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"Finally," my mom whispered on the sunny May afternoon. "They're getting married at last."

I looked at Matt standing handsomely by the arch. He was grinning. I hadn't really been listening to the pastor until the part I had been waiting for: "Do you, Mr. Dixon, take Miss Samantha Jones to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Oh. Yeah. You're back. I'm not getting married to Matt, but we are dating. His dad is the one getting married (for the eighth time, I believe?) and Matt asked me to accompany him.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife."

Cheering. Whooping. Confetti. Does Matt's family have no class? I thought with an amused smirk.

"No, not really," Matt said, appearing by me. Oh shoot, did I say that aloud?

"Wh-what?" I asked in confusion.

"Oh, my cousin was just asking if I thought my dad was gonna re-marry again in a year," he explained, and I sighed in relief. "I think Samantha's a keeper," he continued. "Sam and Samantha - even their names are perfect."

"And you know, that's all that matters in a good relationship," I added sarcastically. He flicked my nose.

"Hush, Mathews, or you'll find soon that 'Matt and Delilah' aren't perfect names." He smirked.

Ah, good old breakup threats.

"It's been over a year. I think you're a little too attached to me, Matty boy." I patted his head.

"Nah. I just like being in your room because of all the skateboards. Quite the nice collection."

"I've been told," I rolled my eyes. "I wouldn't even be surprised if you're being serious. You like my skateboards more than me."

"Only the T. Hawk one."

I raised an eyebrow. "T. Hawk?"


"Matt! Quit flirting and get over here! Delilah, you too! We're taking a picture!" called Matt's cousin, Lily. She had curly brown hair and freckles and was super nice. I grinned.

Sliding my hand into Matt's, we walked over to the group. They were already positioned for the picture. "Right over there," Lily directed us. We sat on the grass in the front row, off to the left. I was happy not to be in the center of the picture.

"Ready, everyone?" the photographer asked. "Three, two-"

The shutter clicked, and I snapped my eyes shut a second later. The sun had been burning into my corneas before the picture. Why, why, why, did pictures always face the sun?

"Come on, slow poke." I recognized Matt's voice and opened my eyes. He was already standing, and pulled me up.

"Let's go. My cousin has a selfie stick."

I rolled my eyes as we continued walking. Suddenly, two of Matt's relatives came barreling around the corner with the wedding cake. "We have it right here, Mr. Dixon dude," one of them hollered. Matt and I were frozen as they continued running. Right into us.

My eyes were blinded from white frosting, and I fell down. I could hear commotion. "Delilah, are you okay?" That was Matt. I tried to nod. I could feel cake on my head. Two strong hands pulled me up. Matt again. He brushed cake off my eyelids, and I slowly opened them. He, too, had wedding cake all over, but not as bad. He grinned at me. "Gotta love family."

"Gotta get this cake off of me," I replied, looking down. It was all over my dress. Great.

I noticed that Matt's family surrounded us. "Oh my God," one of his aunts said. "Are you two okay?"

"We're fine," Matt said. "But the cake is ruined."

"I sent Coll and Jack to make a new one in the kitchen. Why don't you guys go clean up a little?"

Matt took my hand. "Come on, Klutz."

I stopped. "Excuse me for walking into that cake. I'm so clumsy." I said sarcastically.

"Shush." He dabbed frosting on my nose. Like I don't already have enough frosting on me.

We went into the kitchen to wash off with the sink. Coll and Jack - the ones who viciously caked us - were attempting to make a chocolate cake from a Betty Crocker cake mix. 'Attempting' is the key word here. They spilled a third of the powder on the floor, an entire carton's worth of eggs were smashed, and the two both had flour on their faces.

"You don't even need flour!" I scolded. I was fed up with them. "Move!" They stepped away and I took over. Cracking two eggs from another carton, I began to mix the batter. "You two are complete morons." I could barely see through my cake-covered eyes, and I was still doing a better job than them.

"Get out of here," Matt told them, and they scurried. He began to wash off his face, and I took a break from making the cake to do so too.

"Nice job at telling them off," Matt complimented as he wiped off his face with a paper towel. "I couldn't have done it better."

"Thanks," I said somewhat proudly. "Now, can you help me make this cake?"

"Sure thing."


Soon after, the cake was done. Sure, it was only one tier, the frosting job was dismal at best, and it would only be enough for about eight people, but it was done. Matt and I carried it out and set it on the catering table.

"Let's get outta here," he said, shaking his head like a dog and flicking frosting everywhere. I smiled and agreed.

We went to Skyway, and pretty much ordered the entire restaurant with Coll's credit card. "I took it from his wallet. He owes us." I didn't disagree. Then we headed back to my house and ate in my room after changing.

Matt took a picture of all of our food. I raised an eyebrow. "Are you a teenage white girl now?" I asked.

"Hashtag relationship goals."


I hope you liked the epilogue and sorry it took so long. But this is really the very last chapter so Id like to say, thank you for everything. I have been completely and utterly been blown away by all of your support and comments. Sometime soon I would like to write another story like this (like a basic teenage romance). Thanks again for everything and I hope you have a glorious day.


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