2- We Have Ourselves a Bitch Ladies and Gentlemen

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2- We Have Ourselves a Bitch, Ladies and Gentlemen

"How did you get in here?" I asked angrily, taking a few steps back from the couch.

"Uhm, I dunno, lemme think," he said sarcastically, stroking his chin like a beard was there. "Maybe...I drove behind you the whole way and the back door was open?"

"Shit," I said, slapping my forehead. Mom always left it unlocked in case I ever got locked out the front door, which seemed insanely stupid to me, but whatever. Our backyard is pretty secluded because of the woods.

Matt chuckled, "Are you seriously watching Frozen? Are you five?"

"Hey!" I said, taking a step back as he took a step forward. "You're never too old for Disney movies!"

He took another step towards me, and I matched his steps until I was pressed up against the wall.

"Get away!" I snarled, turning my face away from him.

"No," he whispered. "Not until you apologize to me."

"Never," I said, aiming a kick at him. I managed to kick him in the shin, making him double over. I took the opportunity to run and climb up on top of the book shelf. Believe it or not, I've had to do that a few times before.

Matt snarled and got up, turning to me. "What?" he said under his breath, seeing me on the bookshelf. I allowed myself a smile at my accomplishment of climbing up in 10 seconds.

Matt began climbing up the bookshelf too. Uh-oh. Nervously, I made my way to the edge. As he got close to the top, I sprung off, landing on my hands and feet on the carpet. Matt let go of the shelf and touched down lightly on the carpet.

"Get back here!" Matt snarled, coming after me. I panicked and ran as fast as I could upstairs and into my room. I closed the door and locked it quickly. I heard Matt slam against the door, he must've been going too fast to slow down when I closed the door. I snickered.

"Hey! Open this door!" He roared angrily. I stifled a laugh.

"No!" I said, turning away. I turned on my IPod touch, blasting the music through the door. "LET IT GO, LET IT GO!" I screamed along with the blaring song. I didn't even care if I was a horrible singer, I liked to taunt him.

"CAN'T HOLD IT BACK ANYMORE!" I doubled over in laughter. I pressed my ear to the door, listening for Matt ' s reaction. Nothing. Quietly, I unlocked the door and opened it a crack. No sign of Matt.

"Whew," I said, closing my eyes and leaning against the door. "Finally, he left!"

I turned the music down a bit so it wasn't so loud and took off my clothes. I know you think I'm weird and perverted, but after Dad left, Mom and I had to move to a smaller house, without central air conditioning. I usually try to bear it when I first get home, but today the heat sucked. At least high school had proper air conditioning.

I layed on my bed, checking WattPad. I had published a new book a week or so ago, and was looking to see how many reads I had on it. 18! For me, that was pretty good. I only had four followers, so I didn't get a whole lot of reads on my stories.

"Aha!" Matt's voice yelled. I looked up from my phone to see Matt sitting on the windowsill. He had climbed in the window! I screamed, jumped up from the bed and began to run, but Matt managed to grab my wrist. "Hey!" I yelled.

Matt pushed me down on the ground and put a foot on my chest, keeping me from getting up. "Apologize!" He demanded.

"Never!" I said from the floor. Good thing I had that lavender shag carpeting, or I would be freezing in nothing but my undies and bra.

"Oh, you probably shouldn't be saying 'no' to me," Matt taunted, showing me a picture on his phone screen, which was me in my underwear.

Seriously, what did I ever do to deserve this?

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