3- Better Hop on Google Translate

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3- Better Hop on Google Translate

"You delete that right now!" I screamed angrily, at the end of my rope.

"Nah, I think I'll hold onto it for awhile," Matt sneered, dangling his IPhone in front of me. The smirk on his face made my blood boil. I kicked him where it counts. He grabbed his crotch in pain, dropping the phone. I took the opportunity to snatch his phone up off the ground and ran with it downstairs.

"Ha-ha!" I exclaimed in victory, deleting the photo off of the douche's phone. Instead of going back upstairs where Matt was, I ran to the laundry basket and pulled on a pair of dirty sweatpants and a long-sleeved white shirt. Hey, it was better than facing the jerk upstairs.

Matt stumbled down the stairs a moment later, his legs squeezed together tightly. "You WILL regret that, Mathews."

"Nope, sorry," I grinned, tossing his phone back to him. "Photo no more."

"Aargh!" Matt screamed in frustration, aiming a punch at me. I ducked, knowing I'd deserved that. I hate the whole 'Boys can't hit girls' thing. Almost every girl in my grade had kicked a guy in the nuts before just because "he can't hit them back". I had never until a minute ago, I realized. God, I was such a hypocrite!

"Sorry," I said in a small voice. "About, ya know, kicking you."

"'Sorry' isn't gonna cut it," Matt growled. "You owe me, big. You have to do something for me."

"Ugh," I groaned, but it seemed pretty fair. I mean, that would hurt really really bad. "What do you want?"

"I want you to kiss it better," Matt said seriously. Oh, God, that's repulsive, I thought, my stomach turning over. I stuck a finger down my throat. "Ew, gag me," I said.

"Jeezus, Mathews, it was a joke," he said amusedly. "I can get pretty much any girl in Addison to do that for me." It was probably true; Matt was the most good-looking and popular guy at school. Why did you think I flipped when he snapped that picture? If and none saw it off his phone, it'd be all over school in days and I'd be hated by every girl at Addison.

"Shut up," I said, rolling my eyes. I needed an aspirin. I walked into the kitchen, poured myself a glass of water, and used it to down a tablet of the medicine. Ew. When I got back Matt was lounging on the couch as if it was his own home. I rolled my eyes and gulped down the rest of my water.

"Seriously, though, you owe me." He said, putting his feet up on the table. I smacked them down as I walked by, saying, "Off our furniture. "

"'Our?'" Matt asked while I went into the kitchen to clean the vomit rag. "Who else lives here?"

I walked back into the living room and plopped on a couch. "My mom and I. She's working, she'll be back..." I heard the sound of a car engine in the driveway. "Now!" I said nervously, looking out the window. She was getting out of her car. Shit, shit, shit!

"Go, go!" I hissed, pushing Matt up the stairs. "Hide!"

Matt smirked as I pushed him into my room and closed the door. The front door opened and Mom came in, saying, "Delilah! Why the hell is there a truck in the driveway?"

Oh, shit.

"Uhm," I said, thinking of an explanation. "Friend...and I...w - working...on homework." God, I was a bad liar.

"Really?" she raised an eyebrow. "What kind of homework?"

"Er, French," I invented wildly.

"You're taking Spanish."

"Oh yeah!" I said, smacking my forehead. "Oops. Uhm, estaré arriba. Nos vemos más tarde!" And with that, I ran upstairs.

I walked into my room quietly. Matt was nowhere to be seen. I looked around. Suddenly his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back. He hissed in my ear, "You still owe me. Now, it's payback time."

Oh no. Que estaba en problemas!


"Ugh," I said, turning to face him. "What do you want?"

"I want to kiss you."

I wriggled away from him, shocked. A second later, I realized what was going on. "That won't work every time!" I said, slapping his chest play-fully.

"No, seriously."

I gawked at him, "For real?"

"Really, really for real."

"Uhm. No thanks."

Matt took a step closer to me. I got a whiff of his cologne. It smelled pretty good. I looked into his piercing grey eyes. "Delilah Anne Mathews, if you do not uphold my end of our-" he made air quotes- "bargain, I swear to God I will make it my life's goal to get back that picture and send it out to everyone I know, even my 80 year old Grandma." I had no doubt that he wouldn't. Sighing, I took a step closer to kiss him. He pushed me back.

"What?" I said, annoyed. Matt smirked.

"Go into the bathroom of yours and get all gussied up. And change out of those stained clothes." I groaned and went to my closet, grabbing out a camouflage bandage dress, one of my only dresses. With a sigh, I walked into the bathroom, completely aware this was probably going to come back and bite me in the ass. I could feel it.

I slithered into the dress and began doing up my brown hair, using hairspray. God, I was using up my precious hairspray for this idiot? My hair hated me. My hairspray was constantly running out and was precious.

After that I brushed my teeth and used mouthwash just in case, you know. I applied a swipe of lipgloss and looked on the mirror. I looked pretty okay for once.

Satisfied, I came out of the bathroom.

The lights were off in my room, but sunlight still streamed through the windows, making it half-dark.

Matt stood in the middle of the room. "You clean up well," he commented, making me stick my tongue out, which made him give a faint smile.

He took a step closer to me. I was nervous. I didn't want to kiss him. He was an arrogant douche who claimed he could get in any girl's pants, and I didn't want to get involved with him.

He put his index finger under my chin pulling my gaze towards him. I looked into his eyes and gulped. His head inclined towards mine.

He's gonna kiss you! What the fuck! Get out of this situation!

I quickly stepped away as he beelined to my lips. Realizing I'd moved when his lips connected with thin air, his eyelids flew open. "Hey!" he yelped, taking a step towards me. I took one back. He took another forward, matching my steps until finally I was up against the wall, my back hitting the wheel of a signed Tony Hawk skateboard, too precious to ride.

Matt put a hand on both of my shoulders and a foot on both of mine, leaving me quite trapped. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt his breath on my face. I thought about sticking out my tongue or spitting on him, but too late. His lips touched mine. They were soft and warm.

I stood with my mouth clamped together firmly, not wanting someone else's tongue in my mouth. Talk about nasty. When Matt seemed satisfied he took a step away, the smell of mint and cologne still lingering in the air.

Rubbing my lips with the back of my hand, I said, "What was that for?"

"I want to bring my number of girls I've kissed up to 200 by the end of the school year."


"Sorry not sorry."

"Well, get out." I said, turning my bedroom lights back on, wondering why the hell Matt Dixon wanted to kiss me. Of all the other girls for his dumb list! I went into the bathroom, shimmied out of the dress, and into a t-shirt and old basketball shorts. When I came back out, Matt was still there.

"Are you deaf? !Fuera de mi casa!"

Matt smirked, turned on his heel, and walked downstairs. A minute later I heard his truck engine rev and the sound of tires on gravel. Thank God, he was gone.

Now why the fuck had he kissed me twice today??

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