all other Jonin. Also, suddenly Yamato had Shunshin inside the office. Seeing Yamato in his office, Minato is now focused on his elder son and daughter, a prodigy of their generation, and he is eager to see whether they pass the ball test.

"Yamato, I didn't expect you to show up for much longer; I'm assuming you've done testing your first Genin team." Spoke to the Fourth Hokage.

"Yes, lord Hokage, I have," replied the Wood-style user.

" So, did they pass or fail the test, " Minato asked his ninja curiously.

"The team has passed the test Lord Hokage," Yamato said.

Minato and Hiruzen are happy that Naruto and his team passed the test. Hiruzen was also eager to find out if Naruto passed the Yamato test; he had originally planned to watch the test on his crystal ball. But unfortunately, a meeting with Hokage and Kohona's advisors, Koharu, Homura, and Danzo, took longer than expected.

Yamato explained how the team was able to work together and how they worked together while using the combo justu, as well as how Naruto saved his teammates; even he said that this team would be able to surpass three senins in the next three years with their teamwork and proper training.

After that, all of the jonin sensei left the Hokage's office. Minato returned home after the meeting and completed his paperwork. Minato informed Kushina that all of their children had passed the exam and were now Genin, and Kushina was overjoyed since all of her children had passed the test.

Naruto, Naruko, and Kiyomi are celebrating after passing the exam at Ichiraku Ramen, and they will begin the mission tomorrow. They will all work hard to become the strongest Shinobi in Shinobi history.

After celebrating with the Ichiraku, Naruto, and Naruko, they met Shisui and Izumi in the Forest of Death. They all sparred together before returning home to prepare dinner and sleep afterward.

Night Time

Naruto and Naruko's Apartment

It's late at night, and we can see Naruto and Naruko sleeping comfortably in their bed. A black portal opens within their house, and a figure walks outside, releasing sleeping powder into the room. Because of the Sleep gas, the sister and brother fell asleep, and then the guy took Naruto, created the portal, and walked through.

The Nine Tails saw this through her host because he could detect a very powerful charka, and the Nine-Tails observed that someone could open portals and took her host brother with him. The Nine Tails had no idea who kidnapped her brother, but he could tell he was stronger than his father, who created all Nine Tail beasts.


The same black portal appeared in an unknown location, and the same guy stepped outside with Naruto on his shoulder and inside the chamber, which had four people inside.

"Start the procedure, and it should be done by the morning, and I'll be there in a few minutes," the figure stated. After the figure handed Naruto to the men, the man led Naruto into the chamber.

Konohagakure no Sato

Naruto and Naruko's Apartment

After 4 hours, the figure returned Naruto to Konoha and vanished, leaving Naruto with his sister. The Nine Tails also saw the exact figure when Naruto returned and could feel that Naruto's Charka was higher than before, nearly reaching a high Kage level.


In this Chapter, we can see that someone took Naruto and returned him to Konoha after some time.

Who do you think took Naruto? And what happened to Naruto?

I hope you all enjoyed the Chapter.

Signing out peace,


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