10- What Happens in the Hallway...

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First I'd like to thank you guys for 1K! Here's chapter 10- sorry, it's short, but hopefully the content will make up for it.

10- What happens in the hallway...

Warning: Vulgar words ahead--like, more than usual. Prepare yourselves.

About a week later, I got a text from Matt. He had been texting me a lot lately, and to be honest, I had stopped minding.

[Matt] hey, so we going 2 the dance?

[Delilah] dude, stop asking! I have 20 days left, broseif.

[Matt] but I have the picture. Now, you wouldn't want it to end up online, now would u?

[Delilah] are you actually fucking serious right now? you're fucking threatening me?

[Matt] think of it more as a bribe, babe.

[Delilah] you're a bitch tit (-.-)

[Matt] haha, okay. see you @ the dance. wear something nice :*

Was Matt Goddamn serious? I was NOT going to the dance with him. Nope, nope, no way in hell. I would not deal with girls like the redhead throwing me dirty looks all night.

There was only one solution.

I had to get that picture off his phone.


The next day, a Tuesday, I rode my bike to school. I wanted to get there early. To my great pleasure, I did, ten minutes early. I bolted inside. The teachers wandering around, getting ready for the day didn't seem to notice a student walking down the halls. See, I'm invisible even to teachers.

I went to Matt's locker. There weren't any teachers down this corridor, thankfully. I began trying out his lock code. The school gave you a code, but the students were allowed to change it if they wanted to. I tried his birthday. The night before, I'd stalked Matt's Facebook page, looking for possible combinations. I tried the day he got his first job at a tattoo place. Nope. I sighed. What was his combination? He's too simple-minded to have a difficult one. In frustration, I tried 1-2-3. The lock sprung open.

Was he kidding? I laughed to myself. Matt Damon's lock combination was 1- 2-3. I grinned evilly and went to class.


Matt had Social Studies while I had Study Hall with wizened old Ms. Guntrout. While she snoozed at her desk, I stood up and left the classroom. The other students didn't say anything. They probably assumed I was leaving early for something, and for this I was thankful.

I went back to Matt's locker. Quickly, I put in the combination, took off the lock, and threw the door open. From there I searched for his cell-phone. I reached up in the top part of his locket and felt around, too short to see up there. I felt some sort of fabric, a pair of sneakers, something that felt horribly like a jockstrap, and--BINGO--his phone. I snatched it and found the picture of me. I deleted it. Then, I deleted it off the picture restore app, before putting it back.

"What are you doing?" came a voice, ringing in the hallway. I spun around. How would I explain this to a teacher? Well, I wouldn't have to. It was the redhead and her two friends.

"I, uh..." I said quietly, my throat dry. They advanced. "I said, what are you doing?" she hissed vehemently.

"I--I--getting the jacket for my date to the dance," I said, speaking the first thing that came to mind. The redhead's face twisted in anger. "You--have--got--to--be--kidding," she spat, before closing her hands around my neck. She slammed me into a locker, pinning my arms behind me. Well, fuck me.

"What--the--hell!" I choked, trying to fight her off. I kicked at her, but she wasn't moving. "Get--off!" I was sure my face was turning purple. The brunette squeaked worriedly, "Marietta! You're gonna kill her!"

"Kill who?" a voice rang from the hall. Ms. Valdez, the librarian. Thank God! The redhead turned, and I used it to my advantage, wrenching my right arm free and punching her right in the side of the face. She instantly let go of me and held her face, whimpering.

"Marietta Jones, get to the principal's office this instant," Ms. Valdez hissed. "Cloe--Amber--go, just go. And Delilah, if you're okay, you can go home, or back to class."

"I--I'll go back to class," I said, shaken. As I walked, I couldn't help but think, the picture is gone! Finally.


By the end of the week, the entire school knew that Marietta Jones had tried to kill me. She had gotten kicked out of school and was forced to do community service. It was fine with me, as long as she was gone.

As a result of her attempt at murder, my mom had kept me home the entire rest of the week, but Lucy and Matt had kept me up-to-date on what was going on. When I went back on Monday, everyone was acting like I was some sort of camo-wearing goddess.

"Oh em gee," squealed a girl when I walked in the building. "You're like, Delilah Mathews. Aren't you going to the dance with Matt Damon? Can you, like, give him my number?"

Yeah, unfortunately, Blondie had told everyone that I was going to the dance with Matt. That would teach me to lie. So, I was now obligated to go with him, or else everyone would hate me. Matt didn't seem to mind going with me. In fact, he was a little--dare I say?--excited.

"Okay, so here's what's up," Matt said as we walked down the hall together. No one even stopped to gawk and wonder why Matt Dixon was walking with a dweeb like me. Like I said, being nearly killed made me really popular for whatever reason. Who knew, right? "The last football game of the season is the night of the dance. So, as my date, you kind of have to go to it."

I nodded. "Makes sense."

"So, once you get dressed up, come to the game--"

"Dress up?" I whined. "Can't I just wear jeans and a jersey?"

"Fine, but it's your funeral. The girls will flip that you're not wearing a dress. Anyways, you'll come to the game. When we win--"

"What if you don't win?"

"We will, the other team isn't that great, and we've been training like mad. When we do, you have to run onto the field and like, hug me. Then, I'll shower, put on my tuxedo, and we'll go to the dance."

"Okay," I said. "I can do that. Maybe."

Once again, sorry for a short chapter. I hope you liked it!



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