4- Because Fuck Me, Right?

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I spent that afternoon doodling on my math notes and watching Finding Nemo Censored on YouTube.

The next morning, my alarm blared at five o' clock. I rolled out of bed and looked through my closet, deciding on jeans, a 'Talk Nerdy to Me' t-shirt, and a leather jacket with spikes heading along the shoulders. Bam.

I ran into the bathroom, brushed my teeth quickly, and pulled my hair back into a pony at the bottom of my head. After packing a quick lunch and getting my shit for school, I said goodbye to my mom, who was lying lazily in bed, tired from her shifts at work, and rode my motorcycle to school. Usually I don't like to, because high school kids are obsessed with spray painting motorcycles, but today I didn't feel like walking. I parked it out back and walked into school, 5 minutes early.

I decided to beat the crowd and go to homeroom. I went to class, but Miss Gurber wasn't there. I shrugged and sat at my desk. A minute later, I saw somebody walking in through my peripheral vision. "Hey, doll," said a familiar voice. I looked up from my comic book (yes, I still read comic books. But come on, they're old X-Men ones!) to see, bet you'll never guess who, Matt. Matt was in my homeroom.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

Matt smirked, "You don't have to act so upset. We both know you loved our make out session yesterday."

"It wasn't a make out session!" I said angrily, and began swearing at him in Spanish. When I was done, he smirked.

"You're a feisty one, aren't you? And stop speaking Spanish. I know what you're saying, but seriously, it's annoying."

I stuck my tongue out at him as Miss Gurber walked in but she didn't seem to notice. "You guys are here early," she commented, taking off her coat. "I wasn't interrupting a kissing session, was I?"

"N-no," I blushed. Matt smirked; what is it with him and the smirking?

I pulled out my new book which I'd gotten at Books A Million, called Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. It was getting pretty good when the bell rang. A minute later students flooded into the room.

"Alright, everyone pull out your notebook!" Miss Gurber said. I pulled mine out as Miss Gurber began to explain what our assignment.

"You are to choose a partner, or work by yourself, and write a poem about the first day of school. It can be any kind of poem. We're going to be doing quite a big project on this, so it's going to be worth a lot of points. Work hard."

I looked at Lucy and we locked eyes. We'd be partners.

"Get into your groups," Miss Gurber said. I jumped up and started walking to my friend, but a hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. I turned around to see Matt. My God, why did he have to walk into my life?

"Oh my God, what, Matt?" I asked, annoyed.

"You. Me. Partners." He stated clearly. I wrenched my shoulder away from his grasp.

"No," I said, gesturing towards Lucy. "Me and her are partners, you go with James." James was another jock on the football team, but he didn't share any classes with me except Science and art. Matt shook his head.

"How about James goes with Lucy, and you go with me?"

I sighed. Lucy had had a crush on James for forever. He was athletic, good looking, and smart all rolled into one. I had to do this for her.

"Fine. We're partners."


"Let's do a haiku. Haikus are easy," Matt suggested. I shook my head. "How are you gonna describe the first day of school in three lines? I say we do an easy-peasy AABB poem."

"Whatever," Matt said, playing with a baby slinky. I sighed. I was going to end up doing all the work.

I tapped my pencil against the desk before coming up with some lines:

First day of school?


I can't stand

The bland

Boring school days

Torturous in many ways.

I felt pretty happy with the first few lines. I showed them to Matt. He read them through and said, "That would be great, if we were kindergarteners. I don't know of you know this, but we're in high school." I scowled.

"I don't see you doing any work," I retorted.

"If I wanted to do work, I'd pick a different partner. Why do you think I wanted you?"

A storm crossed over my face before I hatched a plan. "Whatever," I said. "I'll think of something at home tonight."

"Sweet," Matt said, setting down the baby slinky and pulling out his phone. "Hey, check it out! Twelve more followers on Twitter!"

I rolled my eyes at his lack of interest and put my notebook away. Matt was in for a rude awakening.


At home, I pulled out my notebook and scribbled down a poem. I even double checked for spelling and the likes. It needed to be top-notch.

I signed my name on the bottom. Miss Gurber had said we were to work with a partner, or by yourself.


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