9- Whoever Said Gingers Don't Have Souls Was Onto Something

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9- Whoever Said Gingers Don't Have Souls, Was Onto Something

"Lucy, really, it's okay," I assured my friend during lunch. "You and James are going to the dance. That's great."

"I could cancel," Lucy said with a look that plainly said she didn't want to cancel. "We could still hang out."

"No," I said. "You like James. I know you do."

"You could come with us," Lucy suggested. I shook my head.

"Go with James, I'll be fine on my own," I said, restating pretty much what I had been saying the past 3 minutes.

"Okay," Lucy finally agreed. "I just feel bad dumping our movie night."

"It's fine," I said. "Fffffine." I didn't tell her about my option to go with Matt. She would freak. Matt was pretty much the most popular guy in school. Lucy would probably have a heart attack.

I spat out a mouthful of rubbery macaroni. "Blech," I said. "We need to start eating lunch somewhere else."


A few days later, I got a text from Matt.

[Matt] So, are we going 2 the dance?

[Delilah] it's October 2nd. I have 29 days to get a date

[Matt] no offense but I don't think any one will ask u.

[Delilah] how could I take offense from that? -.-

[Matt] lol

[Delilah] are we done here?

[Matt] no


I clicked the "Download" button. When it finished it revealed the picture of me in my underwear from awhile ago.

[Delilah] wtf?! how and why did u get that back?!

[Matt] Did u know there's an app that lets u re-download deleted pictures?

[Delilah] did u know u could get in serious trouble 4 having that on your phone?

[Matt] u have it now too.

I hurriedly deleted the picture and texted back.

[Delilah] no, I deleted it. unlike u, I am not a pervert.

[Matt] I'm not a pervert. I don't need a photo. I can hook up with any girl at school. this picture is for blackmail

[Delilah] please dont make me kiss u again

[Matt] haha maybe I will now babe :*

[Delilah] don't call me babe

[Matt] I do what I want. Babe.

[Delilah] Knock it off, anus

[Matt] At least I have friends

[Delilah] at least I can think of a wittier comeback than that

[Matt] Hardee Har Har

[Delilah] bye!

[Matt] haha I love to annoy you babe :*

I tossed my phone onto my plush chair and screamed into my pillow. I could not believe Matt recovered that picture. I needed to get that off his phone, A.S.A.P. It would be easy for any girl to look at his pictures, he hooked up with so many. I hated knowing he had this power over me.

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